NorthStar's here!!

:rofl: at Sis good one call NS BoneHead oopps :giggle: sowwies i learn from her's new word :whistle:
Northstar said:
Katzie...hheyyyy ya ravishing gal..what ya been up to eh??
Hehe what I've been up to?? ehmm... just causing trouble here :whistle: you're welcome to join! :devil:
hehe sis, :giggle: at NS oh if you think I am up to whacking eh? let me do the honor.....

(*WHACK*) bonehead's head.
*Whacks Shiva's forehead even harder!!!!* BAM!!!!! There....hehe... :devil:
oh you dare to hit me bonehead allright here it goes

NS :rl: and Shiva have done this to each other, in a funny way..hahaha...

Shvia :rl: by moi!!! HAHA!!!

Panther....ya gonna get :bump: soon!!! hehe
psst bonehead I think you kill wrong person @@ at spell of my name lmaooo shame on you...

Throw grenade at NS and run dive in my foxhole and lock the latch on door so he cant get in :giggle:
:applause: Heyyy Northstar!! :applause: ..

Been a long time no see, glad to see you here again, Welcome back buddy! :hug:
:applause: Angel and Flyfree..thanks... been a long while since I seen ya in forums... lol

Shiva..harr harr... (loads up a massive rocket launcher with heat seeker tech on it.. and aims it at Shiva's crappy foxhole..and let goes...and the rocket flys and then WHAM!!!!! Shiva's foxhole now is a flat hole..and Shiva is all furless, as she has been bombed..hehee....)
:bsflag: to ns know why? my foxhole is a bomb shelter and that prevent your baddest rocket lmaoooooooo *laughing evil* :naughty:
I remember this VERY funny Canuck Sharky in DC that you? If so, welcome here! I still remember your sense of humor years later ;)
snickers sis, and meg yes that HIM from Canuck...We use to tease him about being Sharky uh oh i better HIDE! lol
Hey welcome aboard NS! oooo two ladies love to flirts and picking on ya NS.... pooor guy lol NS!!
Oh hell, Meg... do we know each other?? what was your sn in DC?? I might remmy if so...

Shiva..hahah knew ya might say that...I loaded up my rocket to do the double imploding stunt..hehe.... enough to blow your foxhole up straight to the sky.. hehe....

Panther...aint we crazy eh? LOL

Thank ya, TOF and Humble... hehe..