no support in hearing loss


New Member
Oct 29, 2005
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Recently my hearing loss is detriorating> I feel like there's no support from my family > My daughetr doesn't want to learn sign language and my partner doesn't either. Actually there's a lot of walking away as she's talking so I miss part of the conversation.Sometimes I feel like everyon in my house stops talking to me becasue I don't understand them and I spend a lot of time alone. I just feel like if I broke up with my partner it wouldn't make a difference becasue basically almost everyone else who's known about my hearing loss has acted the same way or even worse.I've tried to ask people and tell them what I need to understand them , but it doesn't seem to matter.I've been mocked and even fired becasue of my hearing loss,even when I've proved myself first before letting people know about it./>I don't know ASl so its not like I can go find a group of people with hearing loss that knows how to sign and the support for OHOH people in my community is non-existent..So right now the computer is my only friend.
So here I am.My question is Are there any people out there that can hear and still treat [people with hearing loss with love and respect or is it just a fantasy?
Fairymist i'm so sorry to hear about this and yes there are some kind and caring hearing people out there i have a couple really good hearing friends who are willing to learn asl. You'll find someone who treats you well and until than we are all here for you
Only a TRUE friend would understand your hearing loss and support you in the best manner possible... not ignore you or give you a hard time. If your partner refuses to cooperate or work with you, then that person doesn't deserve to be called your "partner". That's just my opinion. :)

I to am in the same boat you are..I have no friends that call me on the telephone, and I have been divorced for about 11 years, my X left me in part because of my hearing loss even though she was deaf in one ear.

Services and Deaf/HOH groups are no were near here, must drive 30 miles to get to a group like that.

So I do understand what you are going through....My computer is also my best friend.
fairymist said:
My question is Are there any people out there that can hear and still treat [people with hearing loss with love and respect or is it just a fantasy?

I think you've been dealt a shitty deal by having the ppl around you act like assholes. I don't know why it's such a big deal for them. I have a bf (we've been dating for 3 years) and he could care less that i'm HOH. It is not an issue in our relationship. We talk about it, he knows some sign, and it gives us laughs.

I'm at uni and all the people who live on my floor with me know about my loss; and they don't care at all. It's not an issue to them. I've taught them some signs and they know they can ask me any questions about it. I hope things get better for you. :ily:
i to know how you feel , i'v been completly deaf for about ayear and ahlf now. finding support is vary hard , and family will hert the worse. things take time , but you need to focus on you and ecepting who you are now . unless you deal with yourself first and yes its vary hard but you can do it. you'll never get to where people ecsept you . there are great hearies out there, but only deafeis and hoh's know truely how you feel. my wife said to me the other day if she was like me she would probly blow her brains out . its just a vary hard chalange , and you've come to a good place there's alot to learn. and the people here will tell you up front no beating around the bush. us deafies have benn labled as being vary blunt. but seriocely you'll get alot of support here. hang in there :deaf: :type:
i would must have dating with hearing people but cant but how communicate with that hearing! but my family dont approve for that! but i cant stand at my parents for sakes but i did been using dating websites for while they transferred to deaf websites but im still using deafsinglesconnection for years but im like it!

Sara Boyce