Newbie Question-Completely Clueless.....


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
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Ok if anyone is diagnosed with MS I'm the gal to come to for answers but when it comes to beling HOH I'm
I'm 27 and I've been losing my hearing for 9 years. I've seen several audiologists who tell me I'm receiving signal must be a MS thing and my neuro says it must be a...wel they're not sure what it
So here I am, mother of 2 angels (4 and 9) pretty good with reading lips, taking community college classes to learn ASL my question-are there any services/help for people with later in life hearing impairment when it comes to learning ASL? Classes are pricey when I don't need a degree, I just need to communicate and hopfully be able to join a community where I'm not always the odd one and my girls learn that mommy is not alone.
Welcome to AD. :wave:

Now I know it is expensive for attending classes. Why not buy a book or/and video to learn ASL. Or there may be nite classes which would be cheaper then attending classes for the certification. Good luck
you may find a deaf community or deaf events in your town to see if there is any event or silent dinner at your nearest mall and u can improve your signs by socializing with deaf people at there. try to google yourself to see if any deaf event is in your town.

good luck ! :)
Hi Lolipop!
I was thinking ALDA (Association of Late Deafened Adults) or SHHH might offer some classes. Also maybe look into the Deaf services in your area. The Deaf communtity center in my state(DEAF Inc) offers non-credit ASL classes.
you live in NY is so you can use V.E.S.I.D most state will pay for you to go to classes becase you are disabled.
Thanks for the info!

Actually I live in Arizona, but I will certainly check it out! This is probably the stupidist question but years ago I would have called for info, now thats not so easy, even using my "good" ear (for those hearing my ears feel constantly full as if they never pop from and altitude change) I find myself "hearing" words but not inturpreting thing, automatically I say yes I understand etc. (maybe it's a nervous reaction?) but truth is I only get every other word or so. I mentioned to my ASL tyeacher (who is hearing but son is DEAF) about TTY, she said "oh you don't want that everyone has video now" well, my husband makes most of my calls for me, but it's calls to my daughter's school, or when they call, heaven forbid 911 (more important than ordering pizza) how mainstream is video phone/webcams etc? What about door bells and other sound-only devices (another thread mentions fire alarms, obviously a different telephone method, alarm clocks, what else did I miss? Email/Web is my lifeline for info because I can read info online and email people, but contact other than that gets tricky. I'm not embarrassed on a concious level, I don't think, I've dealt with speech difficulties for 5 years (my girlfriend, inturpreter, says I sound like her HOH southern belle) wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, chemo hair loss, it's actually "less obvious" to sign to my family then to struggle to speak sometimes :grouphug: , but I'd really like to be able to communicate with the hearing world on a whim and not have to have my sister (she takes ASL w/me) to interpret a phone call.
Oh one more thing...

I have had 2 ASL teachers. My ASL 101 teacher was hearing with deaf friends etc but not DEAF family and my 102 teacher is hearing with DEAF son. My first day in 102 my teacher told me a good 1/4 of the signs I signed were "old" (her teen son keeps her up to date) how ortercised am I going to be if I sign an "old" sign (I think I've re-learned new signs but who knows if there are any others lurking-lol ASL101 is where you learn your base :)
my ASL teacher is Deaf the only Hearing person at the school that teaches ASL Is A CODA I think the native sigers teacheing is better for learning

Hi Lollipop.
I know that I only know a small part of your situation, but back to the part about gettin a TTY, I think that is a good idea because it is very reliable unlike video phone via cell phone or internet. Its a good backup incase the net is down or your cell is dead.(remember that you teachers son is lving a teen's life where everything has to be up to date, and have to have a the new and cool thing.) For all of the items you mentions, fire alarm, door bell, ect all are great helpful things that will make life a bit more simple. Dont forget if you get a tty to get a device that makes the lights blink so you know that someone is contacting you!!! Good Luck!
eh...ur from az?? i borned from there....which city are u live in?? i miss my hometown...i love their weather I LOVE HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way, sorry if it is :topic: heh