Newbie from the fire department


New Member
Feb 9, 2010
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Hello, My name is Brian Collins. I work for Fire Department New York. To let you know I myself is not deaf. But on 2/7/10 I got a call to a burning two story home. 3rd Alarm.

The house only had a 10 year old boy inside. He was in his room on the 2nd Floor. The building collapsed. We rushed him to the hospital. He had lost his hearing in his left and right ear.

I have joined this website because I'm under so much guilt of what happened. Could I have saved him? I need some advice. I really want to join this community.

I hope you don't mind me being here. Thank you.

- Collins
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Well, accidents do happen to many unfortunate people like this 10 years old boy and he was not lucky to be whole. As for losing his hearing, he will have to learn to adjust or adapt to his hearing loss. After his recovering from his injuries, he will have to wear hearing aids if he want to. Also he might learn to sign ASL (American Sign Language) as it is a visual way for the deaf to see, not to hear what hearing people say. ASL is very important to our Deaf communities. And there are some deaf people who prefer speech with lipreading skills (lipreading or speechreading is not that easy to read lips, even the expert lipreaders). Writing notes helps the boy to read and understand what you are saying and not feel left out. Many of us, Deafies, love to read alot because it is understandable than trying to speak or lipread. I hope that help you not to feel guilty. There is nothing you can do for him, except to be there for him if you want to communicate with him. Life is never easy for any one, hearing, blind, deaf, and disabled people. No one is perfect. Just accept him as he is now that he is deaf.

So I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Things happen and you should feel great to have gotten the boy out alive with a fire like that. Being deaf isn't the end of the world. I am late deafened as's an adjustment but people it is totally adaptable:) and children bounce back quickly from injuries and such...he will be ok in time:) Welcome to AllDeaf and happy posting:)

Also I am sure you get this a lot but thanks for being a fire fighter we need compassionate people like you and everyday heros. :) Thanks for doing what you do
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Well, accidents do happen to many unfortunate people like this 10 years old boy and he was not lucky to be whole. As for losing his hearing, he will have to learn to adjust or adapt to his hearing loss. After his recovering from his injuries, he will have to wear hearing aids if he want to. Also he might learn to sign ASL (American Sign Language) as it is a visual way for the deaf to see, not to hear what hearing people say. ASL is very important to our Deaf communities. And there are some deaf people who prefer speech with lipreading skills (lipreading or speechreading is not that easy to read lips, even the expert lipreaders). Writing notes helps the boy to read and understand what you are saying and not feel left out. Many of us, Deafies, love to read alot because it is understandable than trying to speak or lipread. I hope that help you not to feel guilty. There is nothing you can do for him, except to be there for him if you want to communicate with him. Life is never easy for any one, hearing, blind, deaf, and disabled people. No one is perfect. Just accept him as he is now that he is deaf.

So I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

Welcome to AD.

You and your team have done every thing in ya'lls power to save this child.

Quick question. The little boy was the only one home at the time of the fire??

If so. The guilt should not be yours to burden. Since he was left alone.

We are here to support you.

But if your. Guilt if overwhelming. It may be best to also speak to a professional.

You will be suprised how well children adjust.

It really shows that you do care for this child.
Welcome! I agree with Bebonang's post.

Thank you and your team doing the great job and services for our country.
Welcome to AllDeaf!!! :wave:

You should not feel guilty. You were at least able to save the child's life. Be thankful for that. For the type of fire your described, he is lucky to be alive and losing his hearing is a small price. He will adapt and his youth will make it a little easier for him. I am betting he is just thankful to be alive.

Thanks for all you and your fellow comrads do. You are all more special with each passing day.
Hello, My name is Brian Collins. I work for Fire Department New York. To let you know I myself is not deaf. But on 2/7/10 I got a call to a burning two story home. 3rd Alarm.

The house only had a 10 year old boy inside. He was in his room on the 2nd Floor. The building collapsed. We rushed him to the hospital. He had lost his hearing in his left and right ear.

I have joined this website because I'm under so much guilt of what happened. Could I have saved him? I need some advice. I really want to join this community.

I hope you don't mind me being here. Thank you.

- Collins

Hi Brian - did this happen in Bronx? I'm in NJ, right next to GWB. It's not your fault and you did the best you can. He's alive and that's all it matters for now.
Thanks for the support everyone. Iv been busy with work. And i finally have time to check out the posting's.

The fire wasn't at the Bronx . Oh I'm sorry for not posting i work 3 days then 2 days off but since i needed a raise i worked 4 days. Yes ill continue to post. I feel silly now.
No, it is not silly. You are like a parent or someone who is worrying about his future because of his hearing. I think it is great for you to be considerate like that.

Some things are just out of our hands so I don't think there was much you could do for him. Personally, I don't know how a building collapsing can cause a hearing loss without damages around his face area. I just hope he doesn't have damage around his head because my aunt had a car accident that left her paralyze on her right side. It was alot of therapy for her, but she made it through and she is doing great..
Personally, I don't know how a building collapsing can cause a hearing loss without damages around his face area.

I have no idea either. I think its impossible. but things work in mysteries ways. I couldn't seem him. We got him in my partners hands. and we just got him out as fast as we could.

Took 4 hours to get that darn fire. Thanks though for every ones support.
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

You shouldn't be feeling guilty about it, the most important thing is that you did saved the boy's life and he is alive.