New to All Deaf =)


New Member
May 24, 2015
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Hello! :wave: My name is Milly. I've been completely deaf in one ear for seven years now and am losing my hearing in the other. Still trying to get hearing aids and getting ready to enroll in ASL courses. I'm looking for people to meet up with, in my area and still have yet to find anything. I posted in the Deaf Events and Meets section. I'm excited to be able to talk to people who understand what its like to be hard of hearing. :gossip:
Welcome to all dreaf,
Great you want to learn ASL.
Sign will (refer to my sig)....
I'm really excited about it. Growing up, I was friends with a girl who was completely deaf and I learned sign from her. This was, of course, before I lost my hearing and its been so long I don't remember a lot of what she taught me.
However, since I won't begin the ASL course until the fall, I've been learning on (ASLU). Such a great website. I just prefer to have someone help me in person.