New section or sub-section for writing help?

I agree with Roadrunner. If I knew how to poll, I would. I hope someone will, and I hope other members will approve a small section where a curious minority may ask for writing helps.
I honestly don't know how I feel about this, because of what happened in a couple of threads where some members criticism others inculde myself because of our English grammar and writing skills, and part of me feels like I'm not good enough or smart enough like the rest of you folks...
Ahhh, Angel, didn't you know that "good" English or "lousy" English is NOT a basis for intelligence?
I honestly don't know how I feel about this, because of what happened in a couple of threads where some members criticism others inculde myself because of our English grammar and writing skills, and part of me feels like I'm not good enough or smart enough like the rest of you folks...
Good grammar is not about "smarts"; it's about training. Some people didn't get adequate training during their formative years, so they don't have the grammar skills that they desire.

No one is expert at everything. How many times do we see posts about, "How do I sign this in ASL?" How many times do we see posts about, "How do I fix this computer problem?" We all need help at times.

The important point is, a writing "helps" thread should be totally voluntary. No one should give a grammar lesson outside of a request by the writer. If you don't ask for help, we should zip our lips. If you do ask for help, we should do it in a positive way.

Angel, if anyone criticizes your writing skills, challenge them to compete with your BBQ cooking skills. Then we'll see who wins!

See, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. :P
I honestly don't know how I feel about this, because of what happened in a couple of threads where some members criticism others inculde myself because of our English grammar and writing skills, and part of me feels like I'm not good enough or smart enough like the rest of you folks...

Angel: I understand 100%. Before I read AD and not post because so many threads about people's bad grammar. Then I post but was SO concerned about writing - I used Word grammar/spell check and my hearing roommate to read so no mistakes. The posts criticizing people's writing made me sick - like a giant bad English class and not a community to me and I think I am not good enough also. Now all is too much work and worry for me. I give up and be lazy :P

People are rude to correct grammar and spelling without the writer asked for help I think. But the new section or sub-section is for people to ask for help and not anyone just criticizing (or I hope). Probably it needs very careful moderator. But maybe one positive is people could say in other parts of AD about criticizing posts "if you want to help with grammar or spelling, help with posts in the Grammar/Spelling Section (or whatever the name) and not just criticize everywhere". I hope so.
LOL, Thank you Reba and Tousi, I feel so much better now, and Thanks Kaitin for understanding how I feel and I agree with what you stated in your post...:grouphug:

I'm willing to give this sub-forum a try, :)
I'll all to it as long there's no criticizes and that Fuzzy stays out of that sub-forum. (I'm sorry to say this but there were too many times I've asked her to stop criticizing my and others grammar).
Did she get banned again? I haven't seen here here for a while...
Angel: I understand 100%. Before I read AD and not post because so many threads about people's bad grammar. Then I post but was SO concerned about writing - I used Word grammar/spell check and my hearing roommate to read so no mistakes. The posts criticizing people's writing made me sick - like a giant bad English class and not a community to me and I think I am not good enough also. Now all is too much work and worry for me. I give up and be lazy :P

People are rude to correct grammar and spelling without the writer asked for help I think. But the new section or sub-section is for people to ask for help and not anyone just criticizing (or I hope). Probably it needs very careful moderator. But maybe one positive is people could say in other parts of AD about criticizing posts "if you want to help with grammar or spelling, help with posts in the Grammar/Spelling Section (or whatever the name) and not just criticize everywhere". I hope so.

HEH! Good post by then. :thumb: I dont think of that. aha
Did she get banned again? I haven't seen here here for a while...

She was banned for a while before Thanksgiving but now she is unbanned. Will I be banned for talking about banned?
Yes I can understand some of your posts after bad experience with Fuzzy's criticizing toward our writing grammar. Reba's offer to make a suggestion is different as criticizing.

Example: You don't understand what I writing and hope someone translate my English writing into ASL for you. OR Next time, please watch your spelling out before make your post then we won't confuse your misspelling... This is a criticizing but Reba's suggestion is not criticizing... but glad to correct your spelling/writing grammar when you ASK for the correction. This is a difference.

Tell you the truth, I met many people who brags how good writing grammar they write but really is they have problem for lack of their knowledge to social skills and life...

Yes, I accept my knowledge that I am not prefect writer but I have a good talent and can do everything with my hands... If anyone who like to pick on/critizing/worry about my writing grammar then is their LOSS...
Liebling's explanation is spot on. We've seen posts by “unofficial English coaches” and many worse instances of misplaced arrogance and one-upmanship. It’s not a wonderful thing but pretty much par for the course in a group so international and with such ranges in age, education, and circumstances.

I’ve lived with the stereotype of the English teacher ready to pounce on the slightest error. I never correct outside class, editing I’m paid for, or specific requests. Yet even my own mom was afraid to write me letters in fear I’d grade them. It’s hilarious, because in my experience, all self-styled “grammar police” are non-professionals--wanna-be English teachers who are actually little more than low-grade bullies trying to own the playground.

They’re everywhere and nothing will stop them from posting misguided (and, as Leibling says, often incorrect) advice, sometimes followed by paragraphs of copied grammar texts with much more general info than you ever wanted to know or can wade through.

You can bet “Cronan, the Grammarian, killer of all expression” will post in this new section, but the difference will be that someone has asked for specific information, and there are enough members who will recognize unhelpful advice and be able to suggest something more helpful.

It’s true not many will use this new section. The old saying is, “You can always tell a writer bent on publishing . . . but you sure can’t tell him much” ha ha ha.

However, I think this forum may tone down the free advice in other sections and offer a place for those who would really like an educational discussion.
Liebling's explanation is spot on. We've seen posts by “unofficial English coaches” and many worse instances of misplaced arrogance and one-upmanship. It’s not a wonderful thing but pretty much par for the course in a group so international and with such ranges in age, education, and circumstances.

I’ve lived with the stereotype of the English teacher ready to pounce on the slightest error. I never correct outside class, editing I’m paid for, or specific requests. Yet even my own mom was afraid to write me letters in fear I’d grade them. It’s hilarious, because in my experience, all self-styled “grammar police” are non-professionals--wanna-be English teachers who are actually little more than low-grade bullies trying to own the playground.

They’re everywhere and nothing will stop them from posting misguided (and, as Leibling says, often incorrect) advice, sometimes followed by paragraphs of copied grammar texts with much more general info than you ever wanted to know or can wade through.

You can bet “Cronan, the Grammarian, killer of all expression” will post in this new section, but the difference will be that someone has asked for specific information, and there are enough members who will recognize unhelpful advice and be able to suggest something more helpful.

It’s true not many will use this new section. The old saying is, “You can always tell a writer bent on publishing . . . but you sure can’t tell him much” ha ha ha.

Interesting post, Chase. :ty: for a English teacher's view. :)

However, I think this forum may tone down the free advice in other sections and offer a place for those who would really like an educational discussion.

I hope so.

I created a poll in "general chat" - Poll: New writing section or subsection? I hope enough vote to know if people want this.