New Here


New Member
Apr 4, 2015
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Hello everybody,

As the title states, I just signed up here and plan to be a regular contributor. A little bit about my story.

I'm hearing and have a younger sister who was born deaf, married a deaf man and has 4 hearing children. One day her oldest came home from school and asked her to help him with his homework. She couldn't really help him because it was phonics and she had never heard how to properly pronounce the letters. He was upset that his mom couldn't help him, but my mother (his grandmother) was a kindergarten teacher and helped him.

So, this got me to thinking. How many other deaf parents with hearing children are there that struggle between the two communities? I've known a few others as I grew up, but I imagine there's probably a lot.

I hope this isn't against the rules here, and if it is, I will modify my post to comply, but I started a kickstarter program to try to bridge the gap. It's a TV show that will teach children both American Sign Language and English.

Visit here

I hope you all find a way to contribute, but if even if you don't I will still be on this forum contributing alot :wave:

I want my children to be able to communicate with their aunt, and children all over America to discover the joys of the deaf community. I look forward to talking/signing with you all.

:D Sorry for the long post.