New game: "Should I...?"

sure u can put more pic in here.. smile..

should i drink milk?
Yes, you should tell us - but I think you already did! :)

Should I look for a house or another apartment?

TweetyBird said:
noo u stay here! :ily:

should i need tell everyone that i wont be on ad few days?
YES!!! I want sign off on AD... as same you're too Tweetybird.. you may go ahead and rest more and good sleep for your health SAKE!

Should I holding my teddy bear sleep w/me..?? LOL kidding.. r u going say.. nah, you're big woman.. :P
G'Nite all!
Yep, because it's getting late, *looking at the watch* It's morning now. :giggle:

Should I eat a strawberry Yogurt now? I'll give you one too, Only if you tell me what kind you want, I got strawberries and berries.
yes you can but dont give me the yogart instead give it to my son.

Should I get read for work?
You mean get ready for work? Yes if you got some time to spare.

Should I tell Pommie that I'll miss her while she is at work? because I will be sad that she is leaving. :sadwave:
AWWWWWWWWWWWW :hug: Yea you should. I am leaving earlier then usually cuz my son is going to that school next year I hope so he get to tour that school for the day today. So crossed your fingers.

Should I drink my hot coco or not??
Pom, your choice prefer drink coco... go ahead have fun hot drink... kept you warm in your body.. *exhales*

Should I take medicence syurp for sore throat or not necessary use coffee kill my throat?
GalaxyAngel said:
Should I take medicence syurp for sore throat or not necessary use coffee kill my throat?

Yep you should, it'll help your sore throat get better. Try hot tea too with lemon. ;) Hope you feel better soon!

Should I know what's on tv tonight? Anything good to watch?
Wow...this is so interesting, a new game and Im too way behind :)

Should I go out to the nail salon and get my nails done since I broke one :)
BabyAngel said:
Wow...this is so interesting, a new game and Im too way behind :)

Should I go out to the nail salon and get my nails done since I broke one :)

Nah, You can buy krazy glue and put it back.. Looks a NEW!

Should I surprise someone on vp ???? Secret!!! *giggle*~ :giggle:
Yes you have to packing lot of bird seeds and get ready move to new cage...

Should I hunting a rent home?
Keep packing, girl! :thumb:

Should I go cuddle my bf or watch TV?

TweetyBird said:
if u need hunt house then do it..

should i need break or still packing?