Nazi doctor 'is alive in Chile'

I'm not surprised he did those things.

I read a lot about those torture and medical experiments they did in Germany.

Hitler was obsessed with finding the secret to immortality as well as the Holy Grail.
Perhas something like one of the artifact that the nazis look for as part of immortality in Indiana Jones and The Raiders of The Lost Ark? heh

Hitler's completely insane, thats all I can say.
94 years old... looks like he found the secret to immortality....

If that's true, then too bad Hitler killed himself before he would've got the chance to experience that "immortality" stuff. Oh well sucks does it? lol
Well there's lot of Nazi people still alive since WWII including my great grandparents and my grandma.

But it's really surprising that some of them still follow Hilter's way :(
Yes, there was a documentary on either Nat Geo or Discovery or even History channel documenting the facilitated escape to other countries. They did elaborate on many high ranking officials which escaped to South America with their families under alias'. It wouldn't do a lot of good trying this man now. He may have fooled man by escape and new secret life for last 63 yrs, but he cannot fool God. This wicked man has already reaped his reward though in hell and he should fear that more than any criminal proceedings.

*Shakes head* I'm surprised that he's alive...but it's not really surprising that there are still Nazi out there that are alive from the war. Look at my grandfathers, they both fought in the war and they are still alive....So it is possible for Nazi soldiers or Nazi Doctors to be alive and away, trying to escape from judgment for things they have done.

But in the end, He'll be judged for the actions he have done...he can never run away from what he has done, cause he either have to face us people that are hunting people of likes of him down and be either executed or jailed, or he dies and he has to face God and see where he's headed, which is most likely Hell, joining Hitler once again.

If that's true, then too bad Hitler killed himself before he would've got the chance to experience that "immortality" stuff. Oh well sucks does it? lol

si..... si......
If that's true, then too bad Hitler killed himself before he would've got the chance to experience that "immortality" stuff. Oh well sucks does it? lol

Hilter prefer to kill himself than have the law to execute him. Some Nazi officers got death penalty (hanged)... I guess it could be Hilter would be one of them?
He's 94 years old and hauling him before a court *now* would be utterly meaningless. Life has already taken its toll on him.

If caught, would he be prosecuted in Germany or Israel?

He will be tried in Germany because they have had charges against him. They were supposed to plan to arrest him in 1962, but he disappeared after being tipped off.

If he is too ill or weak to be extradited to Germany, he can be tried in Chile or Argentina where he resides.

Israel can go after him by sending Mossad agents to grab and bring him there for justice. Israel have a special law that have a death penalty for Nazi war criminals when they are sought and tried in court of laws. Israel did it with Adolf Eichmann after the Mossad agents kidnapped and brought him to Israel from Argentina in 1960. Two years later he was executed by hanging two years later.
He's 94 years old and hauling him before a court *now* would be utterly meaningless. Life has already taken its toll on him.


He already killed some Jews who were 80s so how does it make any difference to you?
He may be old but that is no excuse for avoiding justice. Even if they have to wheel him into the courtroom on a gurney with an oxygen tank attached, his accusers have the right to confront him. They have the right to tell their testimonies, and point the finger at that Nazi "doctor".

Did you notice this sentence in the article?

"He practised medicine in the German town of Baden-Baden until 1962, when he fled the country after being tipped off that the authorities were about to prosecute him."

Is that not creepy and disgusting? :cold:
He may be old but that is no excuse for avoiding justice. Even if they have to wheel him into the courtroom on a gurney with an oxygen tank attached, his accusers have the right to confront him. They have the right to tell their testimonies, and point the finger at that Nazi "doctor".

Did you notice this sentence in the article?

"He practised medicine in the German town of Baden-Baden until 1962, when he fled the country after being tipped off that the authorities were about to prosecute him."

Is that not creepy and disgusting? :cold:

Yes it is . How could he be? I thought the Germans were supervised for years after the war?
He's 94 years old and hauling him before a court *now* would be utterly meaningless. Life has already taken its toll on him.


There are still some Holocaust survivors. It could provide some benefit to them to see him held accountable. Also for survivors children.
He already killed some Jews who were 80s so how does it make any difference to you?

Do you have a proof that he killed the elders (80+)?

There are more important things to worry about with issues going on today, like gas prices, economy, and terrorism. Quit dwelling on the past. :roll:
There are more important things to worry about with issues going on today, like gas prices, economy, and terrorism. Quit dwelling on the past. :roll:
"Issues" of today don't supersede justice. There is no reason that "gas prices, economy, and terrorism" should prevent a trial for a Nazi criminal. That's not "dwelling" on the past; that's bringing the crimes of the past to their logical conclusion. BTW, there is no statute of limitations for murder.

Maybe you should quit ignoring the past.
There are more important things to worry about with issues going on today, like gas prices, economy, and terrorism. Quit dwelling on the past. :roll:

People who fail to remember history are destined to repeat it.
"Issues" of today don't supersede justice. There is no reason that "gas prices, economy, and terrorism" should prevent a trial for a Nazi criminal. That's not "dwelling" on the past; that's bringing the crimes of the past to their logical conclusion. BTW, there is no statute of limitations for murder.

Maybe you should quit ignoring the past.

You and many others failed to realize that Nazi doctors and other medical personnel were part of a command structure that permitted, encouraged, and sometimes orchestrated the torture and killings that they became the norm - with which they were expected to comply.

They should hold the command accountable, not him. :roll: