My story


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Jan 10, 2005
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Hey Im new here, but I decided I could put this on here. It's nont even finished ...yet but Im about done. I hope you like it!!! But I stoped typing at the wrong time so I will add some more in a while.

"Does she even chew her food?" Mumbled Carly to her new puppy Sivier. Sivier was only seven weeks old, and Clarly had gotten her the day before from her father, who lived in Texas. Carly doesn't remember him because when Carly was just born her mom died and her dad abandoned her. Then all of the sudden he just sent her a puppy.
"You know I'm not sure she does, the way it looks she just gobbels it all down!" Answered her best friend Casey grinning. Carly had liver with Casey's family ever since she could remember. "Now do you want to see your dad?" Carly shook her head no.
"I do not want to see the man who left me with nothing, and just out of the blue gives me a puppy.Do you think I should send her back?"
"No I don't think you should, that's just my opinion but you can do whatever you want with her." Casey answered.
"Casey do your parents mind paying for my gymnastics lessons? I mean...oops, sorry change of subject, well just a little change of subject. I mean I'll be going out of town again to train, and this time I will be gone at least six months." Carly was a gymnast and seven years earlier had made the disision to go as far as she could. That meant alot of sacrifices and LOTS of money!
"You know I don't thnk they do, they would love to adopt you but your father is still alive so they can't. They don't mind paying for your lessons because they think of you just like they would think of me, when you leavse again they will miss you just as much or more then I do."
"Thank-you so much!"
"What?" Asked a confused Casey."What do you mean?" But her sentence was left hanging because Sivier started barking at the mail man., and he was alergic to dogs.
"Sivier!Oh yeah I forgot she doesn't know her name yet." Carly graoned then ran toward the road. "Are you alright mr.Cahr?"
"Yes. At least I will be, here is some mail." He handed some letters and a package to Casey. "Good day girls." they went to put Sivier innide,then looked through the mail.
"Oh no! My dad sent me a letter saying he is coming down here to me in. . .he sent this letter last week and it says:
Dearest Cablea, He doesn't even know that I use Carly now. Dearest Cabela, I would like to come see you. I have a business trip down to Virginia on the 21st. . .that's tomorrow!" There was silence for a moment the Casey said.
"Well at least you leave day after tomorrow for Texas to train, so you won't have to be with him for too long." Then she added."You still have to pack.""But he lives in Texas too, and what if I like him? Then I won't be able to see him too much unless he comes and visits me, and I have to leave day after tomorrow, and..." Carly would have kept talking if mr.Liecum hadn't stepped in the door just then getting home from work. "Hi dad !" Mr.Liecum had to Carly to call him dad too so she always did.
"Hi girls how are you?" From the looks on their faces he could tell somthing was bothering them."What's wrong?"
"It's nothing...just that my dad sent me a letter in the mail saying that he was coming down here on a business trip. He's coming here!" Carly burst out.
"What! When?" He was just a shocked as them.
"Tomorrow! But what if he comes to take me away? What if...oh I have too many questions!"
"We won't let him take you away.I promise, if you were an orphan I would adopt you on the spot, but since your dad is alive we would have to have his permission first. But I think we should be able to anyway.I mean your father abandoned you after your mother died.Hmmmm,good idea."Now dad was talking more to himself then to the girls. Carly and Casey grinned at each other. He continued.
"I will ask the court if I am alowed to adopt you after your father abandoned you. I'll.. do that right now." With thathe went back out to his car and drove away. The girsl looked at each other and laughed.
"Let's call your father right now. We can find out how he got our address, but let's try not to let him know who we are. Unless we need to tell him." Suggested Casey."If we can even find his phone number."
"Can we at least try?" Asked Carly hopfully. Then without realizing it she changed the subject."Oh I am so going to miss you when I leave! I don't make friends too easily, you are my only one.." carly sighed and then looked at Caseys grinning face and realized what she had done. "I did it again didn't I?" Csey nodded.
"But we can at least try to find his num...oh yeah I just remembered! Your dad left a note and his phone number when he sent Sivier.Just in case you wanted to contact him." They ran up to carlys bedroom, first stopping in the kitchen to get the cordless phone. then locking the door to Carlys room they found the letter.


"967-583-0798." Casey called out the number as carly dialed it. "You won't even have to disguise your voice, because he has never even heard you speak before."
"May I speak to Chad Vinder please?"
"Speaking. Who am I talking to?" carly put the phone on speaker so that Casey could also listen.
"No need for any names but I would like a few questions answered."
When Carly's father spoke he sounded impatient."Yes? What is it?"
"Ok my first question is~" Carly covered the speaker with her hand. "What should my first question be? If he has any children?" Casey nodded. "Okay, my first question is, do you have any children?"
"Well yes, but I havn't seen one of them for um~"
"Thirteen years?" Carly slapped a hand over her mouthand groaned thinking "Why did I just say that?"
"Yes how did you know?" Now he sounded surprised a little less impatient. Casey winked at Carly.
"What was your, wait do you have a boy or a girl?" Of course she already knew the answer but was very surprised when he said:
Twins, 1 boy 1 girl. Cabela and Thomas. Did you say who you were?"
"I didn't, but I have one more question before I do tell you. Neither of the twins live with you?" carly and Casey looked at each shocked that anyone would abandon a child.
"Well Thomas does, but as for Cabela I had to leave her behind. I couldn't care for her." The girls again looked shocked.
"You couldn't find room for Cabela?'
He sounded embarassed as he answered. "Well Thomas didn't even know he had a twin until two days ago.but I do have room for Cabela," He admited."I just didn't know if she would look like her mother and remind me of her. Can you please give me your name now? I can't belive that I just said all of that to a complete stranger!" Carly glanced at Casey who nodded.
"I am Carly Vinder."
"Your last name is Vinder?"
""Um, well yeah I'm...I'm your." She hesitated. Then looked at Casey for help. She was nodding. "I'm your daughter." there was silence for a few seconds the a gasp as if he was just realizing what she had said.
"You are Cabela?"
"Actually now I'm called Carly,but you're coming tomorrow? Why do you want to see me?You abandoned me and thirteen years later you want me back?" The words had just flown out and now she couldn't stop."Well I don't know if I want you, my mom dies and you just up and leave! Now you tell me that I have a twin..." Carly's dad interupted her.
"I left because I knew I wouldn't be able to raise you and Thomas both, but maybe if you didnt know that you had a twin then you wouldn't think that I liked Thomas better then you. Or that I wanted a boy more then a girl." He sighed."But now you know." He added." Also since you were a girl I thought that you might look like her."
"Actually I don't look a thing like her,or you for that matter.I'm a tom-boy who does gymnastics and I leave for training the day after tomorrow. I will go to the Olympics someday."
"You're a gymnast? I didn't know that and you train? What do you mean by train?"
"Of course you don't know that I'm a gymnast! I mean that I go to Texas to train for gymnastics, you have to train if you want to be good enough for the Olympics."
"Oh I see.But you leave day after tomorrow?I think I will come get you bring you there when I go down on my business trip." He sounded as if he had already decided on it.
"Oh no you will not! mr. Liecum is going to adopt me. Then I will have two dads, but only one who knows me." And you will never get to know me either. Carly thought but didn't say it.
"Who is Mr.Liecum?" Asked her father.
"I have stayed with his family ever since the day mom died, and we are family." Carly's father was silent for a moment then he said.
"You are right that you don't know me, but I would like to get to know you, and you are also right that I cannot force you to live with me." Carly and Casey sighed matching sighs of relief. He continued. "But I can come and visit you alot while you are training, as you know. At least I think you know that I also live in Texas near the training place." Duh I know that. Thought Carly and Casey.
"Of course I knew that! You are coming here tomorrow, and will probably try to take me away and quit training and...and lot's more!"
And more(even)

"No I'm only coming to see for myself that I actually have a daughter. Um, why did you call again?" "Well I wasn't even going to tell you who I was but I did obviously . I just called because I was mad at you and still am for you tried to get me to like you by sending me a puppy and coming to visit."
"Oh I need to go now, tomorrow we are taking a very early flight to Virginia, I am taking Thomas with me by the way." they hung up after saying 'bye."At least he sounded nice." Offered Casey hesitantly.
"Yeah, well how long was I on the phone?" Casey studied her watch.
"Well you got on about 6:50, and just got off at 7:25." Replied Casey.
"Really? I was on for a long time!" Casey rolled her eye. carly usaly stayed on the phone for not a very long time at all, and this surprised evenCarly because she usaly didn'y talk very much either."Oh no!" Groaned Carly.
"I still have to pack! Should I do it right now?"
"Girls time for devotions." Called Mr.Liecum. from down stairs. Casey grinned.
"Nope I think we are going to have devotions. But dad's home!" the girls raced downstairs and found dad humming in the kitchen.
"What did you find out? can you adopt me?"
"Hmmmm, I don't remember what the judge said," Dad teased "was it that I could or could not adopt you?" Carly and Casey were used to his teasing and knew what to do. they reached over and tickled him unitl he said:
"Okay,okay! He said that I..." He paused. They started tickeling him again. Laughinh he said. "Could!" Casey shrieked and Carly started to cry.
"I don't know why I am crying," She sniffed. "I am so glad that you actually want to adopt me! That I get a mom, dad, and a sister all in one day!" Then Craly remembered that she did have a brother. "Oh! I just remembered, did you know that we," She indicated Casey and herself."called my dad? At first I didn't tell him who I was. Then I asked him if he had any children, well I thought I kinew the answer that he had me. But he said, that he had twins. Cabela and Thomas. Dad I didn't know that I have a twin brother!" Dad's mouth formed a big "O" and his eyes opened wide.
"What?!? I didn't know that Leslie had twins!I geudd that right after she dies he took...Thomas was it?" carly nodded. "Then he left you here."
"I can not belive that I actually have a twin! they are coming here tomorrow. I hope not very early though, I still have to pack.."
"Well I can't belive it either. but let's go have devotions, we can thank the Lord that we can adopt you, Mom and I have been praying, and we finaly can. . ."

In the morning Carly and Casey woke up even earlier then usal, so that they can pack before Carly's dad got there.
"I wonder what time my dad is getting here." Casey shook her head.
"Let's not think about that now. Let's just get you packed." they went into Carly's room,and sat down on the floor. "Oh I'm so glad school let out yesterday! If it didn't then you would have to bring some ."They hadn't said much about Carly's leaving...until now."I am going to miss you so so so much when you leave!" Casey gasped, and stood up quikly. "I just thought of somthing my mom said!" By the look of excitment in her eyes Carly could tell somthing was up.
"What what did she say?"
"I wasn't relly paying attention but she said that I was going with you, I have no idea why but I think it's because it;s because of the new job mom got, she has to work 15 hours a day! Plus my parents want me to go with you so that yuou have at least one friend."
"You are going with me?" Carly reached over and hugged Casey tightly." But how could you forget somthing like that?" carly laughed as Casey tried to think of an excuse. "And won't your parents miss you?"
"No I have no idea why I forgot and I don't think they will miss me, I mean they will of course. But they know that you need me more then they do for a couple months, they know that you can't make friends easily. I geuss that they want you to have a friend.....but that means that I have to pack too!" Carly got up and opened the door for Sivier who was scratcing at the door then sat cabk down again,
"Let's get started on you , I'm already finished." When both were done packing they set the suitcases under the bed, and out of the way. Then they sat down on the stairs, just as they did though they heard mom and dad talking quietly in the kitchen.
"Well the house will be quiet for the next couple months." Said dad with a laugh. "I actully don't think I will miss Casey too much. I will but I know that Carly needs her, and if she doesn't go then Carly will want to come home again. Then we would just end up sending Casey out anyway." Carly looked at Casey as if to say, "You were right that they would think that." Casey smiled then at the same time the door-bell rang.
"I'll get it." Called dad. The girls went back up the stairs and into Casey's room, because they knew who it was.
Carly's dad.
"Why did he have to come this early?" Complained Carly.
"Girls, come down here please!" Mom called up a few minutes later.
"We can't even pretend we didn't hear, because we are at the top of the stairs. I geuss we have to go." They unlocked the door and went slowly downstairs.
"Now which is Cab. . .Carly?" Asked a man at the bottom of the stairs. Before either girl could answer dad tapped Carly on the head and nudged her toward her biological dad.
"No you were right, you don't look like your mother," Carly stared at a boy standing next to him, they looked ALOT alike! "You don't look like me either, but you do look like Thomas." Then Carly burst out.
"Why did you leave me?" There were tears in his eyes as he answered.
"I told you yesterday. Before you were born, I had no idea that I would have to raise you myself. I thought I thought your mother would do that." He sighed. "How stupid of me. Then when she died, well I panicked...and well you know the rest." Now he sniffed.

and if you dont want to read it, I dont care, because its probably broing anyway :roll:
Interesting story you got there, Are you trying to get ur story published? I think you should. :)
i agree Cheri -- ive read it and found it to be very interesting!

great story u got there :thumb: Veggietales!

No I am not thinking of publishing it. Im only 13.

But thanks for saying it was ok.

gotcha veggietales -- u did great!

u can still get published even at 13 -- S.E. Hinton published her first book at age 16 ;)
You only 13? :-o

Well, I gotta tell you you are pretty smart for your age with a story you written up there. Keep up the good work somedays You will be a writter and when that happens, let me know when your first book is out, I'll buy it. :hug:
When she was seventeen, she published The Outsiders, a story about the greasers and the rich kids in high school. Because she often writes from a boy’s point of view, she uses her initials S.E. instead of her name Susan Eloise. She explains, “I figured that most boys would look at the book and think, ‘What can a chick know about stuff like that?’”


i still have this book "The Outsiders" along with a few other books of hers -- VERY good books!

mebbe this will help inspire u to consider publishing veggietales :D
Wow, I'm impressed that you are only 13,

You write so well as an adult would more likey do, you have a great story there and that something you can do later on by writing a book and sell it, you could be a famous writter one day too....

Well done there !!....I bet your parents are proud to have someone this smart in writting..

Keep it up! :thumb:

Well actually, my parents have not even read the whole thing, and thanks but its not THAT good.

I like gymnastics too, but I like writing and animals too. so im not sure which I want to do. But also I want to be a missionary...

But I love writing. And again thanks but Im not that good

"Dad as you know, I am going to Texas for training, well Casey is coming with me." Carly hesitated.
"Yes I am going to Texas with Carly. But I think she is trying to say, is will you bring us? Then we don't have to pay for two or three plane tickets, because either mom or dad would have to bring us there." carly looked again at Thomas who hadn't said anything yet. She was thinking it but now finaly said:
"Wow, we do look alike don't we?"
Thomas finaly spoke.

"Yes we do,"He agreed. "I always wanted a sister or a brother and now I have one, actually I have had one all along." Both were tan, with black hair. But dad Vinder was not thinking about their converstaion, he was still shocked that Carly would want him to bring them to Texas.
"Were you going to ask that?" carly looked at her dad.
"Ask what?"

"If I could take you to Texas." Carly nodded.
"I have to leave tomorrow, I wanted to get to know you. Then maybe I wouldn't be so mad," What she said next surprised even herself. "I can show you around the house."
"I will bring you, and I would love to see your house! But one more thing..." He hesitated as if not knowing how to say it. "I won't mind if Mr. and Mrs.Liecum adopt you, and I want to see your gymnastics." Carly stepped back and then she did a flip right there and then. She grinned, and her dad looked shokcked, mr and mrs Liecum were proud.
"Is that enough? Or do you want to go to the basement? Mom and dad bought me a balence beam fo my tenth birthday."

Should I keep adding more for you? Or should I just leave you in suspence?hehehe.
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"I would love it," He looked relieved that she would even want to talk to him, yet alone do gymnastics for him! Carly was making an effort to be nice.
"I will make some coffee and tea while you are downstairs. Thomas would you like to go watch Carly or help me?" Mrs.Liecum grinned teasingly.
"I think I will go down-stairs."He grinned "Thank-you anyway though." Carly lead the way downstairs.
"Wow! your house is big," Remarked dad. "Can you do somthing on the balance beam?" Carly nodded shyly. She walked over to the beam. 'I wonder what I should do?" Carly asked herself silently, then she got an idea, did a split unto the beam, turned a walk-over, an ariel cart-weel and another walkover. Then she walked gracfully over to one end of the beam, took a deep breath and dismounted.
"Youa re very good," Praised Mr.Vinder. Everyone else nodded their agreement. " you think Thomas and I could stay here tonight?"

I'll write more later.

Then after my meeting tomorrow I would bring them to the airport, and make sure they get to.." He trailed off realizing he still didn't know where exactly they were going. Casey laughed softly.
"You still don't know where Carly goes to train? It is in Texas not very far from the airport." Mr.Liecum waited until Casey was then he said
"Anyway I think I know what you were going to say." Answered MR.Liecum. as ACrly rejoined the group, and then they went upstairs. "Mr.Liecum continued. "Yes I would alow you to bring them, only though if you make sure that they get there safly!" HE looked at Carly. "I have one thing to say about Caarly, she doesn't talk to much...and she is a tom-boy." Carly's biolgical dad nodded.
"I have already figured out that mich about her not talking too much." HE added softly. "Your mothe rwas a tom-boy too." Carly did sign language to CAsey and she laughed. To their great surprise Thomas also laughed. Carly's dad turned to Thomas.
"What did they say?"
"It's a secret." Thomas shrugged. He then turned to Mr. and Mrs. Liecum.
"What did she say?"
"I have no idea." Answered mom bringing in the cofee and tea inside the dining room. "They had to learn some sign for an assignment for school.Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, both girls will be going to the same school. Texas high school. They will be gone right through summer and on until spring. DO you know where it is?"
"NOw that I do know where it is Thomas goes there." Thomas laughed.
"I bet nobody there has a twim sister who could go to the olymics!" Everyone laughed.
"Oh I need to go get our luggage out of the car." Carly's dad went outside, Thomas, Carly, and CAsey follwed him out the door. When they got to the yard CArly tucked in her shirtand started doing cartwheel, after cartwheel across the yard. Some were with no hands, others were practicly flips.
"You do one Thomas!" Yelled CArly still doing cartwheels. Thomas, muh to CArly's surprise actually did do a couple. Then she stopped at the driveway, they unloaded the car then CAsey led the way to a room off the kitchen.
"You can stay here." She announced. Then went to the kitchen to make a snack or somthing, and let them take a nap. But CArly on the other hand stayed with her brother Thomas. They had tried to
get to know each othe by asking questions like: "What is your favorite animal?"
"Hmmm, well I like them all!" Thomas had answered. "What about you?"
"I like them all too. Do you like gymnmastics?" Thomas smiled.
"Yes I sure do! That is why my dad was so shocked, because I do gymnastics too."
"Really?" Carly looked surprised that he had not said anything before now.
HE nodded, "Yes, I have only been taking it for 7 years though. It is weird that we both do gymnastics, and we are ALOT alike!" Carly agreed
"Yes it is. But I have been taking for 13 years. It is kind of hard to belive that we are 15! I could go to the olymics next year!" "It is still hard to believ that I have a sister. Even though I have now seen you."
"Let's go upstairs to my roon," Suggested CArly.


"Thomas, CArly CAsey! Time for dinner." Called Mom. They had been outside, doing gymnastics for about a hour now.
"Coming mom." CAlled Carly.
"You call her mom?" Carly nodded.
"I can't call her Mrs.Liecum every time I want her." Carly explained.
"Oh, that's true," Agreed Thomas. They started to the house, all the sudden Carly started running. When the others got inside, Carly was sitting at the table smiling.
"Why did you run?" Asked Thomas. Carly was still smiling as she answered.
"I was hungry.." Casey rolled her eyes, and Thomas laughed.
"I guess we are alot alike." Thomas aid. Then sat down.
"Carly would youm pray?"
Carly nodded as she began.
"Dear Lord thank-you for this day. Thank-you that Thomas and my father could make it here safely. Please help me to understand why he left me. Thank-you for this food and that Mom was willing to prepare it for us, and Jesus name amen."
"Well, dig in!" The conversation at the table bore on and soon everyone was done and ready for devotions.
"Let's have a quick devotion time, then Carly, Casey and Thomas you might want to go to bed early, you will have to get up early.
"Not a problem for me," Carly cast a sly smile over at Thomas. "What about you?"
"I get up early every morning," He grinned back.
"Ha, ha, ok." Carly laughed. Then everyone followed Mr.Liecum into the living room.
"I will just read some scripture. Carly when you hear thanks, raise your hand. Thomas would you like to have a word?"
Thomas shrugged, "Sure."
"Ok, then your word will be give. Whenever you hear the word "give" raise your hand." He turned to Casey. "Casey your word will be hmm... how about lovingkindness? I am going to read Psalm 136:1-7. Give thanks to the Lord...Give thanks to the Lord."
Oops." Thomas raised his hand.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good," Carly raised her hand. "For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God." Now Thomas was getting the hang of it. "Of gods for His lovingkindness is everlasting. To Him who made the heavens with skill, for His lovingkindness is everlasting; the waters, for His lovingkindness is everlasting; to Him who made the great lights, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." Mr.Liecum grinned, "Thomas you did very well! Chad would you mind praying for us tonight?"
"Sure, Dear Lord, thank-you that Thomas and I had a safe trip down here. Thank-you so much that I have finally seen my daughter now. Help us to get along well, and please help our trip to go safely tomorrow. Please help the rest of the night to be glorifying to You, and Jesus name amen..."
Carly woke up all of the sudden and looked up at the clock, 5:50 A.M. "yes." Carly muttered, "I can wake up early." She got out of bed and got her suite case out from under the bed. Then picked a pair of faded blue jeans and a long tee shirt. After she changed she put her suite case in front of the door and sat down to eat breakfast.
"Yes, I will show Thomas that I get up early." She muttered again. Then to her surprise she looked up and there stood Thomas in the door grinning.
"I guess we had the same idea, I was going to get up earlier then you, and you were going to get up earlier then me. Now can I have some food?" Carly started to grin also, as she showed him where the cereal, and milk and bowls were.
"Wow, we do think alike." She glanced at the clock on the stove. 6:25 A.M.
"Do you know what time we are leaving?" Carly asked Thomas.
"I think about 7:00, when my dad gets back from his meeting. Do you think we should go wake up Casey now?" Carly gasped.
"Oh! Yes we had better."
"No you don't need to, I am awake." Carly grinned sheepishly at Casey who was standing on the stairs with her hands on her hips.
"We are almost there," Announced dad, 5 hours earlier Mr. and Mrs. Liecum had brought them all to the airport in the car Carly’s dad had rented, and waved them off. Carly missed them already. She sighed then went back to looking out the window. About 15 minutes later the pilot spoke over the speaker.
"Fasten your seat belts please. We will be landing shortly."
"Hey Casey." Thomas said.
"What are you going to do at the training place while Carly is training?"
"I will go to school when it starts, and until then I will stay with Carly and be her room-mate and friend." Casey answered. Just then the plane started diving forward and soon everyone was out and on their way to claim their baggage. Everyone found their luggage quickly, and then they went outside to catch a bus to the nearest car rental. After they got a car big enough Chad Vinder said.
"Carly have you been here before?" Carly smiled.
"Yes I have been training for about 7 years, all of them but one I came here. All the gymnasiums in Virginia are not worth the money."
I see so you have been coming here for all those years and I never knew it! Hmmm, interesting." Dad rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"Yeah, Oh you turn right at the light. He,he, that rhymes, right at the light."
"Casey have you ever taken gymnastic lessons?"
Yes I have, I saw how much Carly liked them, so I started about 5 years ago, but now I don't take anymore." Casey frowned. "But I did like them allot."
"I see, turn right at the light ok." He turned.
"Now it's on the left, you cannot miss it."
Carly pointed to what looked like a college campus. "It's not really a college, but there are dorm rooms, a cafe, actually two different gyms, and then just a room to hang out in."
"Oh. So it is not just all work, and you don't hate it there?" Thomas said.
"Oh man! No we love it there!" Casey cried out. "I am going to be Carly's room mate."

Chapter 4
New school

Carly and Casey got their suitcases out of the back, and lead the way inside.
"Mrs.Fertile. Are Casey and I staying in the same room as last time?" Carly walked up to the front desk.
"Hi Carly! HI Casey! Yes I do believe that you are." She looked down at a computer. "Oh you are in class "c" your coach had to move the first classes to today. So it starts in about a half hour," She smiled I guess you get here right on time."
"Oh they do!? I had better get down there to warm up! Uh...MRs.Fertile this is my dad and twin brother. Thomas." She nodded at each, then gave the key to the room to Carly.
"I need to get changed, so Casey would you show them around the room?" Casey nodded. Carly brought her suite case into the bathroom, and shut the door. About five minutes later, she came out in a practices leotard, with sweat pants over top. Carly looked at the clock on the wall.
"I need to go, I guess if you want to you can come and watch me practice. But I need to go. Now."
"Sure we will come, just lead the way!" So she did lead the way...all the way across the hall down the stairs and out the door. Then she stepped into a BIG building off to the right.
"Here it is. Come with me." Carly went inside Then she sat down on the floor, with a group that was warming up. About ten minutes later the warm-ups were done and everyone was taking turns on the vault, balance beam, bars and floor. First Carly went to the vault and got in line. The first girl fell unto her knees when she landed. So she had to get up and go to the back of the line to try again. Finally it was Carly’s turn. She ran down the runway, jumped on the springboard touched the horse with her hands and did a flip in the air, when she landed she only hopped a little bit. Then putting her arms over her head she thought: "Yes! I can still do it!"
OF course she didn't know why she would not be able to do it, but was g lad that she still could. Another girl went after her, she did just about as good on the land, but almost tripped when she was running.
"Okay girls, let's go to the bars, just stay on the lower bar for today. I would like each of you to think up something on your own to do."
"I know what I am going to do!" Carly muttered.
"It is very interesting to watch the other kids do what is on their minds," Casey said to Mr.Vinder and Thomas. She grinned. "Especially when they fall. Sometimes I wonder if they planned to." All three laughed now. Then turned back to watch.


Dad yawned.
"Well I guess it is time we left. Good-bye, Carly 'bye Casey."
", bye Thomas. It was good meeting you too..." Carly grinned. "For the first time!" She added walking over to Mr.Vinder and hugging him good-bye. Thomas stepped back.
"Not me! Just say "bye"."
"Ok good-bye then Thomas. School starts next month, I will see you then." Carly and Casey shut the door after they left.
"I need to get ready for...Oh Yeah, I think I have another class today!." Carly looked at her class schedule that was sitting on the dresser.
"Do we have time to unpack first?" Carly looked at the clock on the wall.
"I am not sure, It starts in ten minutes so I guess not."
"OK you have better get going then."


As the weeks went by, Casey and Carly did everything together! Casey had made a few friends, but Clay was still relying on Casey to be her friend.
"Casey are you almost done in there?" It was the first day of school, and Carly had been waiting for the bathroom for a good fifteen minutes.
"Ok! OK! I am almost done!" Casey yelled back.
Carly sighed. " But you also said that 5 minutes ago!." Casey's head appeared.
"But this time I really am done." She walked out.
"Finally." Right when Carly locked the door, Casey's voice came:
"Carly are you almost done? It is time for to go!" Carly rolled her eyes, finished brushing her teeth and grabbed her back-pack. Then followed Casey outside.
"Oh there is the bus! It looks like we are the only girls from here going!." They climbed on and took their seats.
"HI girls" Said the driver.
"Good morning!" Both girls answered in unison. They laughed. They rode only a few minutes when the bus stopped, and they were no longer alone. All of the sudden the bus was filled with noise. Carly and Casey looked at each other.
"I hope this is the last stop." Carly got her wish, a few minutes after that the bus pulled into the parking lot.
"Let's go get our schedules."
"Oh look there is Thomas with those other boys." Carly ran up and hugged him.