My drawings

Wow that is awesome drawings there, Steel X.. :)
wow i love those arts! really funny except kasumi i know how u are with her --;;; lol but still, really awesome waaaay better than mine lmao keep that up sweety
Wow those drawing are amazing, I can't believe you did all of this....funni comic too....Have you publish them yet?...
Hey can you able to do into color? to use that from illustrator.. If you don't.. I might play with yours if that ok?
Hey can you able to do into color? to use that from illustrator.. If you don't.. I might play with yours if that ok?

No I dont have the kind of program to do color on my comics so...if u wanna do color on some of mine then go ahead since you asked for permission but it must stay at anyway.

Oh My!!! Awesome SteelX.. I love it!!! Your a great artist and keep it up.. Hopefully one of these days you can be a artist! Which I hope you will reach your dream. Take it one day at a time.... :cool:

My ex boyfriend was a artist himself, I dated him when I was a freshman. No you haven't seen a picture of him. He's a old ex from while back. Till my ex best friend was a moron enough to take him away from me. Never was a true friend in the first place!! Anyways long story enough about it. *off topic*

Back to topic. You will have to draw me something :giggle:
Gawd! You're soo good, SteelX, You'll be famous one day, and I'll be ordering your comics books, make sure I get your signature too. ;) You're a good art drawer! I'm impressed really! :thumb:
wow good draw .. Funny the black guy telling the cashier from swearing lol ahhaha :rofl:

wow that good you drew the alien from movie :D