My CI Moments


New Member
Mar 5, 2005
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I had Freedom Implanted on July 7 and hook up on July 21. I came
through the surgery with a breeze with no problems. I had a little
pain and some soreness. I got plenty of rest.
I went to my audiologist on July 21 and got hooked up. When I first
was hooked up, it was strange at first. Then I heard the
audiologist talking, she sounded like Mickey Mouse. The audiologist
set me on sensitivity 12 and on Pr 1 to start with. I heard the cars
going by outside. I heard the air conditioner in the car after we
left her office. We then went out to eat at Ryan's restaurant with
my boyfriend and my daughter. We were sitting at the table I heard
something click click and look across the table it was my boyfriend
clicking on his ball point pen to see if I can hear it. My
boyfriend is HOH. It was so amazing to him that I heard that. I
heard the ice hit the glass when I was stirring it with a straw. I
heard the birds chirping outside for the first time ever in my
life. And the keyboard typing makes so much racket. I never knew it
was that loud. LOL I heard the car turn signal and it was so
annoying to hear it. I can now hear someone talking in another room
but I still cannot make out what is being said, but I am told that
will get better. Another thing I heard was the clock ticking and it
was so annoying also. This was my experience the first two days. I
have made a list of what I have heard so far. It so amazing to hear
those sounds that I never heard before even though I wore a body
hearing aid since age 4.
If anyone is scared or worried about it please don't be scared.
You'll be glad you did it! I don't regret it at all. I was
candidate for it about 6 or 7 yrs ago but I backed out as I did not
believe that it would work. I then had my vertigo came back again
last Fall. It had been 4 yrs since my last attack. The doctor
suggested a CI, and I decided to go ahead with it. Before my CI, I
had been reading the posted messages by others, and I got a lot
input from other people on here. I learned a lot from their
experiences. Just from reading what others wrote in here gave me
greater confidence that it was the right thing to do.

I went back for my second mapping last week and I am currently
allowed to change my own volume which was fixed by the audiologist
at first. I can turn up from zero to 9 and sensitivity is fixed at
12. I am hearing clearer now and hearing more sounds too. I go back
next week for my 3rd mapping and more speech therapy. In my last
speech therapy session, she said she was amazed at how well I could
hear what she said in words with her mouth covered and she also did
whisper too and I got every one of them correct. She made a comment
to me saying to me...."You are doing better than any client I've
ever seen that had a prelingual ( from birth ) hearing loss!!!
Better than many adults who had normal hearing until they were the
age of 50 or older."

One thing that really encouraged me every day before and after was
books written by Dora Webber, "I danced", and "Journey Out of
Silence". She was my inspiration to go for it.

And so I did, and now I am on my way to dancing with all of you.

that is great.. I am happy for ya.. I hope things turn out well for me when its my turn to go in..
cong :cheers: i got mine freedom recently too last april :D its still a long run enjoy :D i also have a book of dora webber.. and had meet her in person. since we live in same state.. and we have the same surgeon :D
Congadulation. Wish you the best of luck. As for me, Nah I aint gotta go for it. Cuz I love quiet and the noise is annoyed me too much. :D :giggle:
Congrats.. :)

I was planning to gettin ONE in 2003.. but forget it .. not worth for me to have that .. so i rather bein a deep deaf so peace from noises! haha like pomerian says so! hehe!!! ... :)

Glad to hear it's worked out for you....mod could you move this to CI and hearing aids?