My Back Yard Paradise

Botts, great butterfly photo!
Ms.Bottesini, you must be an amazing Lady. Granted, I have not been here long, but after reading past posts from you & others, it seems everyone speaks very highly of you & I can not find one post where you got riled about something. you always seem so quiet & calm, etc.

I saw the pics of your yard & I commend your hubby for doing all this for you...I do not know your views on GOD, but you & him must be close because nobody can be as calm as you without him.

May Allah(swt) Be with you always, & may he guide your every step.

Thank you very much James. (But I do have my snappish moments. :lol: )
An interesting butterfly on some purple flowers . They came with the house and I don't know what they are called. They come back every year in spring and bloom in early fall.

That's beautiful!

We have butterfly bushes that attract butterflies, just like the name says, too. I thought at first your picture was a butterfly bush, but maybe not. Are your plants sort of low to the ground?

Unfortunately all three of them that we have here at the beach house were completely stripped back to their branches when Hurricane Irene came through. I think new growth is beginning to come back, but they look pretty naked at the moment.

To make up for it, our yucca is in bloom, though. Beautiful white pod-like flowers on a long stalk.
An interesting butterfly on some purple flowers . They came with the house and I don't know what they are called. They come back every year in spring and bloom in early fall.


beauitful awesome!
That's beautiful!

We have butterfly bushes that attract butterflies, just like the name says, too. I thought at first your picture was a butterfly bush, but maybe not. Are your plants sort of low to the ground?

Unfortunately all three of them that we have here at the beach house were completely stripped back to their branches when Hurricane Irene came through. I think new growth is beginning to come back, but they look pretty naked at the moment.

To make up for it, our yucca is in bloom, though. Beautiful white pod-like flowers on a long stalk.

They are about 10 inches tall plants I believe. There is a butterfly house that was left from the previous owner of our home so maybe those flowers are just for the purpose of attracting butterflies. They are always thick with butterflies in the fall.
I love the butterfly bush. I have dark pink flowers in my backyard. It does not survive after the winter. We thought that our bush is dead so we decided to leave it alone until next year so this year it grows so healthy and pretty big which surprised us nicely. I suspected that the moles or chipmunks might have eaten the roots. It is almost impossible for me to get rid of them.
I love the butterfly bush. I have dark pink flowers in my backyard. It does not survive after the winter. We thought that our bush is dead so we decided to leave it alone until next year so this year it grows so healthy and pretty big which surprised us nicely. I suspected that the moles or chipmunks might have eaten the roots. It is almost impossible for me to get rid of them.

I guess the butterfly bush is very hardy.
Sweet picture. I tend to notice butterfly more when it gets close to the fall and It is fall now.
I was in Maine a few days ago. I saw many beautiful colorful leaves there. Sight, I will know that my local trees will change the colors soon. I hate to think about cold weather coming up especially white on the ground. I'm not gotta to say it. Enjoy your day!
my grandparents love garden, I think she love on garden! awesome sweet,I gift to my mom flower she love me because treat to me heart flower yellow!
Here is a picture of very large evergreen trees in my yard today. It's still snowing a lot.
Hopefully the branches will survive the weight of all this heavy , wet, snow.

Reading this thread makes me miss having a yard... I loved planting flowers and watching them grow.
That looks like my backyard a last year and the year before. Luckily we're having a mild winter this year.
Here is a wild rose being trained to grow on a heart frame.
