MSNBC: Texas to let teachers bring guns to school

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not my problem. this is about CCW at schools. But I'll comment on it. Minutemen are a gross example of irresponsible group of vigilantes who took advantage of our Amendment 2. if we have a teacher who is minutemen member at school, i will stage a fucking huge protest to get him kicked out of school. if i have children there, i will bring them to another school.

I'm sorry - I have to bite: What the heck is CCW?

How quickly do reasonable gun owners disassciate theirselves from those who, legitamately own guns, commit crimes? C'mon . . . the common good does not mean the common intelligent.

As a previous gun owner (Baltimore City outlaws gun ownership except for officers of the law), I can say that I know and am trained when to use a gun. I am yoked with many who do not.

Statistics, outweighed by inner city issues, prove that widespread gun ownership is a detrement unto society. Should we focus on reaction or should we focus on prevention? Reaction is too easy.

Rise up and meet the challenge.
I'm sorry - I have to bite: What the heck is CCW?

How quickly do reasonable gun owners disassciate theirselves from those who, legitamately own guns, commit crimes? C'mon . . . the common good does not mean the common intelligent.

As a previous gun owner (Baltimore City outlaws gun ownership except for officers of the law), I can say that I know and am trained when to use a gun. I am yoked with many who do not.

Statistics, outweighed by inner city issues, prove that widespread gun ownership is a detrement unto society. Should we focus on reaction or should we focus on prevention? Reaction is too easy.

Rise up and meet the challenge.

CCW - Concealed Carry Weapon. You need a permit for that and it's not that easy to get one... at least in liberal states. See OpenCarry if you want to learn more about what states allow or don't allow CCW.

and there you go. You exercise an extreme caution and decision to use gun. There are many who think the same as you. I am too. Believe me - I do NOT EVER want to use it on other human being!!!! But if he/she forced my hand, I have no problem using it. And also believe me - teachers love their students and they'd do anything to protect them like they're their own kids. THEY DO NOT WANT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT SHOOTING A KID. It is traumatizing to do so but they will do it and they can before the cops come.
THEY DO NOT WANT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT SHOOTING A KID. It is traumatizing to do so but they will do it and they can before the cops come.

I would like to believe that they do not, also. Actually, I know (should they are true in spirit and intent).

My concern rests in the fact that when the gun by a teacher is on the premises, it, then, becomes accessible (via some level of access) by ANY student.

It's there . . . and it will be accessed. What kind of circumstance is that?!?!?!
I would like to believe that they do not, also. Actually, I know (should they are true in spirit and intent).

My concern rests in the fact that when the gun by a teacher is on the premises, it, then, becomes accessible (via some level of access) by ANY student.

It's there . . . and it will be accessed. What kind of circumstance is that?!?!?!

obviously - if the school is allowing teachers to bring guns into school, they'll have lengthy regulations and requirements because school is liable to costly lawsuits. I'm going to guess from top of my head -

1. required gun vault in teacher's desk
2. required trigger lock on your own gun (if carried in purse)
3. ONLY CERTAIN guns are allowed (a small 9mm pistol)
4. any caliber bigger than 9mm is not allowed
5. maximum of 2-3 bullets is allowed
6. mandatory training - once per month (or so)
7. required 95% accuracy rate needed to carry gun to school
8. must completed intensive, comprehensive gun safety course (usually 1-2 full days)

peer reviews + school official's decisions + teacher's previous record = excellent way of screening them for their suitability of bringing gun to school. Like I said several times - most will not choose to do it because of cost, hassles, etc. Not a problem to me and I support a stringent process - a similar process that military special forces go thru to count on each other for their ability to use guns. If you pass that stringent process, then I can have a complete trust on you because it shows that you're fully competent and trained (better than cops).

Cops do not go thru this and you're counting on them??? :Ohno: Did you know cops do not rush into school if the school reported shooting??? They wait outside the school for S.W.A.T. to arrive which takes even LONGER to arrive - probably about 30 min because they come from state/county area, not local. It's a horrifying thought that the help is not immediate!
You recite safeguards. I know they exist and I know they can fail.

If a student knows where they are, do you, honestly, think they'll not be a location of interest?

Test answers are stored in a location and, yes, they have been obtained.

Where there is a will, there is a way. A gun (or guns if multiple teachers fear) on the premises promises that there is a "treasure" for those who seek it.

The goal of a teaching environment is exclude the pre-disposition of a battlefield/gunfight. Why enable anything but? C'mon. It's there.

Instead of seeking ways to react, why not seek ways to prevent?

That's the challenge that no legislation seems to cover. It's too easy to find a solution that does not focus on the root of the problem.

Rise up and meet the challenge is what I ask.
That's the challenge that no legislation seems to cover. It's too easy to find a solution that does not focus on the root of the problem.

Rise up and meet the challenge is what I ask.

your solution = long-term
this solution = short-term

if you and Jillio can come up with a "SES" policy that is far more effective than this gun solution but doesn't take long to take into effect and it is cost-effective... then I welcome it with open arms. So far - I don't see anything better than CCW for strings of school shootings. Hiring security guards... fenced property... metal detectors... it is very costly and impractical. worse of all - it is not a good environment for students - much worse than teachers with CCW. I rather go to school with CCW teachers than prison-like school.

like what Chase said -
Teachers armed to protect themselves and students is not new, and I agree with Lumbingmi that its time has come again.

The ridicuous scenarios dreamed up by the untra-liberal crowd are just wishful thinking. Crabby teacher, indeed!

The truth is that teachers are closer to the situation and those trained in personal protection (necessary for a concealed permit in most counties) can react faster than a cop arriving from the nearest Dunkin' Donut.
obviously - if the school is allowing teachers to bring guns into school, they'll have lengthy regulations and requirements because school is liable to costly lawsuits. I'm going to guess from top of my head -

1. required gun vault in teacher's desk
2. required trigger lock on your own gun (if carried in purse)
3. ONLY CERTAIN guns are allowed (a small 9mm pistol)
4. any caliber bigger than 9mm is not allowed
5. maximum of 2-3 bullets is allowed
6. mandatory training - once per month (or so)
7. required 95% accuracy rate needed to carry gun to school
8. must completed intensive, comprehensive gun safety course (usually 1-2 full days)

That's my problem with this idea. All of that junk just so a teacher can have a weapon.

There has to be a better alternative.
That's my problem with this idea. All of that junk just so a teacher can have a weapon.

There has to be a better alternative.

got any better idea? if not... please stfu and spend less time on complaining and spend more time on coming up with something better than gun. It's funny... any ideas we propose, ya'all complain

1. I propose fencing the school, hiring armed guards, and installing metal detectors
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf is this! this is not a prison! this is where kids go and learn!

2. I propose allowing teachers to carry guns
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf! this is not a war zone! this is where kids go and learn!

3. I propose each student to undergo psychiatrist screening
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf! my kids are not crazy! this is a serious invasion of privacy! this is where kids go and learn!

and typical liberal's way - just leave everything to police. and yet.... you all complain of police brutality on the rise... taser.. beating... :roll:

complain complain complain
got any better idea? if not... please stfu and spend less time on complaining and spend more time on coming up with something better than gun. It's funny... any ideas we propose, ya'all complain

1. I propose fencing the school, hiring armed guards, and installing metal detectors
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf is this! this is not a prison! this is where kids go and learn!

2. I propose allowing teachers to carry guns
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf! this is not a war zone! this is where kids go and learn!

3. I propose each student to undergo psychiatrist screening
liberal's complaint: omg! wtf! my kids are not crazy! this is a serious invasion of privacy! this is where kids go and learn!

and typical liberal's way - just leave everything to police. and yet.... you all complain of police brutality on the rise... taser.. beating... :roll:

complain complain complain

I am myself an Liberal and I support gun's rights with protected enviroments, so don't assume ALL of the liberals are against the guns. :roll: :ty:
I am myself an Liberal and I support gun's rights with protected enviroments, so don't assume ALL of the liberals are against the guns. :roll: :ty:

a polite version of gun ban. You don't want guns anywhere near you or in any place except in one's home or firing range.
got any better idea? if not... please stfu and spend less time on complaining and spend more time on coming up with something better than gun. It's funny... any ideas we propose, ya'all complain

1. I propose fencing the school, hiring armed guards, and installing metal detectors

I support this idea and to me, it's the least a school can do.

3. I propose each student to undergo psychiatrist screening

Not a bad idea, especially if a student has a history of acting out or using violence in school (bullying, etc).

and typical liberal's way - just leave everything to police. and yet.... you all complain of police brutality on the rise... taser.. beating... :roll:

Well, cops are expected to use good judgment when using said weapons. There are still cops that even though they have good intentions, they go too far in enforcing them.

You'd get better responses if you stopped assuming that everyone who "complained" was a liberal.

If you think liberals are bad, try arguing with libertarians. ;)
a polite version of gun ban. You don't want guns anywhere near you or in any place except in one's home or firing range.

If we allow every single citizen to carry a gun, why bother hiring Police? Why not just let every tom, dick, harry and jane be a law enforcer? That's asking for problems and litigation.
a polite version of gun ban. You don't want guns anywhere near you or in any place except in one's home or firing range.

Wonderful! I am glad that there's a firing range that I can shoot without worry about killing someone else that much. And I am grateful of my gun rights on my property, I'd prefer to have the guns out or hidden in the city to keep everyone, include myself safe ;)
And what's wrong with this?

The idea that anyone could be carrying a gun at any time is frightening enough. And what if you accidentally do something wrong and a regular citizen pulls a gun on you? Not that it happens often, but the potential is still there.

I just don't trust people well enough to carry any kind of weapon.

Same here, I agree.
Wonderful! I am glad that there's a firing range that I can shoot without worry about killing someone else that much. And I am grateful of my gun rights on my property, I'd prefer to have the guns out or hidden in the city to keep everyone, include myself safe ;)

in other word.... you view gun as toy to play around at firing range... and other than that... a complete ban. oh well!
I didn't think out that response well enough.

Regardless, you're free to fire your guns on ranges and hunt animals.

See my last reply to Jiro's post.

And I don't hunt the animals with the gun.
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