MSNBC: Texas to let teachers bring guns to school

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If a kid was killed or wounded by a teacher with a gun, it's simple that the parents can sue the school and the town.

If that happens, we will be forced to pay more money on our car insurance. For instance, a lawsuit (priest's abuse/molestation on children in 1970's) won the case a couple of years ago. The insurance company paid to the lawsuit for millions of dollars. We really do not want the teachers to carry their gun at school.

The teachers are responsible not to inflict the kids at school. You know some kids have free mind or rebel themselves for some silly things.

My opinion is that some kids need to see a psychologist to improve their behavior before consultants determine to suspend the kids or not.


If schools allow teachers to carry guns for some reasons, I refuse to take my future kids to those schools. I will get scare of lost a child to that silly idea of guns at school for teachers... It's just my thought on that. =/
The statistics show the need for the teachers to be armed. Quite obviously, there are no statistics to support your claim that teachers need to be armed.

Do u not read what I said - " Better to be safe than being sorry "

And you would loose your bet. But that's okay....doesn't appear that you have much to wager anyway.


Yes, it does matter. You need statistics to show that it is necessary for teachers to be armed. The only reason you are claiming that they are not needed is that, as usual, you cannot support your viewpoint.

Jeebus. Why not allow teachers to have the right to own guns? I would put more faith in teachers who have degree more than students who live off their fantasy in "DOOM" .


If schools allow teachers to carry guns for some reasons, I refuse to take my future kids to those schools. I will get scare of lost a child to that silly idea of guns at school for teachers... It's just my thought on that. =/

I doubt a good teacher would take advantage of this privilege. Kids aren't being searched for weapons except in ghetto area. So tell me why teachers cannot protect themselves?
I recalled that story about a security man pressed an emergency button to lock all the doors automatically. It gave the shooter opportunity to shoot the people inside the building. It was a grave mistake! The media news was cut off by the governor's order after the original news came out. How? The college president told the media on the news before the governor found out about it. I thought that you might be interested to know about it.
I recalled that story about a security man pressed an emergency button to lock all the doors automatically. It gave the shooter opportunity to shoot the people inside the building. It was a grave mistake! The media news was cut off by the governor's order after the original news came out. How? The college president told the media on the news before the governor found out about it. I thought that you might be interested to know about it.

Link ???
I dont agree that teachers need to be armed. That make me nervous. Once I finish college, and become a teacher, i aint arming myself.

perfectly fine because it is your choice. I'd choose to armed myself if i were to become a teacher. You and I are happy with our choices because we get to choose it. True America! :cool2:
I recalled that story about a security man pressed an emergency button to lock all the doors automatically. It gave the shooter opportunity to shoot the people inside the building. It was a grave mistake! The media news was cut off by the governor's order after the original news came out. How? The college president told the media on the news before the governor found out about it. I thought that you might be interested to know about it.

wtf!!!! wow an emergency button?? that's something you hear in prison but schools? link please... i'm very curious about this
I doubt a good teacher would take advantage of this privilege. Kids aren't being searched for weapons except in ghetto area. So tell me why teachers cannot protect themselves?

Use other "minor weapons" than just guns (i can't think of name something is less dangerous weapon...).

- teachers may want to stop a shooter but they can be make an accident by killing/harming a non-shooter student.
- I dont trust teachers, what if teachers are in a soury moody and go insane, and to harm students?
- what if teachers are too depressing and shoot their heads at school?
- What if students steal teachers' guns?
- Many reasons I can list it and go on.

It's just totally a bad idea, imo.
perfectly fine because it is your choice. I'd choose to armed myself if i were to become a teacher. You and I are happy with our choices because we get to choose it. True America! :cool2:
Very True America, full of choices!

Use other "minor weapons" than just guns (i can't think of name something is less dangerous weapon...).
- teachers may want to stop a shooter but they can be make an accident by killing/harming a non-shooter student.
- I dont trust teachers, what if teachers are in a soury moody and go insane, and to harm students?
- what if teachers are too depressing and shoot their heads at school?
- What if students steal teachers' guns?
- Many reasons I can list it and go on.
It's just totally a bad idea, imo.

I dont think there is any less dangerous.

I recalled that story about a security man pressed an emergency button to lock all the doors automatically. It gave the shooter opportunity to shoot the people inside the building. It was a grave mistake! The media news was cut off by the governor's order after the original news came out. How? The college president told the media on the news before the governor found out about it. I thought that you might be interested to know about it.

Strange and awkward.
you guys are forgetting that there will be TONS OF SERIOUS regulations,and qualifications, and screenings for bringing guns to school.

- teachers may want to stop a shooter but they can be make an accident by killing/harming a non-shooter student.
- I dont trust teachers, what if teachers are in a soury moody and go insane, and to harm students?
- what if teachers are too depressing and shoot their heads at school?

Before obtaining guns - they have to pick 2 references. In the questionairre - they asked if I trust a person to buy a gun and how well do i know this person. Most likely for teacher to bring guns to school - they will be required to go thru psychiatrist screening or reviewed by their peers or reviewed by superintendent/boards based on teacher's previous performance. If the teacher has history of stress or complaints, that is ground for unsuitability of bringing guns to school.

- What if students steal teachers' guns?
They will be required to obtain a gun safe for it in their drawers or possibly trigger lock for their guns.
I can understand that. Still - I don't trust that idea... :dunno:
Teachers armed to protect themselves and students is not new, and I agree with Lumbingmi that its time has come again.

The ridicuous scenarios dreamed up by the untra-liberal crowd are just wishful thinking. Crabby teacher, indeed!

The truth is that teachers are closer to the situation and those trained in personal protection (necessary for a concealed permit in most counties) can react faster than a cop arriving from the nearest Dunkin' Donut.

Welcome back, Lumbingmi. How did your student teaching exoerience in Washington state go? Glad you made it out alive, ha ha ha.
Teachers armed to protect themselves and students is not new, and I agree with Lumbingmi that its time has come again.
really? I did not know that. And yes it is indeed sad that the time has come again...

In this case... that time is gone and we're in a violent period of time. once we're back to rosy period... i'm sure they would ban the guns to schools again. our laws change depend on the climate of our current situation. I applaud the local's effort to ratify the situation in a very democratic way. Why? because... read the article carefully -

1. The board of the small rural Harrold Independent School District unanimously approved the plan and parents have not objected, said the district's superintendent, David Thweatt."
2. "We have a lock-down situation, we have cameras, but the question we had to answer is, 'What if somebody gets in? What are we going to do?" he said. "It's just common sense."
3. Board members estimate it would take first responders nearly 30 minutes to get to the rural school in an emergency.
4. Teachers who wish to bring guns will have to be certified to carry a concealed handgun in Texas and get crisis training and permission from school officials, he said.

don't forget.... it's not always about a student going on killing spree. Remember a sick twisted man who shot up a bunch of Jewish nursery schools a few years ago - a hate crime.

The ridicuous scenarios dreamed up by the untra-liberal crowd are just wishful thinking. Crabby teacher, indeed!
it continued to humor me with their illogical, irrational reasons. "omg what if he got all mad and grumpy??" "omg what if he's all of sudden depressed?" :laugh2:

Don't we all wish to have a nice rosy dreamy schools for our kids - Julie Andrews as the teacher with a class of lovely cute innocent kids. (In case you don't know what I'm referring to - it's the old classic movie - The Sound of the Music)

The truth is that teachers are closer to the situation and those trained in personal protection (necessary for a concealed permit in most counties) can react faster than a cop arriving from the nearest Dunkin' Donut.
aka the First Responders. The First Line of the Defense.
Oh, yeah. Armed teachers is the solution.:roll:

In America, guns are the solution to everything.

Seriously, when will people realize that there should be absolutely NO guns in schools, unless the schools have security guards.
In America, guns are the solution to everything.

Seriously, when will people realize that there should be absolutely NO guns in schools, unless the schools have security guards.

nope! Seriously.... when will people realize that we deserve to have that option available to us?
nope! Seriously.... when will people realize that we deserve to have that option available to us?

At least in other countries, they don't need guns in their schools because their cultures don't glorify guns and gun violence.
At least in other countries, they don't need guns in their schools because their cultures don't glorify guns and gun violence.

why don't you move there then? We don't glorify guns or gun violence in here either. It's the stupid people who choose to abuse that freedom. We glorify the concept of freedom and civil rights :cool2:

sounds like you need to get Jillio in here to save your arse.
why don't you move there then? We don't glorify guns or gun violence in here either. It's the stupid people who choose to abuse that freedom. We glorify the concept of freedom and civil rights :cool2:

I'm not interested in moving anywhere else. This is my country too. Don't ever forget it. At least you have the 2nd Amendment. Cherish it.

sounds like you need to get Jillio in here to save your arse.

Sounds like you need another whipping from her.
In America, guns are the solution to everything.

Seriously, when will people realize that there should be absolutely NO guns in schools, unless the schools have security guards.

Why not giving teachers the same right with security guards which is to wield guns?
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