Mother's Day


New Member
Nov 6, 2004
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What do you do on Mother's Day for yourself, your mom, aunt, grandma, whoever? It is Tomorrow! I already sent the card to my mother also my children sent out the card, too. I hope she will like it! I don't know what to do for Mother's day from children. But I don't need gifts or cards. I have Special gift from Children who love me everyday as :hug: . Also, I had a baby boy few weeks ago. He is so Amazing little guy! That s all i wanted. :)

In a few minutes my husband and our daughter is taking me out to an Italian restaurant then tomorrow we are heading up to my brother's house to celebrate Mother's Day for moms like us and celebrate two birthdays for my dad and my 2nd nephew. :shock: It'll be a fun day! We'll be having Chinese food since it's going to rain all day tomorrow like it is right now. Blah!

Better go before we lose the reservation... Ciao! :mrgreen:
Today, My hubby took me *surprsie*((Blindford)) along w/my children. Went into the Resturant. I recoglized smelling surrodings inside the resturant and said That's KELSEY?? He took off my blindford..and sharp glare his eyes laid on me turns into smiling, Happy Mother's Day. Rest of guys treat me so nice queen.. Ahh... I choice 8oz steaks top of fried onions, baked potato w/buttery and Veggies. *delcouisly* When the done meal after came famous dessert Truffle cake along sharing w/my husband.

Best ever, I had wonderful early Mother's Day reaosn my husband has to go work early midnight shift tomorrow sunday so They are making up as condiser today from next day. I did asked my kids, Can I sleep in tomorrow morning. My kids said, Sure, of course I can leave you alone rest of all morning. *stunned surprised how much they are willing let me go* harrrahh yahoooo yiping!
my daughter told me to sleep IN until noon..
She will wake me up
make me coffee and breakfast in bed, a present
PLUS some kind of surprises makes me wonder
what's that LOL

As for our mothers, we got them cards, Usually we
go to His mom house every year to do yard work,
clean inside but This year postpone due of

Hubby and I sent flowers to his mom (she lives many miles away). He will call her tomorrow evening.

My mom is deceased.

Hubby gave me a corsage to wear tomorrow.

Tomorrow, after church, hubby and I will have lunch at a nice restaurant with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons.
on tomorrow we going at my Aunt's house for mexican as Fajitas and im really disappointment about i wanted go Olive Garden for mother's day for my grandma she wanted it but my Aunt chose it but i hates it but i havent good years!

Sara Boyce