More of what's wrong with America! Sick!

No, Stand Your Ground had nothing to do with Zimmerman's situation.

Why media and some people see George Zimmerman as protected under stand your ground law?
At least the North won the civil war.

Yes. Although better still would have been if the South had taken advantage of the numerous opportunities they had to end slavery peacefully before it ever came to war.

And better still if we'd never allowed the institution on our shores.
Why media and some people see George Zimmerman as protected under stand your ground law?

Several reasons, some of which were explained in the article I showed you:

Being uninformed= this is why it is so important not to rely on the mainstream media for all your information.

Knowing better, but wanting to use Zimmerman's case as a political tool to get rid of Stand your Ground laws.

Even before Zimmerman's arrest, the lawmakers who *wrote* the Stand Your Ground law said it had nothing to do with his case.
MM only works when minorities are involved. Then it becomes newsworthy to them! All lives are precious and a gift or blessing. Truly sad how the MM picks and chooses what to report on. Sensationalism sells and so does racism and hatred. All about the dollar!

Only in some cases where minorities are involved. It's really sad and disgusting, and this shouldn't be a partisan issue.

If a child is abducted or killed, the MSM mainly only cares if the child is white.

If a girl is raped, the MSM mainly only is interested if she is black and the accused are white. The MSM doesn't care about black girls raped by black men.

If a girl is raped and murdered, then they only care if she is white and pretty.

The only male murder victims who matter are minorities killed by whites. But if you are a minority killed by somebody of your own race, the MSM couldn't care less.

The MSM's tunnel vision and focus on what they consider sensational doesn't just hurt white victims.

In fact, I think it hurts the black community most of all.
Several reasons, some of which were explained in the article I showed you:

Being uninformed= this is why it is so important not to rely on the mainstream media for all your information.

Knowing better, but wanting to use Zimmerman's case as a political tool to get rid of Stand your Ground laws.

Even before Zimmerman's arrest, the lawmakers who *wrote* the Stand Your Ground law said it had nothing to do with his case.

I know it doesn't apply to Trayvon Martin's case, according to politicians.

However, I found one.

O'Mara, Zimmerman's attorney, said his client would plead not guilty and invoke Florida's so-called "stand your ground" law, which gives people wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat during a fight.

Zimmerman Makes Court Appearance In Trayvon Martin Shooting
Forgive me for being slightly ignorant on this whole mess. What does MM and MSM stand for?
I know it doesn't apply to Trayvon Martin's case, according to politicians.

However, I found one.

Zimmerman Makes Court Appearance In Trayvon Martin Shooting

Not just according to politicians, according to lawyers and legal experts.

how about some lawyers:

Media coverage of Florida’s self-defense laws in recent weeks has often been very inaccurate. While some persons, particularly from the gun prohibition lobbies, have claimed that the Martin/Zimmerman case shows the danger of Florida’s “Stand your ground” law, that law is legally irrelevant to case. So let’s take a look at what the Florida laws actually say.

Fla. Stat. § 776.012. Use of force in defense of person

A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:

(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or

So the general rule is that deadly force may be used only to “imminent death or great bodily harm,” or “the imminent commission of a forcible felony.” A person may only use deadly force if he “reasonably believes” that the aforesaid factual conditions exist. These standards are the norm throughout the United States.

Eventually, a grand jury will issue a report based on its investigation. In the meantime, there are two competing narratives. In one narrative, Zimmerman followed Martin, attacked him, and then murdered him. Let’s call this the “M narrative.” In Zimmerman’s account, he followed Martin, caught up with him, and then left; while he was leaving, Martin attacked him, knocked him to the ground, and began slamming his head into the pavement. Let’s call this the “Z narrative.”

I am not making any judgment about which narrative is more plausible. The grand jury will do that. For now, it should be noted that neither the M narrative or the Z narrative has anything to do with a duty to retreat. The retreat issue would only be relevant if Martin were the aggressor, and Z had the opportunity to escape from Martin in complete safety. Then, and only then, would different state standards about retreat be relevant. Simply put, everyone who has claimed that Florida’s retreat rule affect the legal disposition of the controversy is either misinformed or mendacious....

Jeralyn at TalkLeft:

Self defense is an affirmative defense to the crime of homicide. It has the effect of legally excusing the defendant from an act that would otherwise be a crime.

Stand your ground is not a defense, but an immunity statute, providing immunity from criminal prosecution. It is a bar to prosecution (and yes, arrest.)

A defendant charged with a crime who wants to raise Stand your Ground files a motion to dismiss claiming stand your ground immunizes him from prosecution. Here is a typical motion, filed in another case in December, 2011.

A hearing is held before trial. The burden is on the defendant to prove by a preponderance of evidence that stand your ground immunity applies.

The judge weighs the facts. If the judge agrees the defendant has shown stand your ground immunity applies by a preponderance of evidence, the charges are dismissed. The defendant can't be prosecuted.

If the judge finds the defendant hasn't met his burden, (including if the disputed evidence is so equal on both sides the judge can't decide one way or the other) the case goes to trial to be decided by the jury. At trial, the defendant can still argue both self-defense and stand your ground immunity -- he only has to establish some evidence of his theory, which can be just his own testimony, that he acted in self-defense.

The prosecution must prove his guilt at the jury trial beyond a reasonable doubt. Which means, if the defendant raises self-defense or stand your ground at trial and gets the jury instruction, the state, which has the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, must disprove self-defense. If the jury has a doubt, the defendant must be acquitted.

There's a lot more at both links, and both articles do a good job, I think, of explaining what the SYG law is and is not.
It has with stand your ground law in Zimmerman's case and they are free to bring up.
Was Zimmerman standing his ground at the time that Martin hit him, or was he attempting to retreat by heading for his car? :hmm:

If he was attempting to retreat when he was attacked, then his pulling a gun would be an act of self defense.
Was Zimmerman standing his ground at the time that Martin hit him, or was he attempting to retreat by heading for his car? :hmm:

If he was attempting to retreat when he was attacked, then his pulling a gun would be an act of self defense.

The legal experts say no but George Zimmerman and his lawyer probably use it.
Were the legal experts there? Do they have an eyewitness? I seriously doubt it.

Hey, ask Grayma and she is only person that prove about situation with stand your ground law.