Mmm..more hearing people joining this AD

I don't mean to come off as dumb, but, what exactly is an audist? Would someone explain to me please? I hear but an trying to learn ASL because it is beautiful and practical. I would really like to learn more about the deaf community as well so I do not accidentally come of as a jerk. Does anyone have any advice or maybe some good websites I can learn from, please? Thanks in advance.

Audism is the belief of where hearing is superior to the deaf. Spoken language trumps the signed language. Things of that nature.

It can be subtle, for example - there is a meeting where Deaf people are discussing their thoughts and experiences of their upbringing. These are the people that grew up/became Deaf. They experienced it. A hearing person without any experience comes in and invalidates what the Deaf has gone through. That in itself can be considered Audism, especially if the Deaf were discussing Audism itself.

Don't feel bad, a lot of people do not know what Audism is. Feel bad when a person refuses to see what it is, or introspect to see how they can improve oneself.

Hope that was helpful.
I'm a "hearie" and i just joined to learn more about what being deaf is like and the potential struggles/experiences some of you have been through. I'm guessing that's why most "hearies" joined? I doubt it's to incite audism :S
I'm a "hearie" and i just joined to learn more about what being deaf is like and the potential struggles/experiences some of you have been through. I'm guessing that's why most "hearies" joined? I doubt it's to incite audism :S

Thankfully, most don't join to spew audism. :)
Audism is the belief of where hearing is superior to the deaf. Spoken language trumps the signed language. Things of that nature.

It can be subtle, for example - there is a meeting where Deaf people are discussing their thoughts and experiences of their upbringing. These are the people that grew up/became Deaf. They experienced it. A hearing person without any experience comes in and invalidates what the Deaf has gone through. That in itself can be considered Audism, especially if the Deaf were discussing Audism itself.

Don't feel bad, a lot of people do not know what Audism is. Feel bad when a person refuses to see what it is, or introspect to see how they can improve oneself.

Hope that was helpful.

Actually that was extremely helpful, thank you. My personal belief is not that one or the other is superior, but it is a language barrier to be broken. I simply wish to understand the language and the culture and apply it to my own life as well. I certainly hope that's a good reason, it's really also for my job. I'm a C.N.A and we have some young mildly autistic deaf guys who are very smart, but I want to communicate with better. I figure If I can understand, I can take better care of them, and really I want to do that. Thank you again for the explanation, so much!
Actually that was extremely helpful, thank you. My personal belief is not that one or the other is superior, but it is a language barrier to be broken. I simply wish to understand the language and the culture and apply it to my own life as well. I certainly hope that's a good reason, it's really also for my job. I'm a C.N.A and we have some young mildly autistic deaf guys who are very smart, but I want to communicate with better. I figure If I can understand, I can take better care of them, and really I want to do that. Thank you again for the explanation, so much!

When people open up and ask the Deaf people questions like this, they're welcome with big open arms. You're leading up the right path. :)

Feel free to ask more questions anytime!
When people open up and ask the Deaf people questions like this, they're welcome with big open arms. You're leading up the right path. :)

Feel free to ask more questions anytime!

Thank you! That makes me feel MUCH more confident asking things. I want to learn as much as I possibly can. And maybe even teach my son! I'm sure it'll help him sometime down the road! Not to mention it's just plain awesome. He can already count to eleven! I'm so proud! hate to admit...he's better than me and he's three. lol. :)
Thank you! That makes me feel MUCH more confident asking things. I want to learn as much as I possibly can. And maybe even teach my son! I'm sure it'll help him sometime down the road! Not to mention it's just plain awesome. He can already count to eleven! I'm so proud! hate to admit...he's better than me and he's three. lol. :)

Darn kids and their sponge for brains. :giggle:
So...for anyone who is willing to answer this.... What is it REALLY like to be deaf? What kind of hardships do you face, what are the things you find yourself liking, or grateful for? What would you change if you could, or would you change anything at all? Is it difficult dealing with 'hearies' who just don't express interest in your language? What about people who look at you like it's a disability? Does that make you frustrated or angry? I don't mean to come off offensive AT ALL...but, as a hearing person I have no way to know unless I ask. I hope you understand where I am coming from, and do not get angry at me.
So...for anyone who is willing to answer this.... What is it REALLY like to be deaf? What kind of hardships do you face, what are the things you find yourself liking, or grateful for? What would you change if you could, or would you change anything at all? Is it difficult dealing with 'hearies' who just don't express interest in your language? What about people who look at you like it's a disability? Does that make you frustrated or angry? I don't mean to come off offensive AT ALL...but, as a hearing person I have no way to know unless I ask. I hope you understand where I am coming from, and do not get angry at me.

Theres a couple threads you can look through... :)

For starters.

And be prepared... Remember I brought up that some hearing people will come in and try to invalidate opinions... You'll see it in these threads. Very volatile at times.
Is hard deaf people answer what is like be deaf...just is. What like be hearing? Hard answer...especially those us born deaf.

I would change nothing. Change anything changes everything.
Theres a couple threads you can look through... :)

For starters.

And be prepared... Remember I brought up that some hearing people will come in and try to invalidate opinions... You'll see it in these threads. Very volatile at times.

Oh! Thank you! very kind! I'll try not to get upset. I really don't want to get lumped in with the, pardon my language, but, hearing assholes. And yes, I know plenty of them. :( Assholes come in ALL languages. More's the pity
Theres a couple threads you can look through... :)

For starters.

And be prepared... Remember I brought up that some hearing people will come in and try to invalidate opinions... You'll see it in these threads. Very volatile at times.

Excellent break in threads. Two of the most eye opening ones still active.
Wow...we as a group are just....stupid. I can hardly believe some people say those kinds of things or act like it's a punishment for sins and act so foolish. I had really hoped people as a whole had come further than that.... I almost feel bad being sort of part of that group.Ii mean, I don't act that way or say those things but....DAMN. Really?? What is wrong with people?
So...for anyone who is willing to answer this.... What is it REALLY like to be deaf? What kind of hardships do you face, what are the things you find yourself liking, or grateful for? What would you change if you could, or would you change anything at all? Is it difficult dealing with 'hearies' who just don't express interest in your language? What about people who look at you like it's a disability? Does that make you frustrated or angry? I don't mean to come off offensive AT ALL...but, as a hearing person I have no way to know unless I ask. I hope you understand where I am coming from, and do not get angry at me.

PFH provide you excellent threads to read to answer most question you ask.

What is it like? For me? I view the world in a very unique way in which hearies do not get to experience. That makes me pretty special. :giggle: My sense of taste and smell is much stronger than that of my hearie children. I read body language so always *knew* when something was wrong with my kids and would communicate with them then and there. Not all hearie parents are *in tune* with this. I'm also *very* visual and 'hearie' men seem fascinated with this. :giggle:

I am grateful that I am multi-lingual and that my first language is a beautiful and expressive dance of the hands.

I am grateful that I *AM* expressive. Many hearies have very bland expressions. Boring. *yawn*

I am grateful for the 'deaf' bluntness. Many hearies hide behind politeness and double-speak. Say what you mean and mean what you say!!

As for the challenging side of deafness the links provided to you are common frustrations shared by many of us, myself included. In fact, I have a current thread about "Think daughter is audist." If that doesn't hurt like hell do not know what does.

Welcome and thank you for your questions. Lots of hearies come here to tell us that they want us to be their circus freak, to study us for some assignment due tomorrow at school, or want to tell us how *WE* the Deaf should feel about our deafness. It is refreshing to meet someone not like that.:wave:

EDIT: Sense of smell come in *very* handy for naughty teenager who think can drink, smoke or do marijuana behind Mumma back. Can smell as soon as walk in house. They *HATE* that. :giggle:
Yes, I'm sure if I posted MY hearing test, I would probably be shown out the door to AD! But my hearing is bad enough that it effects my life, and bad enough so that I came here to AD to learn and find others who know how I feel. I left more than one room yesterday during family conversations because I just couldn't follow what was said (oh yeah - didn't care, either!).

Nah. we won't show you the exit door.....Jillio is not deaf and she is very welcome in here. No worry!

I know that feeling at family events at holiday times. I would get bored very quickly.
.... I am grateful for the 'deaf' bluntness. Many hearies hide behind politeness and double-speak. Say what you mean and mean what you say!!

I know that they find us so blunt. Sometimes it is good idea to be polite and other times it is good idea to be blunt. Why dance around an issue and confuse a person about how you really feel about the issue????
^^^I agree. I hate having to guess what people mean - then they get mad if you take them at their word.