Miss Universe..naturally slender or seriously starving?

I could never do that!

Self-esteem issues can really drive a person to take desperate measures! I dont want to do it again..my thoughts were so consumed with comparing my body to any other women, food, and how much my bones stuck out. Not a fun way to live!
Self-esteem issues can really drive a person to take desperate measures! I dont want to do it again..my thoughts were so consumed with comparing my body to any other women, food, and how much my bones stuck out. Not a fun way to live!

QFT! People with eating disorders are miserable, and it is sad to watch them suffer.
QFT! People with eating disorders are miserable, and it is sad to watch them suffer.

It's even more sad to see them exploited in "beauty pagents". Whatever happened to voluptuous, curvy bodies being beautiful??
It's even more sad to see them exploited in "beauty pagents". Whatever happened to voluptuous, curvy bodies being beautiful??

I couldn't agree with you more. The incidence of eating disorders has steadily increased since the 1950's as the "desired" body type has gotten thinner and thinner. It does a disservice to all women. And exercise bulemia in men has seen a tremendous increase,as well, as I'm sure you already know.
None, looks like she was placed in an extreme workout and nutrition program. Remember, alot of work goes into making women look perfect, they will not disclose what programs were given to them. These extreme makeovers are meant to add a goddess or diva effect to the average world. She is healthy, but must be supervised to look extremely slender without ill effects. Think about it, if she were truly anorexic, she would look ill and not have the energy to perform in the pageant.