Mel Gibson was arrested for a DUI.

Buckdodgers said:
But what about Politicans who make mistakes and dont pay for it with their actions such as Patrick Kennedy,Ted Kennedy,Vice president Dick Cheney and Cynthia McKinney take responsiblity for the mistakes they make? What about them? Well Mel Gibson isnt above the Law.So people like Patrick Kennedy,Ted Kennedy,Vice president Dick Cheney and Cynthia McKinney are not above the laws nether.
Exactly Good point !
Everyone makes mistakes (except me, just kidding ya)
mel gibson is one of my fav actors.. hes gorgeous! so HOT... especially the movie- Brave Heart.. i love that! hes so so fine! hehe.. :D
SmileyGin said:
mel gibson is one of my fav actors.. hes gorgeous! so HOT... especially the movie- Brave Heart.. i love that! hes so so fine! hehe.. :D

I agree.... He is soooo SEXY....
I'm sorry in advance for what I'm about to say, folks. I do so hate to tread on feet.... but.. I just have to say it. lol.. Something doesn't feel right to me. The assertions made by some folks here about it being rumors. These assertions are what I wanna just to address - I don't care who said what and so on. Feel free to disagree with me, and I still trust we can discuss this honorably.

If something smells like roses, they are probably really roses. Just because someone is nice to you or made some cool movies doesn't mean he is nice to his own family or respect other people.

Mel Gibson admitted that he behaved badly that night, and even wanted to seek an audience with the Jewish leaders to repair the rift (or maybe he didn't want to lose money from some insulted customers?). It is not just rumor, it is presumably true. This man resorted to destructive, hostile bullying behavior when drunk so yeah, it's obvious he has a drinking problem as well.

Gibson has apologized twice. In the latest he addressed the Jewish community, apologizing for his "vitriolic and harmful words."
Yahoo news

Also, his anti semitic rant was allegedly videotaped, according to

I think it's like stapling his nuts to admit everything right now - because he was presumably cornered with alleged videotaped evidence and witnesses of his bad behavior, and through that, he has the opportunity to change. His arrest is a blessing in disguise for him, because he was harming himself big time. I wish all the best recovery to him mentally and physically. He has my unconditional support for a healthier lifestyle without alcohol. I imagine now he has earn people's trust again, and there is nothing wrong with a little bit of hard work :) Just teaches people humility, right?

Life is about choices. To learn or to not learn. Mel Gibson's ball. And ours.

With best and kind regards,
Liza said:
I'm sorry in advance for what I'm about to say, folks. I do so hate to tread on feet.... but.. I just have to say it. lol.. Something doesn't feel right to me. The assertions made by some folks here about it being rumors. These assertions are what I wanna just to address - I don't care who said what and so on. Feel free to disagree with me, and I still trust we can discuss this honorably.

If something smells like roses, they are probably really roses. Just because someone is nice to you or made some cool movies doesn't mean he is nice to his own family or respect other people.

Mel Gibson admitted that he behaved badly that night, and even wanted to seek an audience with the Jewish leaders to repair the rift (or maybe he didn't want to lose money from some insulted customers?). It is not just rumor, it is presumably true. This man resorted to destructive, hostile bullying behavior when drunk so yeah, it's obvious he has a drinking problem as well.

Yahoo news

Also, his anti semitic rant was allegedly videotaped, according to

I think it's like stapling his nuts to admit everything right now - because he was presumably cornered with alleged videotaped evidence and witnesses of his bad behavior, and through that, he has the opportunity to change. His arrest is a blessing in disguise for him, because he was harming himself big time. I wish all the best recovery to him mentally and physically. He has my unconditional support for a healthier lifestyle without alcohol. I imagine now he has earn people's trust again, and there is nothing wrong with a little bit of hard work :) Just teaches people humility, right?

Life is about choices. To learn or to not learn. Mel Gibson's ball. And ours.

With best and kind regards,

I agree with what you've said, except for this. I do not believe he is a good person who "just made a mistake". If we were just talking about his alcoholism, then I could agree that people should cut him a break, and support his efforts at getting his sobriety back. However, I believe he knew exactly what he was saying when he said it. Even drunk, people know what they say. Alcohol lubes the lips, so to speak. Whatever is in the heart, is then spoken more freely.

However, I don't think his alcoholism is the issue. It's his anti semitic remarks that are at issue. Just because, he made those remarks while intoxicated doesn't excuse what he said. He can get sober, but he's still a hypocrite in my mind. The only way he's going to be able to heal this for himself is if he gets sober, and then, try to ask forgiveness from the appropriate people for the things he said.

What bothers me about this is, it seems he's using his being drunk as the excuse for his stupidity. It's like saying.. "Oops, sorry. I was drunk, and therefore, I didn't mean what I said."

And, I suggest that, yes he did!

I'm not as forgiving, perhaps... But, I really think he needs to prove to people that he truly embraces people of all colors and creeds before we accept him with open arms again.

Just my two cents.

Btw, on a personal note.. I don't feel you stepped on my toes, so no apology necessary. You're entitled to your opinion, and the want to express it, just like the rest of us. :)
I understand he isnt perfect, but he's about 50 and he should know better to drive and drink...

I watched alot of his movies too and I thought most of them were pretty good (expect Signs, which was pretty damn retarded) my favorite were the Letal Weapon movies, but now I'm having second thoughts about that celebrity, who just asked the arresting officer if he is a jewish and that he is against jews for starting the wars?? if he thinks it was the jews that started WWII, then I'm laughing my ass off cause it was obvious that it was the Nazis and I guess he must've failed world history or something...

you know most people who dont like jews also dont like black people so I'm concered if he is even a racist, then he has lost my respect all the way. I thought he is a very good man, but now...I guess alot of celebrities change all the time. pity them.
Steel X said:
I understand he isnt perfect, but he's about 50 and he should know better to drive and drink...

I watched alot of his movies too and I thought most of them were pretty good (expect Signs, which was pretty damn retarded) my favorite were the Letal Weapon movies, but now I'm having second thoughts about that celebrity, who just asked the arresting officer if he is a jewish and that he is against jews for starting the wars?? if he thinks it was the jews that started WWII, then I'm laughing my ass off cause it was obvious that it was the Nazis and I guess he must've failed world history or something...

you know most people who dont like jews also dont like black people so I'm concered if he is even a racist, then he has lost my respect all the way. I thought he is a very good man, but now...I guess alot of celebrities change all the time. pity them.

That's the thing, Steel. He hasn't changed. He's always proported to be so righteous. Yet, he has had all these anti-semite atitudes. It's always been there. People just weren't willing to see until he decided to be stupid. I'm sure he's had these atitudes for awhile, but it was easily overlooked until he got drunk and opened up his fat mouth. And, now, it's "Omigosh!"

Well, gee folks... Where've you all been? He's always been an ass. You just didn't notice until he embarrassed some people. :ugh:

It's as much society's fault as his. We're alittle slow on the uptake. He should have been called on the carpet for his atitudes a long time ago.
Oceanbreeze, I like reading your thoughts on this issue. I actually typed a lot more stern stuff about Mel G then deleted some of it, wanting to start on point A before going on point B. I'm not giving up on this discussion. ;)

I also want to communicate that he should be held accountable fully, and that he should not get away with it even if he is a celebrity or not. It bothered me that some people gave me the impression that they were willing to turn a blind eye for the sake of a nice ass and some cool movies. Perhaps I'm just overstating that... which is why I said even if some people are nice to you, it doesn't mean they are nice to or respect others. My father kept up appearances and people knew him as a nice guy, but he was the opposite at home.. sometimes. I know how that can be, and I can easily see this in Mel Gibson's case.. especially with the part alcohol has in his life. I'm not saying that it's the alcohol or the devil that made him say or do terrible things - it is Mel Gibson's responsibility to seek help for himself and to make amends for the pain he has caused others. I also think it is our responsibility to learn from this - it is never too late or too early to do that. I dunno but, assigning blame on each other is not what I wanna call productive.

Admitting that he has a drinking problem is an important step - even though I doubt he would have admitted that without that ugly incident. That's why I called it a blessing in disguise for him, and that it can be a turning point for him if he chooses to let it happen for him. I put a lot of value on compassion, even if it means to hit someone over the head for culpability. It was nasty and still is nasty that he made those slurs against Jewish folks and women. Sugar tits, anyone? I'll pass, thanks.

I seriously doubt Gibson is happy or taking full responsibility right now, and that's why I said I thought it must have been like stapling his nuts to admit some of the stuff already... even with extra 'help' from his ghostwriters and publicists. It doesn't feel to me he is ready to go all out of the closet, so to speak. I feel he is trying to make amends for the wrong reasons. YET I found it impressive that some Jewish leaders are willing to give him benefit of the doubt, and I am taking their lead. I doubt Rabbi David Baron is a fool, because he invited Mel over on Yom Kippur (appropriate, since it is the day of atonement) so he can have a serious talk with Gibson and see if he is being willing in healing the pain he caused (source). Since I have no control over the outcome, I've come to expect that people can surprise us now and then. I'll wait and see how Mel Gibson's meeting at the temple goes. May it be a day of real transformation for him.. in a positive way. If not.. well... he can kiss my sugar tits and go to hell. I don't want to use one more second talking about him after that. Remind me after Oct 2, will ya?? ;)
Liza said:
Oceanbreeze, I like reading your thoughts on this issue. I actually typed a lot more stern stuff about Mel G then deleted some of it, wanting to start on point A before going on point B. I'm not giving up on this discussion. ;)

I also want to communicate that he should be held accountable fully, and that he should not get away with it even if he is a celebrity or not. It bothered me that some people gave me the impression that they were willing to turn a blind eye for the sake of a nice ass and some cool movies. Perhaps I'm just overstating that... which is why I said even if some people are nice to you, it doesn't mean they are nice to or respect others. My father kept up appearances and people knew him as a nice guy, but he was the opposite at home.. sometimes. I know how that can be, and I can easily see this in Mel Gibson's case.. especially with the part alcohol has in his life. I'm not saying that it's the alcohol or the devil that made him say or do terrible things - it is Mel Gibson's responsibility to seek help for himself and to make amends for the pain he has caused others. I also think it is our responsibility to learn from this - it is never too late or too early to do that. I dunno but, assigning blame on each other is not what I wanna call productive.

Admitting that he has a drinking problem is an important step - even though I doubt he would have admitted that without that ugly incident. That's why I called it a blessing in disguise for him, and that it can be a turning point for him if he chooses to let it happen for him. I put a lot of value on compassion, even if it means to hit someone over the head for culpability. It was nasty and still is nasty that he made those slurs against Jewish folks and women. Sugar tits, anyone? I'll pass, thanks.

I seriously doubt Gibson is happy or taking full responsibility right now, and that's why I said I thought it must have been like stapling his nuts to admit some of the stuff already... even with extra 'help' from his ghostwriters and publicists. It doesn't feel to me he is ready to go all out of the closet, so to speak. I feel he is trying to make amends for the wrong reasons. YET I found it impressive that some Jewish leaders are willing to give him benefit of the doubt, and I am taking their lead. I doubt Rabbi David Baron is a fool, because he invited Mel over on Yom Kippur (appropriate, since it is the day of atonement) so he can have a serious talk with Gibson and see if he is being willing in healing the pain he caused (source). Since I have no control over the outcome, I've come to expect that people can surprise us now and then. I'll wait and see how Mel Gibson's meeting at the temple goes. May it be a day of real transformation for him.. in a positive way. If not.. well... he can kiss my sugar tits and go to hell. I don't want to use one more second talking about him after that. Remind me after Oct 2, will ya?? ;)

I hear what you're saying, and I agree with you on most of it. I guess, I've already written him off as a hypocrite. Gibson has already admitted to being an alcoholic, and has gotten help for it. People go in and out of sobriety before they finally get it together. It can take years to get one's act together. I don't fault him on that. I fault him on his anti semitism. That's something that he has to want to change. And, I'm sorry, but I just don't see it yet.

I find it interesting that the Rabbi stepped up to the plate for him, but I also don't put alot of stock in that right now. When MEL steps up to the plate, and takes ownership of his prejudices, then I'll listen . I guess what I'm saying is, I don't want to hear from others about how contrite Mel Gibson is. I want to hear it from HIM how contrite he is. When I do, I'll change my view.
SO what if Mel Gibson has a drinking problem. So does over 1/2 the people in the world. Just because hes a actor all the sudden its big news. Sheesh
jlfwildkat said:
SO what if Mel Gibson has a drinking problem. So does over 1/2 the people in the world. Just because hes a actor all the sudden its big news. Sheesh

I don't know about everybody, but I think alot of people are more upset at his anti-semitism than they are his drinking problem. It just happens that his drinking caused him to open up his mouth, and spew forth hate. The alcohol is one problem, but his atitudes are the other. He should look at both, if he wants to tackle his demons for good.
yeah thats true, ya got a good point there ;)

Oceanbreeze said:
I don't know about everybody, but I think alot of people are more upset at his anti-semitism than they are his drinking problem. It just happens that his drinking caused him to open up his mouth, and spew forth hate. The alcohol is one problem, but his atitudes are the other. He should look at both, if he wants to tackle his demons for good.
Yeah, but the bigger issue is the fact that he made an inappropriate comment about Jews. Even worse is how he made a couple of religious movies and then said something that wouldn't be expected out of a person like that.

That's like me going to church every Sunday, praying with my family with much feeling, preaching to others about God's Word... and then getting busted for beating up a pastor.
VamPyroX said:
Yeah, but the bigger issue is the fact that he made an inappropriate comment about Jews. Even worse is how he made a couple of religious movies and then said something that wouldn't be expected out of a person like that.

That's like me going to church every Sunday, praying with my family with much feeling, preaching to others about God's Word... and then getting busted for beating up a pastor.

Exactly! :gpost:

It smacks of hypocrisy.