losing hearing not fun

bob hartman

New Member
Apr 24, 2005
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losing my hearing over the past two years and it is not fun. I'm not a kid fifty years old and this is taking a toll on my profession. May have to quit my jobs and find something that I can do without hearing. The change is not an easy one. Hearing aide isn't able to provide communication anymore. Will have to learn to sign and I really ain't hip about that. Don't know anyone who is deaf but I'm not able to communicate much longer with my hearing friends. I guess I'm hard of hearing because most days I can communicate in one on one conversations as long as there is no backround noise. Even then I loose some of the words. Trapped between two worlds and not a happy camper.
How do I get to meet deaf people and learn and find someone who will tolerate a very very neophite signer ?
Questions to ponder the universe......
Don't quit your job. Depending on your profession, just because you are losing your hearing doesn't mean you can't do the job anymore. It's that you have to relearn how to deal with your job and your hearing loss.

Neophyte or not, it's never too late to learn ASL. ;) You can check your local Deaf community. Some states have Deaf Community Centers.
losing my hearing over the past two years and it is not fun. I'm not a kid fifty years old and this is taking a toll on my profession. May have to quit my jobs and find something that I can do without hearing. The change is not an easy one. Hearing aide isn't able to provide communication anymore. Will have to learn to sign and I really ain't hip about that. Don't know anyone who is deaf but I'm not able to communicate much longer with my hearing friends.
Welcome Bob!!!! Is yours a progressive loss? Definitly try learning Sign....I think it's great that a late deafened person is interested in learning Sign!
Are you a member of SHHH? They are right up your alley, ad most of their members are older late deafened folks. I know that learning Sign is tough, but it's also wicked fun! Look on it as an enriching oppertunity! I know some late/postlingal deafies...like I.King Jordan and Tom Humpries viewed being deaf and learning ASL as one of the most enriching experiances of their lives!
Most of us here are prelingal dhh. Not too many relatively late deafies around here, but we have members from all across the spectrum!
G'day Bob!

Welcome to AD. I hope you'll derive some useful information as well meet friendly people. I believe there's one who's in a similar situation who goes by the sn: Codger. Anyway, don't quit your job. Good luck.

Cheers! :wave:
Giday, welcome aboard bob hartman, sorry to hear about your hearing loss.
Perhaps C.I will help you?
I think I can relate to some of what you are going through, Bob. Although I was much younger when I lost my hearing entirely after becoming ill with spinal meningitis. From my experience I would just say, allow yourself some time to adjust, take it one day at a time. I think you've come to the right place for support and friendship, here at AllDeaf.
Welcome Bob !

Hi Bob,
Welcome to AD!
Sorry that your losing your hearing, but don't quit your job.
Stick with your sing language, don't give up.
Where are you from?
We are now starting to teach ASL at our agency, here in Orange County California.
Keep smiling!

I'm sorry you just lost your hearing, but don't quit your job just cause you are unable to hear anymore, it good to have a job so you can earn some $$....We're here for you whenever you need an advice or any type of information, we'll be happy to help you in any way we can...

Btw, Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here! smile now
Hello &
Thanks for all the support and advice. What a great group of people.guess being deaf will give me a chance to meet a whole group of people that I don't think I ever would have had the oppertunity to get to know. My typing has already start to improve. There are alot of sl classes here in penna. Found a great web site Asl browserhttp://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm tryig to learn sign alittle on my own. Slow going got to find a partner to practice on. Thanks again for all your support what a great group. Next I'll figure out how to do the avatar deal.....
bob hartman said:
Thanks for all the support and advice. What a great group of people.guess being deaf will give me a chance to meet a whole group of people that I don't think I ever would have had the oppertunity to get to know. My typing has already start to improve. There are alot of sl classes here in penna. Found a great web site Asl browserhttp://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm tryig to learn sign alittle on my own. Slow going got to find a partner to practice on. Thanks again for all your support what a great group. Next I'll figure out how to do the avatar deal.....

Hey!!! That's cool! Anyone can learn Sign!!! It's awesome!! Don't worry about being slow at it...learning it will be a slow process...i've been signing for a while and i'm still slow, but that's ok. Don't worry about that!!! Sorry to hear you're losing your hearing though, you will get used to it, but like everything, it takes time. Good luck!!!!
Bob, you've come to the right place..to AD! Take sign language classes near you. At sign language class, ask the teacher where deaf events are at and you'll be on the way to making deaf friends. This all takes time and don't push yourself too hard. It takes time to accept being deaf, be healed emotionally and eventually be able to deal with it. Time is the greatest healer. When you make friends with deaf people, you will realize that it is fine being deaf, still have normal life and have same job that you like. Deaf people can do anything, anything...but hear. You can ask us questions here at AD about things like how do we know when someone is at the door, when phone rings, etc...anything that's on your mind, Bob. My husband is very deaf and do not speak well, but he has held same job for 12 years as Machine Operator. He and I have five children and are married. We go to church. Our lives are very normal just like hearing people. Now I am full time housewife by choice. I used to work in Accounting dept...then eventually worked with deaf clients as Vocational Skills Specialist as well as Independent Living Skills Specialist. What job do you do, Bob?
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Bob! Am glad that you were able to find this wonderful and neat Forum--as well as being entertained here, I'm sure you'll find many useful resources to turn to on your quest to better your life as you deal with your progressive hearing loss--like members here pointing out, don't give up your job just yet...of course, it may take time to readjust to a different surrounding in the condition you're in now, but surely it's something you can overcome and acheive, also, you'll find great support here from members in AD as well!! Enjoy your stay here! ;)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us :thumb:

Don't give up everything but think positive about your own life...

I will create a thread soon about hearing loss and CI... I received interesting information from my hubby where he met CI people in Rehab. Clinic... Few of them lost their hearing to deafness...
Aww, Bob...

I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time. This is a great place to meet people who share similar situations as you. I hope you are able to find peace with your newfound disability and perhaps you'll be able to embrace it as a part of you later on in the future...it isn't the end of the world. :) Do be gentle with yourself.

Anyway, enjoy yourself here, and post with us. ;) Most of us are decent folks!
:wave: :welcome: Hello and welcome to AD, Bob. I am sorry to hear the difficulties you are going through, you will come out of it fine. Deafdyke and Malfoyish gave you some wonderful advice.
Don't quit your job, you will be able to learn sign language, everyone has to start somewhere, and you made a great move by joining us here at AD.

If there is a Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in your area, they will have loads of information to help you along from learning ASL, various deaf and hard of hearing organizations, learning to adjust to your new life.

The more you adjust as you go along, you will be able to help your co-workers adjust to your hearing loss.

Good luck with everything, and keep me informed as to how you're doing. I look forward to your posting. Have a wonderful day!!! :angel:
Welcome to AD and enjoy these forums, BOb!!!! I am lost my hearing too but I am accepted that who I am that I am deaf. :D