Let's Discuss Advertising @ AllDeaf


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
As AllDeaf.com grows and is being indexed by major search engines frequently, more and more people are noticing our wonderful deaf discussion forum on the Internets. ;) Anyway, there are three groups of people that visit us everyday. They are members, lurkers, and advertisers.

Lurkers are mostly those who found us through search engines and are curious to find out more about AllDeaf before they can register. They are ok. Members are like many of us who registered to post threads, view private forums, and make new friends. They are ok. Advertisers, on the other hand, are a little tricky. While some come here to sponsor us because they find AllDeaf to be resourceful and would like to offer their services, others come here to simply SPAM. That's NOT ok.

First of all, let me explain why I feel we shouldn't allow all advertisers to post their links here. This one is simple -- AllDeaf is a discussion board, it is not a spam board. While AllDeaf is FREE to everyone, I am the one who pays out of my pocket for server and software fees, including commission payouts to the moderators of this site. I'll tell you this, it ain't cheap. So when some advertiser comes here thinking they can advertise for free, they're sorely mistaken. It isn't fair to me nor my current sponsors (see top banners) who are paying to keep AllDeaf free to you guys.

Please don't think that anyone who posts a link to their site is automatically labeled as a spammer, and their link is removed. I'll tell you what kind of sites are acceptable and what sites are not, below.

- Clean, non-commercial sites or forums. What I mean by "clean", I'm referring to sites or forums that do NOT have advertisements displayed all over. The only advertisement I don't mind is Google AdSense.

- Clean, non-profit organizations. Organizations that offer their services to the deaf and hard of hearing without making a profit are ok.

- Forum of the same nature as AllDeaf. It doesn't make sense to redirect my members to other forums similar to AllDeaf.

- Commercial sites or forums. They all profit somehow, AllDeaf is not here to make them rich for free. If they want to advertise, they will have to be an official AllDeaf sponsor. For a media kit, they can contact webmaster(at)alldeaf.com

- Affiliated sites or sites with advertisements. Again, these sites make money somehow. Affiliates pay the site owners, or companies pay the site owners to have their advertisement displayed. Free advertisement for these kind of sites does not exist here.

- Sites that bash or make false accusations against AllDeaf and its members, and is encouraged by the site owners themselves. Trust me, I know the difference between "AllDeaf sucks" and "AllDeaf sucks because the members are [untrue or false statement here]." As a matter of fact, these sites are automatically censored here. I like to keep in mind the physical law that "for every action, there is a reaction."

However, there are some exceptions I'm willing to make for most advertisers here. They can place a link in their profile's homepage section. Any member that's interested in their homepage would click on the link button. Members who are actively involved in discussions and infrequently recommends or suggests a commercial site, is acceptable.

In addition, I believe in link exchange where we can benefit from unique site traffic. For more information, follow this link: http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?p=33797

That being said, I would like to know how others feel about advertising at AllDeaf. I think I'm a fair guy, but if you disagree with what was said above, or if you don't understand something, please feel free to post here.
Alex...the standards and philosophy you have set for regulating advertisements here for Alldeaf sounds fair and appropriate and if I were running such a Forum myself, I would definitely adhere to the same format you've expressed above in your post! Advertisers (generally NOT all of them) will tend to turn every which way possible to pinch pennies however they can do it whether by way of spamming or via through another link...these kind of advertisers resort to tactics that are unfair to others such as to Alldeaf.com, yet there are a great many advertisers (like the ones we have posted in the banner above) doing so in such a manner that's appropriate and respectful so their services can be rendered accordingly and legally.

Therefore, I believe you are upholding good quality standards and a great format for regulating advertisers....Keep up with the good work and meanwhile, I will continue to keep my eyes open for anything that is out of order and not in line with the philosophies and guidelines of Alldeaf.com!! ;)
Actually I happen to agree with everything you had said above Alex....you have done an amazing job on your forum....

Keep up the good work! ... :thumb:
Your a fair guy indeed Alex. Too many links spoil the quality of the threads.
Viva La AllDeaf! Your and sponsor's contribution to this forum has greatly affected us all. We will be more than glad to enforce such policy that was given to us. I can not wait to come back into the Internet, as we finally found a place of our own, and now that we are married. I sorely miss moderating, and to moderate with positive influence, I'll purge this forum in accordance to your desires.

Again, I say, Viva La AllDeaf!

Oh, by the way, is my signature appropiate? If not, I'll be more than glad to remove.
Thanks all for understanding my view regarding advertising at AllDeaf. And, LinuxGold, don't worry about your signature -- I support Firefox, too! ;)

Effective sometime this week, the mods and I will be reviewing most, if not all, links posted at AllDeaf and determine whether they stay, or not. As much as I would like to inform each and every member if their link was removed from their post, it is a lot of work and time consuming, thus we will proceed without notification. However, I do plan to make an announcement to make sure all members know about the changes.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post here.
So am I not allow to post like this: http://www.alldeaf.com/showthread.php?t=11912 ?

Mind you, I am not advertising, I simply want to know if anyone did ever go there or know anyone who went there. If so, I will ask for their experiences to see how it is. I just hope that I did not break the rules like that.. If so, I will be more than glad to edit it out.
No, you were not advertising, Magatsu, so don't worry about it. :)

I don't want everyone to think that all links will be removed. For every post that has a link to another site with a "commercial" feeling to it, I will review the site, the member's join date, posts and post count, use common sense and determine whether they were spamming or simply helping AllDeaf.

I will start reviewing links starting tonight until I make an announcement when I'm finished.
Good luck. Theres an awful lot of threads to go through. Most of them probably wont be a problem, but you'll still have to look at them...all 205,163 :crazy:
Taylor said:
Good luck. Theres an awful lot of threads to go through. Most of them probably wont be a problem, but you'll still have to look at them...all 205,163 :crazy:
A moderation to moderate, as we moderate along moderating.....
