Legal Weed Sales

Damn right!!!!!!!
the less prohibition the better
end prohibition!!!
Hopefully, Calif is next. BTW, I wonder what about DEA?

Oh shit, Wash state will be next.
Make Maryland next! :)
It's possible that other states will follow once they find out about how much Colorado will get from sales tax. $$$$$$
Would love to go to the store and browse around. Never thought I'd live to see this happen in my lifetime!
Hey federal government, get hell out of Colorado.

DEA needs to GO and stop use our taxes to go after weeds!
OK I have to admit, I've been watching the shows "Cops" and "Jail" the last few days. Thinking this is going to be a real learning experience for the DEA and police. Interesting to see how this all works out over the next few months. I read that the airports in Colorado have a zero tolerance for pot right now, even medical.
Excuse me if I don't join the celebration.
No, Washington is next... Remember Washington is one of two states passed and legalize already. Right now Washington is working on how to properly tax on Mary Jane.

Soon, other states will definitely follow. Why? So far its already a full business day has ended and not even single problem or issue and with long lines... This is going to prove that Marijuana isn't as bad as closed minded people think they are, and leads more evidence why Marijuana Prohibition has to go. Enough feeding drug cartels gold mines! Its better to tax them and regulate them to ensure that kids stay out of this business. Drug Cartels don't care and would do business with kids like heartbeat.

Hopefully, Calif is next. BTW, I wonder what about DEA?

Oh shit, Wash state will be next.
No, Washington is next... Remember Washington is one of two states passed and legalize already. Right now Washington is working on how to properly tax on Mary Jane.
Didn't you read my last statement in my quote?
This will help cut down on the crime rate , people will not be going to jail for buying pot off a drug dealer.
I find it sad that so many people need to use chemicals in order to enjoy life.

It's also sad that the government is taking advantage of people's weaknesses by deriving a tax revenue from their need for drugs. :(
Interesting, there was no problem with marijuana. BUT there is one driver who mocked at potheads, including insulting remarks toward potheads which to me is in attempt to start drama and showtime. What that driver got back is bunches of raspberries instead! What a peaceful response, if it were bunch of drunks we will definitely see drama that got out of control.
Reba whats more said, people enjoying something, or people being hunted like animals and having there lives ruined and sent to prison over it?
feeling sad over what other adults do what ever that maybe is fair, sure. But im not sure how prison alleviates that sadness. Prohibition has caused so much suffering. its a failed system. it feeds police, it feeds prisons, it feeds a police state. its only good for the coffers of the above.
the less police state the better period. the less prisons the better period. most in prison are in not for violent heinous crimes but for prohibition related offenses.
you go in for pot and come out an animal.
it doesn't make sense. unless th emotive is to keep such system going. then it does.
end prohibition now!!!
Reba whats more said, people enjoying something, or people being hunted like animals and having there lives ruined and sent to prison over it?
It's a sad commentary of our society that people need chemical pleasure so badly that they would spend lots of money, risk losing their jobs, and put themselves in dangerous situations.

To be clear, I have supported decriminalizing pot use by making it a ticket type misdemeanor. I do think casual users were often over sentenced. Only the dealers should be "hunted down."

However, anyone who commits another offense while under the influence, such as driving while impaired, should face severe penalties.

feeling sad over what other adults do what ever that maybe is fair, sure. But im not sure how prison alleviates that sadness. Prohibition has caused so much suffering. its a failed system. it feeds police, it feeds prisons, it feeds a police state. its only good for the coffers of the above.
the less police state the better period. the less prisons the better period. most in prison are in not for violent heinous crimes but for prohibition related offenses.
you go in for pot and come out an animal.
As I have posted here, and prior, I don't support harsh prison sentences for simple pot users.

Prohibition doesn't work because society craves its pleasures above all reason. That's very sad, and it's only going to get worse. I understand that. I know the self destruction of our society is inevitable but that's certainly no reason for me to celebrate.
Oh really? Really? Then why Alcohol and Tobacco is legal? They are killing people already. How can government taking advantage of people's weakness? Really? Government have no business trying to run somebody's lives morally.

Why we have number one per capital prison population in the world? America have captured that goal shortly after President Nixon declare war on drugs, is that a good goal? I don't think so.

Of course some people blame Cannabis as gateway drug. Based on my experience, I find it myth! The drug law itself is a gateway to drug problems period. Why do I view that way? Simply because the cannabis stays in body for as long as 3 days to 2 months, no way to hide during drug screening. If one truly wants to get high and has job, what do you think they usually do after knowing that THC stays in body for too long and can be detected in drug test? Cocaine stays in body less than 24 hours, Heroin same thing, crack same thing, these drugs are more dangerous than cannabis, christ hope Kokrodile won't come in America. Do you know drug called Kokrodile? It is new drug and once user start, their life expectancy will be severely reduced. Usually death follow about a month after first taste of it. I do NOT believe that this would be case if cannabis were legal.

Simply, I rather people who wants to get high stay on cannabis than move up to more dangerous, and deadly drug. Don't forget Cannabis have not cause single death, not even one! And its myth is that nobody is using it, the opposite is true.

If government prohibit something that we all know, the chance of one getting curious and try gets higher than when government regulation and keep low profile which in turn will cause people to be less curious. We can't win with prohibition, and history proved it.

I find it sad that so many people need to use chemicals in order to enjoy life.

It's also sad that the government is taking advantage of people's weaknesses by deriving a tax revenue from their need for drugs. :(
Oh really? Really? Then why Alcohol and Tobacco is legal? They are killing people already. How can government taking advantage of people's weakness? Really? Government have no business trying to run somebody's lives morally.
The use of alcohol and tobacco also make me sad. Do two wrongs (legal use of tobacco and alcohol) make another right (legal pot use)? No.

Why we have number one per capital prison population in the world? America have captured that goal shortly after President Nixon declare war on drugs, is that a good goal? I don't think so.
Again, I'll state that I don't support harsh prison sentences for pot users (non-dealers).

Of course some people blame Cannabis as gateway drug. Based on my experience, I find it myth! The drug law itself is a gateway to drug problems period. Why do I view that way? Simply because the cannabis stays in body for as long as 3 days to 2 months, no way to hide during drug screening. If one truly wants to get high and has job, what do you think they usually do after knowing that THC stays in body for too long and can be detected in drug test? Cocaine stays in body less than 24 hours, Heroin same thing, crack same thing, these drugs are more dangerous than cannabis, christ hope Kokrodile won't come in America. Do you know drug called Kokrodile? It is new drug and once user start, their life expectancy will be severely reduced. Usually death follow about a month after first taste of it. I do NOT believe that this would be case if cannabis were legal.

Simply, I rather people who wants to get high stay on cannabis than move up to more dangerous, and deadly drug. Don't forget Cannabis have not cause single death, not even one! And its myth is that nobody is using it, the opposite is true.
You can try to rationalize the pros and cons of various drugs. The result is the same--people using chemicals to either alter their consciousness for pleasure or to escape the realities of life. Why does our society need that?