

  • Hang clothes outside in summer time/dryer in winter time?

    Votes: 24 27.6%
  • Use Dryer in summer and winter time? Why?

    Votes: 51 58.6%
  • Hang clothes outside during summer and winter time instead of Dryer? Why?

    Votes: 12 13.8%

  • Total voters
i love to hanging wet clothes outside on clothline pole .. i miss that.. but i am stuck cause i live in apartment! ..

most time open the window in apartment .. let breeze come in .. cool air thou to the bathroom , i hanging all jeans pants, nice/good shirts on shower rod!! i dont like to put them in dryer, cause them shrink!! grrr

Liebling:))) Yes, electricity is cheaper in the US than in Germany.
The only ironic thing is that in summertime, people use air conditioning on maximum and are willing to pay for a high electricity bill.

When I lived alone in New Jersey, I paid about 30 to 50$ a month for electricity, but paid 100$ or more for summer months.
*Groans* Dont remind me this--- APARTMENT SUCKS with laundry-- Eating up my damn mofo quarters!!!!

*sighs* :dunno: THATS LIFE I guess!

I use both summer and winter since apartments dont allow lines--*rme*
I always wear dryer in winter and summer time and about bra stuff i hang them up in bathroom so.. don't u girls think about that? :roll: anyways.. I voted for dyer in winter and summer time ;)
I live in a college dorm so have to do the traditional dryer thing...also have to PAY for doing my laundry!
I don't have a place to hang them in the summer. If I did, I would. I am cheap like that.
my mom always laundry during summer time put hung up on clothes line... even also put underwears or bras there too. we live country so aint bother us . during winter time put in dryer.
I used to wash clothes and hang out outdoor during summer. Sunny make it warm and dry faster, ofc. Winter time forget it. It will make Stiff clothes and cold cold. I hope so that DF and I find a place that have backyard with rent duplex/th/or condo so i can put on hang clothes outdoor :)
depend on situations

I have apartment that I have to. If I live rent house or payments house or trailer or so, I would be happy to take clothes outside on beautiful day. but it also depend on how much weather allergy I am then I may not be able to hang it outside from pollen. I heard ppl talking about smelling good outside but I smell it just like a okay. like I use detergent itself just okay too. If I use downy for first time in a long time when I can afford to pay Downy etc. to make clothes smelling good. So I really have no idea about outside clothes smelling good :wiggle:
OH i get it

Using downy in laundry then take it out on hanging to smell good. without downy then it smell okay. I finally figured it out. wow that's cool. I have not think of it for a long time until while ago. Have a nice day.
Use the washer and dryer all thru 4 seasons. Cuz I live in the townhouse. Not much privacy around area. That's suck.
Liebling:-))) said:
True, Kuiji75

but it´s not just electricity but utilities are expensive, that´s why I budget like this.

I was surprised to see Americans use dryer during summer time until you mentioned about electricity.. It sounds that US electricity are cheaper?

I used hot water, lights and electricity for heat from December to February cost me US $178.00 a month. March to June approx $85.00 (not using the heat). July to September air condition $120 to 150 a month.

I do not have laundry at my apartment. I went to the Laundromat every Sundays. Oh dear, I hate to do the laundry.
Bullym0m said:
HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE *groan laundry*

Espically my daughter kept changing her clothes after school and nice clothes to go out her friends... *grining at her* I begged her please stop changing clothes... She kept ingore me... I did ingore her for 1 week and refused laundry doing it for her clothes.. She was increased angrily and demands needs clothes.. I told her.. well stop changing habits after school... I seeing you looks fine nothing dirty stain on it.. What make you prefer change clothes looks more sexier and shown off front of young boys.. I told her silly and you're still too young have sweetheart! (rolls my eyes up) She did do her own clothes laundry.. *PAH* but sometimes I do willing laundry for her...

Our family's dirty clothes must go laundry every once a week.
My daughter's dirty clothes must go laundry every 3 days in a week... (That drove me nuts) I did shown her water bill.. She realized that water is EXPENSIVE.. well *tough*

Winter: Prefer dryer..
Summer: Prefer hanging outside BUT... not underwear or bra or socks hang it outside.. NO THANKS.. prefer dryer! (chuckles)

I know what you mean about the children and clothes. It's same with my oldest son!

He changed his clothes and throw them into wash bin EVERYDAY. I told him off many time to not do that. I get his clothes back from wash bin few minutes later after he throw them into wash bin and check either it's dirty or not. It's clean then I hang his clothes outside to fresh. My son was like :-o after smell "fresh" clothes because he THROW those clothes few hours ago and ask me how I clean his clothes quickly. I told him how I did because his clothes is not dirty.
He said: he wont wear same clothes for next day.
I said: Okay, put those clothes back into his wardrobe for next wear.
He look grumply and said nothing.

I explained him about utilities budget how it's expensive etc. He understood and accept that I wont wash his clean clothes everyday as I understand and accept that he wont wear same clothes everyday but let his clothes fresh outside..... It works!
Reba said:
Our neighborhood does not allow permanent clothes lines to show in the yards.

Not allow? :squint: but it's your own house, you can do what you want with your own yard?
Katzie said:
Hang clothes outside?? :eek2: OMG I refuse to do that because can you imagine wearing stiff bra and underwear!? I can hardly walk with stiff jeans!!

*snap* DRY 'EM all year round! :dance:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you impossible funny!

It would be not stiff if you use soften/lenor and weak the washing spin for outside. It's soft as same as dryer.....

Dryer, then do without soften/lenor and strong the washing spin.
kuifje75 said:
Liebling:))) Yes, electricity is cheaper in the US than in Germany.
The only ironic thing is that in summertime, people use air conditioning on maximum and are willing to pay for a high electricity bill.

When I lived alone in New Jersey, I paid about 30 to 50$ a month for electricity, but paid 100$ or more for summer months.

Really not bad! I wish to swap your US with my German bill :squint:
Sabrina said:
I used hot water, lights and electricity for heat from December to February cost me US $178.00 a month. March to June approx $85.00 (not using the heat). July to September air condition $120 to 150 a month.

I do not have laundry at my apartment. I went to the Laundromat every Sundays. Oh dear, I hate to do the laundry.

wow, really not bad!

I paid 175 EUR ($231.69) every 2 monthly estimated utilities payment for water and electricity without heater (Utilities monthly anticipated payment) until end of year (December 2004) then the man from public utilities company visit each houses to read our electricities and water meter to compare from old stand from last year to new stand this year then send me bill how much I has to pay or get credit. I paid overleft for annual 2004 300 EUR ($397.29) :(

After that they increase from 175 EUR every 2 monthly to 100 EUR ($132.44) for EVERY MONTH instead of every 2 month from February 2005 after pay off what I owe them for annual 2004. :(

Check money exchange between EUR and $

It's expensive because of "green tax" including utilities used to support environment-friendly. It starts in 2000.

Here's explain what Green tax is. (European green tax - you can find Germany in the list)

I also pay green tax for oil or gas to use heater and also gasoline for cars, too.
Liebling:-))) said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you impossible funny!

It would be not stiff if you use soften/lenor and weak the washing spin for outside. It's soft as same as dryer.....

Dryer, then do without soften/lenor and strong the washing spin.
LOL ok, maybe I'm being a little melodramatic. :D I know we talked about this in other forum and I would try to do it like you do, but the underwears will always go into the dryer! In the summer time I would hang all my blouses in the hanger and let them airdry. Stiff blouses seems to hold better when I wear them. Dryer makes blouses too soft and it makes it look unattractive then I have to iron with starch. Blahh!
I hang out clothes in both summer and winter time.

I don't have a dryer, and having a dryer takes up ALOT of electricity.