Last name only


New Member
Jul 30, 2008
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The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office.

"What is your name?" was the first thing the manager asked the new guy.

"John," the new guy replied.

The manager scowled, "Look... I don't know what kind of a mamby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don't call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only... Smith, Jones, Baker... that's all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?"

The new guy sighed, "Darling. My name is John Darling."

"Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is..."
I am sure, the boss will just decide to call him JOhn instead of 'darling' ROFL! :rofl:
If boss accept to call his last name. While both are in office and boss' wife just come in but stop by listen what her hubby would saying.

Boss: "Darling, I want you to take care of this. Okay?"
John: "Sure thing... How is that?"
Boss: "Darling, you're doing a great job."
Boss' wife: *open door* "How can you do that to me, you dog?!?"
*Darling showed the new lately model on sketch*
Boss: "What?!?"
Wait, isn't that the fella who had those Dalmations? *snickers*

okay I feel like an idiot... I was thinking of Lady and the Tramp... and Peter Pan. The Darlings... hehe, anyway. Good joke!
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