Last Movie You Watched?

Kick ASS funny comedy movies!
:dance:I watched Sucker punch and it was really good. The story line was an attention grabber and there was a twist at the end. I didn't expect the ending.

Some of the lines in the movie sent shivers down my spine (hehe). :hmm: I wish they would make a second movie.

Last night I watched 'Paul'. As a geek I enjoyed this film.
The Adjustment Bureau
Excellent, an uncanny mix of thriller, sci-fi, romance, supernatural, and it have depth.
This is a rare kind of film. I throughoutly enjoyed it.
The Adjustment Bureau
Excellent, an uncanny mix of thriller, sci-fi, romance, supernatural, and it have depth.
This is a rare kind of film. I throughoutly enjoyed it.
Ever see Inception?
Company Men, not bad -- more of a 'either sink or swim' thing :) Changes are good...if you can go with them!
Thinking I might watch the Pianist in a little bit.

We did watch this. Boy was it intense and something to remember! Hope I don't have bad dreams after it. I found myself praying for the guy during the movie.
Last movie I watched

I caught Micheal Douglas in Wall Street 2, he was going thru chemo and looked bad, but the movie, I liked the way it showed how the dealing that goes on with traders and companies is more then I would ever had imagined.
This one was all about him, after getting out of jail, if you saw the original he was convicted of insider trading and so many things, but darn it had some great twists and in the end, he had indeed changed. There is something more important them MONEY! I liked it, even tho my brother had to beg me to watch with him..laughing. Greed is still Bad !....Midnight♥♥♥
We will be watching a DVD of a production we haven't seen since the kids were little and it was on PBS. It's called Into the Woods and is a combinations of different children's stories.

Into the Woods (TV 1991) - IMDb

Edit - I cannot watch - it is not captioned or subtitled. Son and mother are watching.
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Elektra Luxx
bloody good, much better than i thought, the film got better and better through the viewing, great story, great scripts, great chracters, great feelings, few teeny weeny goofs in the editing but thats was hard to do, in keeping to a story with a few loose bits to make it interesting its quite difficult to do in making films to hold audiences interests.
I loved it, fresh perspective, Funny, and it has a heart.
id give it a A+, if not everyones cup of tea, but i wouldnt be surprised if it got popular because its not that dirty and the story towards the ends really makes sense.
sorry thats one of the longest rave posted here about an unlikely hit.
I ENJOYED it. One thing, it has a lot of talking so if you are not that good in English, forget it, see something else more visual. It is deeper *if not deep*, so its a thinker's sex comedy, a rare breed indeed!
what a charm.