Largest Deaf School in USA is....?????


New Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Me again,

Does anyone know of the largest deaf school in america? Or if you know of any fairly large schools in the usa.

Thank you!!
That depends on whether you're speaking of high schools or colleges--there are several known schools that do have such a big enrollment, although, some of the ones I know of (colleges, that is) are not only big in size, but do have outstanding education programs for students. Other than that, I suggest 'googling it' and I'm sure you'll find some rather interesting information-- ;)
RIT or Gallaudet is the largest in terms of deaf population in college level education. :)
That is what I am looking for. We want to set our Practice up in an area where there are LOTS of deaf / hoh people. We want to use this for the benefit of others. We can make this a goood thing rather than a difficulty. I know some patients would not want a deaf doctor and we worry that might affect our ability to be successful. In an area with a larger population we could really blossom and it be a blessing to BOTH the patient and the doctor. :) whatcha think?

(the hopeful one)
I think it is wonderful that you're in the doctorate field which is mind blowing. You can also try venuing out in several cities that has a large deaf population. I can also say perhaps CSUN (California State University - Northridge) ranks in the list as well along with Seqouia's feedback.
We just really feel we can use this to benefit those who need it. What a blessing for us that woudl be if we were the patient and were deaf/hoh.... gotta keep it in the family. Thanks for your support. Our families were NOT so supportive.. they could only see failure- they don't know my husband.

We WILL accomplish this and we WILL make it work. We will be here with you guys all the way thru it. We have THREE more years.

Which is biggest? I don't know. Did you try Googling it?
No, I thought I would have you do it and that way I could go grab my crackers and cheese wiz left over from Christmas Eve.. HAHAHAH

Thanks!! I will google.. we are just getting started.
Thanks!!! But, I really hate the East. We are Western people.. California, Utah, Idaho..

Ok.. lots to check out.

Thanks again!!!!!
Oh gosh,,,,I cannot stand Kansas. There are no mountains, I am lost. Ok.. well I appreciate this but it does give me some good places to start my investigation.

Hey...I am myself Californian since I was born near Los Angeles (about 30 min away). But I ended up living in East Coast! I like it either way. BUt I prefer West more than East though.

chirowife03 said:
Thanks!!! But, I really hate the East. We are Western people.. California, Utah, Idaho..

Ok.. lots to check out.

Thanks again!!!!!
Here's a couple of areas ranked according to high Deaf population density;

1) Metropolitian DC Area
2) Rochester, NY
3) Riverside-Orange-Los Angeles, CA
4) NYC, but that's only because of its massive population anyway.

If you're considering Florida (I'm in Miami, BTW);
1) St. Augustine
2) Metropolitian Miami
3) Metropolitian Tampa Bay

Keep in mind that Deafness is a low-incidence disability and not a lot of areas have high numbers of Deaf people.
Yes , thank you. I went looking this morning. We are sticking to the West Coast. But, I appreciate that. That is why we figured a place that has a College would be very beneficial. So that is what we are going to do!!

Gonna turrrrrrrn this thing into a goooooood thing.

The Riverside/LA corridor has both, a school for the deaf and an university and between the two, there's GOBS of deaf folks of all ages and their hearing friends and families!
OH REALLY?? yummy..................LA is not a desirable place to me but ........that would be an ideal location.

THANK YOU!!!!!! :)
