Kristina, Come and see what I got for you as hot as it is today.

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful one! :) :birthday:
Thank you everyone!! We are having a normal day today, but with gifts and cards tonight at dinner. Will be doing a birthday dinner on Sunday. Was planning on a Tex/Mex restaurant, but not now, we will be having KFC (that way everyone is happy) but I will be having angel food cake, cooked apples and ice cream. I get my coconut milk ice cream that is awesome!!
Happy Birthday Florida woman!
Thought I would share a photo from my birthday. This is my monkey I got. His name is Anthony Paul and he goes by Tony. Since my son chose him and my son was supposed to have a twin brother but didn't, this monkey got the name that was reserved for the twin.

Tony the Monkey.jpg
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Dang droid again.
Have fun Kristina!
Thought I would share a photo from my birthday. This is my monkey I got. His name is Anthony Paul and he goes by Tony. Since my son chose him and my son was supposed to have a twin brother but didn't, this monkey got the name that was reserved for the twin.

View attachment 16252

That's so sweet. :)