
racheleggert said:
kazaa sucks.... I hate it!
Most filesharing programs suck unless you're using them in a specified group on a college campus. Kazaa (and other filesharing programs) connects you and the other at the speed of the slower user. If you are using 1 MBPS and another user is using 500 KBPS, you will download from him at 500 KBPS and he will download from you at 500 KBPS. Since many people using Kazaa use dial-up or high-speed connections, you're likely to run into slow connections. Also, the further away the other person is... the slower the connection is gonna be. At RIT, I use DC++ and the internet connection is Internet2. That is over 2 MBPS. You could download 100 MB files in under 5 minutes. However, in order for this to be successful at high speed... the connection has to be among other students only on campus. Since all are in the same area, the connection speed is extremely high and very reliable. Right now, I'm using i2Hub for the summer. It's a hub that connects only to college campuses that uses Internet2 connection. However, it doesn't mean that the speed will still be fast. If I attempted to download a file from a college campus in California, it will be very slow and could take hours. If I connected to a college campus in Oklahoma, the connection would be faster than California. If I connected to a college campus elsewhere in Rochester, the connection would be almost the same as it would if it was from RIT campus. The reason why most people say that Kazaa sucks is because they are connecting nationally to other computers so we're likely to get sucky connections. I use DC++ on campus and the connection is GREAT! Unfortunately, I will lose it all when I graduate and leave campus. :(
I hate kazaa. it messed up my cpu with so many adwares stuff once I downloaded kazaa and install it on my cpu, I havent even download anything on kazaa program. I never had this type of plms with kazaa few yrs ago. Now it's suck big time. and slow down my cpu a bit, espically with a lot of ad pops up and adwares files being loaded on my cpu w/o my knowing & I didnt download anything yet. I uninstalled it right after I found out all plms I have after installing it. :-P
You need to download the Kazaa lite version which I've got and it's WAAY better. No pop-ups, ad-ware and all that. It's simply a basic, light version of kazaa.