Just got out of the hospital


Active Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Sorry if you have sent me messages and such and I haven't been able to get back to you. I was in and out of the hospital the last 2 weeks. I fell and Fractured my tibia in my leg and then I was having troubles breathing and getting really short on breath. So they admitted me to check for blood clots. Turns out I am okay but I have to see my doctor to check for Asthma (i had it really bad as a kid)

I also do not have my laptop right now but I am working on it! I got home last night and it was good to sleep in my own bed.

For those of you were are wondering how my CI evaluation went I was approved for both ears but am only going ahead with one of them. We have the ball rolling and I will definitely be going with one in my right ear to help with the Menieres affects I have been having. Its been really terrible and I cannot wait to get relief..

I hope all is well with everyone!!

Oh as a reminder and I am just throwing this out there. If you cause problems on this site and you are reprimanded by getting warned or banned DO NOT email the mod who banned you and call them names.. seriously.. :shock:

Have a good day!
Sorry if you have sent me messages and such and I haven't been able to get back to you. I was in and out of the hospital the last 2 weeks. I fell and Fractured my tibia in my leg and then I was having troubles breathing and getting really short on breath. So they admitted me to check for blood clots. Turns out I am okay but I have to see my doctor to check for Asthma (i had it really bad as a kid)

I also do not have my laptop right now but I am working on it! I got home last night and it was good to sleep in my own bed.

For those of you were are wondering how my CI evaluation went I was approved for both ears but am only going ahead with one of them. We have the ball rolling and I will definitely be going with one in my right ear to help with the Menieres affects I have been having. Its been really terrible and I cannot wait to get relief..

I hope all is well with everyone!!

Oh as a reminder and I am just throwing this out there. If you cause problems on this site and you are reprimanded by getting warned or banned DO NOT email the mod who banned you and call them names.. seriously.. :shock:

Have a good day!
Does this mean I should play nice with the mods?

I probably shouldn't be PMing VamPyroX for his bewbs though...

I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Sorry if you have sent me messages and such and I haven't been able to get back to you. I was in and out of the hospital the last 2 weeks. I fell and Fractured my tibia in my leg and then I was having troubles breathing and getting really short on breath. So they admitted me to check for blood clots. Turns out I am okay but I have to see my doctor to check for Asthma (i had it really bad as a kid)

I also do not have my laptop right now but I am working on it! I got home last night and it was good to sleep in my own bed.

For those of you were are wondering how my CI evaluation went I was approved for both ears but am only going ahead with one of them. We have the ball rolling and I will definitely be going with one in my right ear to help with the Menieres affects I have been having. Its been really terrible and I cannot wait to get relief..

I hope all is well with everyone!!
how did that happen??? fell down the stair??

Oh as a reminder and I am just throwing this out there. If you cause problems on this site and you are reprimanded by getting warned or banned DO NOT email the mod who banned you and call them names.. seriously.. :shock:

Have a good day!

jeez! such anger they have! :dunno:
So many problems at once! I hope that your leg doesn't hurt too much and that is mends soon. Thank goodness no blot clots! Asthma is bad--hope that you get that under control immediately.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been suffering so and I hope that the CI gives you relief.

Being back home will be a real comfort after being in the hospital. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
aww poor you. hope your little fur doggie keeps you company! hope you feel better and have a speed recovery!

About CI, Good luck! have you decide on AB or Neulcus 5 or freedom?
oh, :aw:am sorry to read! CBE, but am glad you are back home! Here's lots :hug: for you as you recover!
Best wishes also w/CI
I'm sorry that you've had such a rough time. I hope you heal completely and quickly.

Hope you feel better soon CBE! Good luck with your CI journey.
Glad you're back! and sorry to hear about what happened...:(:( hope you rest a ton and feel better soon!:D
I am sorry about your incident that you fall down and got hurt, plus your asthma. I am wishing you to get well and try to relax and not worry about too much. You are going to be fine. Good luck with your CI. :cool2:
Feel better much faster, hope that you have lots of success.
Candy, get well soon and take care of yourself. I hope you are feeling better and welcome back to AD
Welcome back!

Hope everything works out. Glad you're alright. :)
Hope all goes well and you feel better really soon. Welcome back!!
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