Jeep gone :cry:

Really glad to know that ur alright, Reba!....Jeez...ur gonna be soooo sore for awhile!...And hope you don't have any nightmares (as I did when a Semi truck hit my Camaro years ago, totalled my car, too). I was a frazzled wreck for awhile, but not hurt, just shooken up, as I'm sure you are too.
A semi? Wow! That's awful!

Yes, after the adrenalin wore off I started feeling sore. My main concern was that my arms and hands were OK so I could still interpret. I might be a little stiff Monday but I should manage.
Oh Reba, that's terrible. I hope you didn't suffer any major injuries, although I'm sure you'll be feeling it tomorrow. Considering it was drivers side impact, you are very fortunate to be alive and well. Car accidents are a scary thing. If you can take Advil/Motrin, I'd reccomend taking it regularly (every 6 hours or so) for the next couple days to try and stay ahead of the pain.
Thanks for the advice. :)

I guess other people thought the wreck looked bad, too. The fire engine showed up, then the EMS. I told them I was OK, just sore. They looked kind of surprised.
Did you feel like you were on the Gravitron?
Or a centrifuge. :lol:

I was in a terrible accident when I was 31 weeks pregnant with my eldest child, and my car spun around 3 times. The feeling I got was that I was on the Gravitron at the fair, plus that smelly stuff that comes out when the airbags deploy.
That must have been a nightmare for you worrying about the baby. Oh, my.

My airbag didn't deploy.

I'm happy that you're okay, all things considered.
Are you okay, Reba? :eek3:
I hope you get checked out by a doctor, if you haven't done so already. A lot of times you do not feel any injuries until the next day. Please take care of yourself. A jeep can be replaced but not you. :hug:
Yes, I did go to a doctor. So far, so good. :)
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Sorry to hear that buddy! Hope you're alright. Damn idiot drivers.

Yes, drivers can be careless.

Can you believe she came over to me and hugged me? How weird is that? When I didn't respond in a cheerful way, she said, "I just go back and let you be."

Good idea. :lol:

(BTW, I didn't say anything mean to her or yell or anything like that.)
OH NO, I could tell you loved that Jeep...I am so sorry..But are you OK..Please follow everyones advise..because it won't really impact on you until tomorrow and then it's OUCHY! I'm gonna meditate on you my friend and hope another Jeep is in your future...Take good care of yourself please...
Peace begins Within..Midnight.♥♥♥
Thank you. :)
Oh yikes! That must have been scary.
It was.

Second the thought about getting checked out. If there is anything wrong at all, you want that to be documented immediately. And treated, obviously.

What kind of Jeep did you have? If you're alive and well and uninjured, it did its job! I used to have a Jeep Grand Cherokee years ago and liked it a lot.
Like Botts posted, it was a Cherokee (not Grand). It was the common boxy Jeep.

Hope the insurance is enough to let you buy a new car that you will like as much as the Jeep.
I don't think I can buy a decent car for the few hundred dollars that I'll get. I'll just have to take turns with Hubby's Jeep. We'll have to work out a schedule because he uses it for work sometimes, too.

He was also planning to visit his mom in Michigan next month (driving up) while I stay here to work. I'm not sure how we'll do that now. :dunno:
That is not good! These Cherokees (Not grand Cherokees) are great and very dependable. Hope you can find replacement Cherokees. I am sure it is getting tougher to find same one. Last model year for Cherokees are 2001. Wish these Chrysler people keep Cherokee design.
It would be nice to have another one but I don't think it will fit my budget. Sigh....

This Jeep was going to be my last vehicle until I retired.
Oh, no! I hope you are alright, Reba. I know you really liked that Jeep....
I should be OK after the soreness goes away. :)

Yeah, a girl and her Jeep... :aw:
He was also planning to visit his mom in Michigan next month (driving up) while I stay here to work. I'm not sure how we'll do that now. :dunno:

correct me if I'm wrong but their insurance (or your insurance) will pay for your car rental.
It would be nice to have another one but I don't think it will fit my budget. Sigh....

This Jeep was going to be my last vehicle until I retired.

sorry to hear :(

I've had side impacts twice. it ain't pretty. sad that the compensation is not enough to get you a decent car :(
correct me if I'm wrong but their insurance (or your insurance) will pay for your car rental.
I think a rental is supplied only while they repair the car. I don't think it would be covered if the car is totaled. Maybe it is for a short period. I'll check.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Stupid lousy insurance companies. What abt other driver who hit you should pay for the damages.
sorry to hear :(

I've had side impacts twice. it ain't pretty. sad that the compensation is not enough to get you a decent car :(
This was my second one from the side. Before, it was on the passenger side but I was the passenger. TCS was the driver that time, and he got the worst injuries, broken rib and cracked sternum. No air bag, and his chest hit the steering wheel.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Stupid lousy insurance companies. What abt other driver who hit you should pay for the damages.

that's how life works. and since Jeep is declared as total, there will be no repair. the insurance will pay for estimated value of her Jeep.... which is not much.... could be few hundreds to a thousand :(
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Stupid lousy insurance companies. What abt other driver who hit you should pay for the damages.
The other driver's insurance will pay but they pay only the book value of the vehicle.

When I checked last year, the book value for my Jeep was $830. I'm sure that it's less now.