It Offical...Another deaf person is leaving.

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Whew - I'm sure glad that Deaf258 clarified that they were tears of joy. For a second there I thought we were going to have to put him on suicide watch. :lol:
I wanna say that I don't blame Ravensteven who wants to leave AllDeaf, He was made out of a monster in some of members eyes, and that goes for me too. If people cannot discuss things in private message, It cause a big drama in AllDeaf. I don't understand why people cannot leave things out of AllDeaf those things do not even belong to AllDeaf. And you see why people are leaving here too? Does anyone really care? I don't think so. I used to love AllDeaf the time I first register in here then new people started coming in of course some of them are nice some of them want to stir up trouble. It's really sad. I don't know what to say anymore about it. All I can say is mature people knows where the private message button is. use it. (Peace-Out)
Cheri, I totally agreed with you. Quite a few of the posts had gotten out of hand. Pms would be the way to go.
Mayflower said:
Cheri, I totally agreed with you. Quite a few of the posts had gotten out of hand. Pms would be the way to go.

:hug: I knew someone like you would understand. I love you for that. :P
ravensteve1961 said:
Thats me...I said 5 people ignore me and i know who they are. If you want me back youll have convince those 5 people who ignored me say they want me back and ill come back e-mail me at and tell me you want me back. Until then bye everyone :sadwave:

oh come on.. try not to be so uptighted :pissed: ... OR let them get to you.. but i have heard that you have been a total jerk and made a lot of unnecessary insults that were totally uncalled for.... so can you blame these people?? .. i think NOT!! so if you have a problem with one person.. the best way to solve it is to PM that person instead of posting it for the world to see... just like some ADers advised..

i can understand your shock, anger and have a difficulty accepting the big change "overnight" ... it will take time for you to get used to the fact that you are going through this life change.. i can empathize with you... but there is no need to take it out on the others who are trying to be your friend.. there is no reason for it.. :nono:

why dont you seek some counseling to deal with your unexpected life change?? most people have too much pride to go for counseling.. but counseling DOES HELP A GREAT DEAL!! i believe everyone should have a counselor.. just to talk, scream at or vent out at w/o hurting his/her feelings!!

we are just in here to meet others.. make new friends, learn new things, share experiences, etc.. but the negativity or insults are not necessary.. it turns people away from you.. and whats more.. THEY COME BACK TO YOU.. (meaning if u insult others.. they will insult back!) everyone has their own problems.. no one is perfect.. so relax and enjoy AD like i am as i am still a "mini rookie" i guess!! :P

ADers.. lets all just forget the past and start afresh new .. and give him a :grouphug:
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Peace out, and I don't meant to make you leave from

I am trying to change your comments to more into good points and fact info. Don't take it personally.

I was not on the online for few days until now.

Please make a peace with AD members! What we did is belongs past!!!!!

It will be okay when you share your respect with AD members here. Try it, then you will be surprised that we (AD members) will respect you if you show your respect on us. Try it?
Liebling:-))) said:

I was not on the online for few days until now.

Please make a peace with AD members! What we did is belongs past!!!!!

It will be okay when you share your respect with AD members here. Try it, then you will be surprised that we (AD members) will respect you if you show your respect on us. Try it?

I agree with you, Lieb. However, it goes two ways. People here are put off by Steve's rants, and that's understandable. I also was offended by a lot of what I saw from him. However, that doesn't give people the right to go off and start flaming somebody. I've seen quite a bit of this lately, and frankly, the drama is starting to get old. It's time we ALL grew up and dealt with things in a more mature fashion.

There was absolutely NO need to create a thread asking AD members to ignore Steve. It was nice that the ignore feature was pointed out to some of us who didn't know it was there, but it should have ended there.

In the future, if you dislike someone, handle it behind the scenes. If you must ignore somebody, so do quietly. There's no need to announce to the whole AD community what you are doing. That just aggravates an already sensitive issue and invites more drama.

Okay, enough said.

**goes off to burn her soap opera script**

I have a headache. Can someone please pass me the aspirin?
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree with you, Lieb. However, it goes two ways. People here are put off by Steve's rants, and that's understandable. I also was offended by a lot of what I saw from him. However, that doesn't give people the right to go off and start flaming somebody. I've seen quite a bit of this lately, and frankly, the drama is starting to get old. It's time we ALL grew up and dealt with things in a more mature fashion.

There was absolutely NO need to create a thread asking AD members to ignore Steve. It was nice that the ignore feature was pointed out to some of us who didn't know it was there, but it should have ended there.

In the future, if you dislike someone, handle it behind the scenes. If you must ignore somebody, so do quietly. There's no need to announce to the whole AD community what you are doing. That just aggravates an already sensitive issue and invites more drama.

Okay, enough said.

**goes off to burn her soap opera script**

I have a headache. Can someone please pass me the aspirin?

WELL SAID!! :deal:
Oceanbreeze said:
I have a headache. Can someone please pass me the aspirin?

::::passing my extra strength aspirin bottle to you:::::

Needless to say, I am flabbergasted that people want to waste energy on such little things. Too many black hearts around.

What I want to do is to bring in a dry sage and light it up to do a cleansing sweep all over the forum, smoking everywhere to get rid of negative energy.

Lol, Meg, sage works, huh? Hmmm, gotta try that sometime.
This whole sordid saga brings to mind one of my favorite poems, "The Poison Tree" by William Blake.
I know it by heart.

I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it is fears
Night and morning with my tears,
And I sunned it in smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles,

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright,
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine-

And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning, glad, I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.
zesty said:
WELL SAID!! :deal:

:bowdown: Thank you, Zesty!

I'm just really tired of all the drama that's created when people decide they want to make a point, but go about it the wrong way. Making a point about something is fine, but there's a way to go about doing it. And, I just wish some people would take the time to THINK about how a thread is going to "fly" before they post it.
Meg said:
::::passing my extra strength aspirin bottle to you:::::

Needless to say, I am flabbergasted that people want to waste energy on such little things. Too many black hearts around.

What I want to do is to bring in a dry sage and light it up to do a cleansing sweep all over the forum, smoking everywhere to get rid of negative energy.


LOL Thank you, Meg.

You and me both! :)
Meg said:
::::passing my extra strength aspirin bottle to you:::::

Needless to say, I am flabbergasted that people want to waste energy on such little things. Too many black hearts around.

What I want to do is to bring in a dry sage and light it up to do a cleansing sweep all over the forum, smoking everywhere to get rid of negative energy.


GO GIRL!! :hug:
Beowulf said:
Lol, Meg, sage works, huh? Hmmm, gotta try that sometime.
This whole sordid saga brings to mind one of my favorite poems, "The Poison Tree" by William Blake.
I know it by heart.

I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it is fears
Night and morning with my tears,
And I sunned it in smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles,

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright,
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine-

And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning, glad, I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

YEP!! sage works and also lavendar if u really want to relax.
You know, threads like these actually cause the original poster to get MORE ignores not less. Some hate the drama and some just do it because you've shown it bugs you.
I've got Oreo-sized aspirin for yal I don't take em cos I gotta earn my Iron Man points! LOL!

Beo--William Blake, huh? Been eons since I've heard his name; isn't he the one who also wrote, "Tiger, Tiger"?
you re a fucking idiot drama seeker. you want people come back to your feet and grovel for you to come back just to justify your sense of self importance. people like you are the dregs of society.
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