Is wanting deaf children cultural/parental?

Not as your primary language you don't. You use if with one child at a primitive level.

I think since you have placed her in oral school, your ASL use will die out eventually, even if that is not your intention now.

Excuse me? Primitive? I am a fluent user, thank you.

And no, I have been clear that we will always use ASL. She even still gets ASL at school.
Excuse me? Primitive? I am a fluent user, thank you.

And no, I have been clear that we will always use ASL. She even still gets ASL at school.

I read your "excuse me" as combative? I know you are not fluent from reading that your child is below level in both English and ASL. Your own writing.
Excuse me? Primitive? I am a fluent user, thank you.

And no, I have been clear that we will always use ASL. She even still gets ASL at school.

I might be going out on a limb here but I think Bottesini may have meant that ASL isn't your primary language.
Whoops, I posted that next post before Bottesini replied that I'm correct.

Main Entry: 1prim·i·tive
Pronunciation: \ˈpri-mə-tiv\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English primitif, from Latin primitivus first formed, from primitiae first fruits, from primus first — more at prime
Date: 14th century
1 a : not derived : original, primary b : assumed as a basis; especially : axiomatic <primitive concepts>
2 a : of or relating to the earliest age or period : primeval <the primitive church> b : closely approximating an early ancestral type : little evolved <primitive mammals> c : belonging to or characteristic of an early stage of development : crude, rudimentary <primitive technology> d : of, relating to, or constituting the assumed parent speech of related languages <primitive Germanic>
3 a : elemental, natural <our primitive feelings of vengeance — John Mackwood> b : of, relating to, or produced by a people or culture that is nonindustrial and often nonliterate and tribal <primitive art> c : naive d (1) : self-taught, untutored <primitive craftsmen> (2) : produced by a self-taught artist <a primitive painting>

— prim·i·tive·ly adverb

— prim·i·tive·ness noun

— prim·i·tiv·i·ty \ˌpri-mə-ˈti-və-tē\ noun
Primitive and primary have different connotations though. Primitive has the connotation of basic or underdeveloped whereas primary has a more neutral connotation. Point is faire_jour misread primary as primitive.

primary usually mean starting baby steps before they move up to the next level. primary colors is one example before they starting mixing colors and make new colors

But primitive, I've always took it as being stuck in "baby steps" or like cavemen languages.
In the context of languages, primary language means your native language or the first language you learned.
Primitive and primary have different connotations though. Primitive has the connotation of basic or underdeveloped whereas primary has a more neutral connotation. Point is faire_jour misread primary as primitive.


I didn't misread. She wrote primitive.

I use ASL as a second language. It is not my native or primary language. I do however attend a Deaf church conducted exclusivly in ASL, am active in the Deaf community and passed my state certification as an interpreter last year.
Oh. Just thought I could clear that up by pointing out a simple misunderstanding but guess not.
Yes, ASL is FJ's 2nd language but she seems to have achieve fluency in it so I dont think it is primitive.
I have noticed (maybe I am wrong) that many deaf couples prefer having a deaf child? Is this a cultural desire or a parental desire? Being a hearing child of an entirely deaf family, I heard this all my life. My parents often said they wished I were deaf. I have seen other deaf parents say the same of their hearing children. I am wondering, perhaps I am hurt for the wrong reasons?
I am sorry. I know many deaf parents said that to me too and I am against it. I am perfectly happy with having hearing children. My son send me a picture of hearing certication thru mobile cell phone, my grandson passed hearing test. I was so happiest grandma ever I can be. I do not want any of them to be deaf alike me. I sometime think they are selfish to wanna their children to be deaf.
Personally I would be overjoyed when my child or grandchild was born. Hearing, deaf, doesn't matter in the least.
My kids have a 50% chance of inheriting progressive hearing loss. Whatever happens is what is meant to be. I wouldn't let stop me from having children. I'm grateful to have such great kids. Life is more than hearing.
I am sorry. I know many deaf parents said that to me too and I am against it. I am perfectly happy with having hearing children. My son send me a picture of hearing certication thru mobile cell phone, my grandson passed hearing test. I was so happiest grandma ever I can be. I do not want any of them to be deaf alike me. I sometime think they are selfish to wanna their children to be deaf.

It is a matter of having a different point of view..nothing to do with selfishness.