Is Technology Making Us Impersonal?

I see you bought into the romance that "Into The Wild" brought you.

McCandless was schizophrenic. He had various aliases, referred to himself in the third person, and lived out his fantasy of getting lost in the wild. He was struggling with his mind. He needed treatment but that story doesn't sell very well. The mythic, folk-hero plot sells much better... and boy you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Yes, I believe that to be true. I think McCandless was mentally ill, but it is what we take from the story and what it teaches us that is important. There are many people delusional or not who who pose a question. And, it is the question that drives us.

The greater folly is under estimation. The person who thinks they can do better because they believe someone else is not as good is delusional itself and not a solid foundation. We should believe in our ability because we do not know the limit of our ability not because we believe we can falsely do better than others(a rude awakening for some).

I'll take the hook, line and sinker any day... Knowledge is power.
Because my parents bought our first computer when I was five (in 1985) I have terrible handwriting. I do, however, type like the wind. :)

I don't think that technology is making people rude or less personal unless they let it. If you sit in a social situation and don't put your phone down, that's you, not the phone. If you just talk about crap when you do send a message to someone, that's still you, not the technology.

I think it's like anything else - it's open to abuse and people need to realize that. I am so happy to be able to talk to people here, in games, on Skype, that I can't say technology is bad. So please, text responsibly :)

^^ this!! Exactly!! While it is extremely rude to ignore the people around you and pay attention the the people or game on your phone, tablet or comp whatever, that's not exactly the result of technology. That's just rude people being rude.

As a profoundly deaf person that cannot make phone calls, and lives almost 1000 miles away from family, I think it's the opposite actually. I'm wondering though, say I sent my sister an email, I wouldn't though, I'd text her or get on chat on fb, to catch up, see what's doing. How would it be less heart felt than if I wrote her a letter? The words would be the same, the feelings the same. Is it more "personal" somehow if I write out the letters of the words out with a pen on paper than make those same letters and words by tapping a key. Then I'd have to wait 2 weeks just to get a response. It s a far more natural conversation actually than writing a letter. I'd rather call her on the phone but that's not exactly an option. Somehow I don't think she'd find my questions more meaningful, personal, heartfelt if received a hand written letter than a text. She'd probably be more frustrated about the slow communication than anything else I imagine.
Because my parents bought our first computer when I was five (in 1985) I have terrible handwriting. I do, however, type like the wind. :)

Both skills are necessary, but we have lost a generation of children's ability to write due to computers with which you could not write. My nephews don't write in cursive and two just started college. This amazes me because you can't print fast enough for a college lecture. Because of this, the teachers write the notes and post them for computer access.

However, I do think there will be a trend back to hand writing because new computers can handle it very well. And, we still need some sort of signature whether it be digital or written. You might be using a stylus instead of a pen, but I wouldn't throw out either just yet.
Both skills are necessary, but we have lost a generation of children's ability to write due to computers with which you could not write. My nephews don't write in cursive and two just started college....
Sad. I remember when I was a kid being impatient to learn cursive writing. Even before advancing to the grade where it would have been taught to me, I started making up my own cursive writing. :giggle: Cursive seemed so much more "grown-up" than printing. It also seemed to help thoughts flow more smoothly, too.

I'm not against using keyboards but without teaching and using cursive writing, choice is gone. They also lose the ability to read others' handwriting.
I'm not against using keyboards but without teaching and using cursive writing, choice is gone. They also lose the ability to read others' handwriting.
Pharmacists are likely rejoicing at the prospect of cursive fading out, in favor of print.

Reba, have you taken any calligraphy classes? My sister did this, and she makes beautiful cards for special occasions.
...Reba, have you taken any calligraphy classes? My sister did this, and she makes beautiful cards for special occasions.
I haven't but other family members have. Yes, it's a beautiful art form.
Yes, I believe that to be true. I think McCandless was mentally ill, but it is what we take from the story and what it teaches us that is important. There are many people delusional or not who who pose a question. And, it is the question that drives us.

The greater folly is under estimation. The person who thinks they can do better because they believe someone else is not as good is delusional itself and not a solid foundation. We should believe in our ability because we do not know the limit of our ability not because we believe we can falsely do better than others(a rude awakening for some).

I'll take the hook, line and sinker any day... Knowledge is power.

And it is what we ignore from the story that is dooming our society. The mentally ill need help. How many more Sandy Hook or Aurora prospects are we enabling by glorifying the true meaning of McCandless's journey. The McCandless story is horribly tragic and mostly untold to America. By agreeing that he is ill, you are essentially saying a fallacy is teaching us what is important. Hogwash. Ask better questions and stop the decay within our mentally challenged and sick. That's right, knowledge is power. Unfortunately false knowledge is not.

I wholeheartedly agree with your bolded.
I believe kids these days will not be able to have a real phone conversation. Sitting at the mall you will see a group of friends having lunch and every single one of them is on their phone. None of them even look at one another. I just can't believe that people think their that important that if they don't answer a text, tweet, email right away their world will end.

Walking through the mall almost every single person is on their phone. No one says "hi" or even looks your way anymore.

However since losing my hearing it is very nice to be able to text my kids to check in with them.

I actually got Christmas emails instead of cards this year, sad.

I bet the post office was sad too as they lost money . It is hard to hang up emails on the wall . I know some people like to put their Xmas cards up to decorate their house, emails are not the same.
Both skills are necessary, but we have lost a generation of children's ability to write due to computers with which you could not write. My nephews don't write in cursive and two just started college. This amazes me because you can't print fast enough for a college lecture. Because of this, the teachers write the notes and post them for computer access.

However, I do think there will be a trend back to hand writing because new computers can handle it very well. And, we still need some sort of signature whether it be digital or written. You might be using a stylus instead of a pen, but I wouldn't throw out either just yet.

I don't write in cursive, I print in caps, but it's pretty flowy so it almost looks like cursive lol. I think I stopped doing cursive my senior year in high school. When I took notes I didn't write down everything, left out little words like the and in etc etc

Btw kids in school still write pass each other notes :D I find them in my kids pockets sometimes. Don't lose hope on their generation yet lol Oh and my kids are in 6th and 7th grade, and yes they both have learned elementary school.
Sad. I remember when I was a kid being impatient to learn cursive writing. Even before advancing to the grade where it would have been taught to me, I started making up my own cursive writing. :giggle: Cursive seemed so much more "grown-up" than printing. It also seemed to help thoughts flow more smoothly, too.

I'm not against using keyboards but without teaching and using cursive writing, choice is gone. They also lose the ability to read others' handwriting.

I don't know, we all grew up learning both, and there are people's handwriting that is completely illegible, doesn't help us any either so I'm not sure it would make a big difference.

I read and fill out paperwork throughout my day. Clients that come in for a massage have to fill out client intake forms, medical history, almost everyone prints, thank goodness. But most forms you fill out will ask you to print because cursive can be hard to read. Now, when we do a massage we fill out paperwork to, about what kind of massage we're doing, pressure, focus areas etc. Some of our clients come in all the time and many therapists have worked on them, and it's a good idea to read through that stuff if you haven't worked on them before. Some of our therapists use cursive and a couple of them you need a cracker jack box decoder ring to understand what the heck they wrote.
This is whats funny to me yet sad, my wifes 16 yo daughter cant cook a thing unless it goes in a microwave. She never talks to anyone, only text even with the person sitting next to her, she wont go to the cashier to pay for anything because she doesnt want to talk to them. If you take her cell away, OMFG you wouldnt believe her whinning ass, holy shit she will carry on like she is gonna die...
F**K my life, its the only life I have, its the only way I communicate with my get the picture...16 years old and acts like a 2 year old, and damn the disrespect towards her mom and me. Mom lets her get away with murder and mostly the reasons we have issues and splitting because MOM dont want to push her away ( spank her damn ass for once) but the daughter threatens to leave home and mom backs glad she aint my kid, Ill hand out an ass whooping !
My daughter never disrespected me and Im glad I was a better parent than this ho.
Both skills are necessary, but we have lost a generation of children's ability to write due to computers with which you could not write. My nephews don't write in cursive and two just started college. This amazes me because you can't print fast enough for a college lecture. Because of this, the teachers write the notes and post them for computer access.

However, I do think there will be a trend back to hand writing because new computers can handle it very well. And, we still need some sort of signature whether it be digital or written. You might be using a stylus instead of a pen, but I wouldn't throw out either just yet.

Thats why I stubbornly teach cursive to my 3rd graders even if it is not in the curriculumn. My students all want to learn so why not?
Before my dad passed away and before I got really sick and lost all my hearing, I interviewd my dad and tape recorded the conversation. I asked him about his family, his schooling, military, and then about how he met my mom. He told me about when they first met, love at first sight, their first date.

Unfortunately I can't hear the tape now but when the time is right I will copy it and give to my children and whoever in the family may want it. He passed away just a short time after that visit.

This came to mind when last night hubby and I were talking about our grandparents. I never met any of mine and only know a little about them. I think especially with all this technology today we should all take the time to write something useful to leave for our future generation. If all we leave behind is our Facebook page OMG!!!
Also, they might want to learn how to self-control when it comes to each new technology and new things. If it breaks, it's better time to move on and they can wait until they can get one anytime. Enjoy their technical free stuff days because they should.
Who cares? Technology has been improving almost "tetrationally" since the 1960s.

We have tablets, smartphones, PCs, laptops, video game consoles, newer TV cable channels like Game Show Network, etc.

As a matter of fact, I remember back in 2004, when my sister and I were at a restaurant, she overheard some old guy in the back complaining that kids nowadays don't go out to play often like back in the 1960s. She didn't say it in his face, but she was like "Things change; get over it."

And, don't refute on that via pointing out the child obesity issue. Of course it is bound to happen as schools right now are debating the removal of recess and playgrounds so kids can do better in school. Hell, I didn't even have a car and I walked all around campus and outside campus when I was in college.

Let's face it, folks. The world is changing. Would you rather have the world like it was back in the 1960s right now? For me, hell no.

Change is inevitable. Embrace it.
This is whats funny to me yet sad, my wifes 16 yo daughter cant cook a thing unless it goes in a microwave. She never talks to anyone, only text even with the person sitting next to her, she wont go to the cashier to pay for anything because she doesnt want to talk to them. If you take her cell away, OMFG you wouldnt believe her whinning ass, holy shit she will carry on like she is gonna die...
F**K my life, its the only life I have, its the only way I communicate with my get the picture...16 years old and acts like a 2 year old, and damn the disrespect towards her mom and me. Mom lets her get away with murder and mostly the reasons we have issues and splitting because MOM dont want to push her away ( spank her damn ass for once) but the daughter threatens to leave home and mom backs glad she aint my kid, Ill hand out an ass whooping !
My daughter never disrespected me and Im glad I was a better parent than this ho.

Dude, she's a sixteen year old girl. Sounds like she's gone through abuse. I'd bet money on it. But, that truth will not come out until she is well into her thirties.

My advice is to be her friend. She already has a father, if that.

Kids have a tough time today because today, the whole world knows your issues.
This is whats funny to me yet sad, my wifes 16 yo daughter cant cook a thing unless it goes in a microwave. She never talks to anyone, only text even with the person sitting next to her, she wont go to the cashier to pay for anything because she doesnt want to talk to them. If you take her cell away, OMFG you wouldnt believe her whinning ass, holy shit she will carry on like she is gonna die...
F**K my life, its the only life I have, its the only way I communicate with my get the picture...16 years old and acts like a 2 year old, and damn the disrespect towards her mom and me. Mom lets her get away with murder and mostly the reasons we have issues and splitting because MOM dont want to push her away ( spank her damn ass for once) but the daughter threatens to leave home and mom backs glad she aint my kid, Ill hand out an ass whooping !
My daughter never disrespected me and Im glad I was a better parent than this ho.

Did you just call your wife a shitty-parentin' ho?


so glad she ain't my kid.
ass whooping!
F**k my life.
Her whining ass
spank her damn ass
holy shit!
better parent than this ho.

Yeah. I'm seeing a pattern of disrespect.
Did you just call your wife a shitty-parentin' ho?


so glad she ain't my kid.
ass whooping!
F**k my life.
Her whining ass
spank her damn ass
holy shit!
better parent than this ho.

Yeah. I'm seeing a pattern of disrespect.

I think he called his wife's 16 year old daughter a ho. :eek3:

Well, I just reread it. You got it right..he called his wife a ho not the daughter. Reading comprehension epic fail here on my part. :lol:
I have an opinion about this subject..

For me as a deaf person, I am finally interacting with my former classmates 100% at all times 20 years later when I couldnt 20 years ago thanks to FB but then again, I see my kids not interacting with each other because they want to be on the computer or be using the tablet. It is a double edge sword.
I have an opinion about this subject..

For me as a deaf person, I am finally interacting with my former classmates 100% at all times 20 years later when I couldnt 20 years ago thanks to FB but then again, I see my kids not interacting with each other because they want to be on the computer or be using the tablet. It is a double edge sword.

That's why my brother's school encourage them to take a "NO TV, VIDEO GAMES, OR COMPUTERS" week. I think it's done by one week each a month, or something. I already see a few schools whose befriended my brother's have been done the same thing. So, I am sure there are more schools like my brother's. I think they should try something like two weeks of no electrical things, maybe.