Interpreting: Gender Matter?


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Hey guys & gals! :wave:

My name is Chelle and I am studying to be an interpreter. I get to do a presentation in class about if gender matters in interpreting. I would love to have a poll in my presentation from Deaf people from all over the country in the poll! No names will be used just % of people that answer.

Is it difficult as a female to have a male interpreter's voice speaking for you?

As a female do you prefer to have a male or female interpreter?

Is it difficult as a male to have a female interpreter's voice speaking for you?

As a male do you prefer to have a male or female interpreter?

Does it not matter?

Does it depend on the situation?
Ex. Women talking to a OBGYN or Man talking to a proctologist?

Thank you so much! It will be my 1st formal presentation and your help would be much appreciated. If Henry records it I will somehow put it on the web or send it or post it if it is possible! Thanks a bunch!!:lol:
Male interpreters are very few and far between. There are more women interpreters than male. I wouldn't care about the gender of my interpreter.
It does matter sometimes, depending on the situation. A male interpreter is not allowed to terp for me at the ob/gyn office. Nooo way.
Where I live, there are more female interpreters than male interpreters (something like a ratio of 20 to 1 or something) and I have no complaints because I have met a lot of awesome women that are interpreters and I have a lot of respect for people who are dedicated to the Deaf community like they are. Hopefully, it doesn't seem like a thankless job to them because without interpreters, I'd certainly be lost.
I guess it depends on the situation.

I've never been in a situation at a dentist or doctor's office that required use of an interpreter, but I've had problems through the use of relay. If the relay operator is a woman, half of the time... I'm treated as a woman with the use of "ma'am" instead of "sir". :roll:

Of course, you can be gender specific when doing relay calls though. :thumb:
That reminds me. When I was dating hearing guys, sometimes I would be tempted to use the relay and request for a male operator and tell the boyfriend/date through the relay operator (who's a man), "Hi, sexy! That was a good make-out session we did." The awkward silence they would do (I admit I gave into the temptation a lot) was sooo much fun and toooo funny! *smirk*
That reminds me. When I was dating hearing guys, sometimes I would be tempted to use the relay and request for a male operator and tell the boyfriend/date through the relay operator (who's a man), "Hi, sexy! That was a good make-out session we did." The awkward silence they would do (I admit I gave into the temptation a lot) was sooo much fun and toooo funny! *smirk*

:laugh2: that cracked me up!

Ps.. this is great info!lol!
Thanks Guys! That would have been funny to see. Bet the male relay felt a little out of place for a minute.