Instant Ramen


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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What kind of instant ramen do you like, what flavor do you like, and why?

What is instant ramen? It's those little bowls/cups that come with dried ramen (noodles) and flavoring. You simply add hot water (or regular water then microwave it). When it's ready, you've got flavored noodles to enjoy!
I like ones from Thai Kitchen. They are very similar, but they have rice noodles instead of wheat.
DID you say Rice noodles, Botts? Those are great!

I had ramen for dinner twice when I was in Japan, very very good! I hawked it all twice in two straight days. :laugh2:
DID you say Rice noodles, Botts? Those are great!

I had ramen for dinner twice when I was in Japan, very very good! I hawked it all twice in two straight days. :laugh2:

Yes I do like rice noodles best. Wish I could experience the real sort in Japan someday too.
What kind of instant ramen do you like, what flavor do you like, and why?

What is instant ramen? It's those little bowls/cups that come with dried ramen (noodles) and flavoring. You simply add hot water (or regular water then microwave it). When it's ready, you've got flavored noodles to enjoy!

I like vegetable, chicken or beef ramen noodles. Yummy!
What kind of instant ramen do you like, what flavor do you like, and why?...
:wave: Chicken flavored, low cost and ease of preparation. :2c: I do not feel like slaving over a hot microwave. :laugh2:
During the hurricanes. We got a bunch of them. After Charley, we got them in a square package. No power or water.

I learned to be creative with them. A cooler and can goods.along with a camp stove.

Some days I would drop an egg in It! Wow! Other days I would throw in potted canned meats and a can of tomatoes. Yummy! Canned corned beef showed to be the best.

Haven't tried it since.

So since then I have not really cared for them.

But as for it being a cheap and easy meal! One can not deny!

A picture of my favorite kind.
I don't even care for it.

But once a while whenever I am in mood for it...I don't mind...:)

I also like the one from package...quick to cook less than 3 minutes. :)
Both of my kids are freaks over the chicken flaored kinds. They always want to eat that for breakfast, lunch and dinner...I have to put them on "Ramen Noodle" restrictions! It is that bad! As for me...I dont like the idea of eating such a high volume of sodium but once every blue moon, I will eat one with wheat bread.
Did you guys know that some time ago there was this exotic ramen produced in china?

It was called Dog Ramen and there was a cartoony picture of a dog on the packet.
Always like homemade udon noodles with only chicken flavor, romaine lettuce or any vegs & meat (never like beef & shrimp flavored) very rarely ramen noodle pkg.
I only eat ramen if i have to. Like really really have to... Like there is nothing else on earth... *ate way too much one summer.*
I absolutely love Ramen Noodles. I used to eat it a lot of times back then but lately, I eat it occasionally.

So, whenever the mood strikes me up to eat one, I usually eat the beef flavored ones. It's great for a quick fix.
I only eat ramen if i have to. Like really really have to... Like there is nothing else on earth... *ate way too much one summer.*

Oh I know the feeling!

Hurricane Charley has shown me that ramian noodles is awesomely good!
And how you can add it to a side dish

Otherwise it would take another disaster for me to eat that crap again
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I absolutely love Ramen Noodles. I used to eat it a lot of times back then but lately, I eat it occasionally.

So, whenever the mood strikes me up to eat one, I usually eat the beef flavored ones. It's great for a quick fix.
I never liked ramen.

Until one day at RIT when I decided to try one for the hell of it. I've loved them since... but only a few specific kinds. Some others have a bit too much vegetables that I lose taste for them. :)
I never liked ramen.

Until one day at RIT when I decided to try one for the hell of it. I've loved them since... but only a few specific kinds. Some others have a bit too much vegetables that I lose taste for them. :)

Yes, Usually when I eat it, I get it from the box but I'm not too crazy for the ones that are in a cup cuz it's got too much vegetables in it. A lot of the times, it has peas on it which I really despite so much. :)
Do you guys prefer asianized ramen brands or the westernized maruchan?