inlove with a deaf person


New Member
Nov 8, 2006
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hello my friends!
good to be here.
i'm cindy. and i fell inlove with a hard of hearing man.
i need your help.
i want to help him .
he is an amazing singer and don't even know he is.
i want to teach him vocal lessons and i was wondering if anyone of you know where can i found books that can teach deaf people.
thank you all!:ty:
i don't pity at all!!
he just doesn't know how good he os and can be even more so i want to help him cause you know how it is, boys-they need us girls sometimes...deaf or not deaf mr.dino65
Why do I get the feeling that we’re being whoosed here? You claim that he’s HOH, but in the next sentence you strongly imply that he can’t hear his own voice, which would translate to profoundly deaf. Which one is it? If he’s profoundly deaf, then there is just no way that he can sing. It takes years of intense oral training just to produce a deaf person who doesn’t have a deaf voice. There’s just no way a deaf person can learn to sing—it’s just not possible.
Hey Levonian go easy on her, she is new here. I am sure there may be anothers that may be able to help her but please just remember many of us hated speech therapy in school so you might want to do this at home with some kind of speech graphing that you can hook up to your computer which shows the waves of the graph as he speaks through a microphone. I am not too familiar with this technology but I am sure someone else may be able to help her with this and he can practice in the privacy and comfort of his own home with you. Make sure it is not the boring kind of lessons and make it very fun lessons, you might even reward him with something that he .... ahems ..... you know likes which will make him a one very motivated guy to want to improve really good. Have fun !!!!! :fingersx:
hi everyone,
sorry if you missunderstood me.
first of all, i am not from the u.s so my english is not the best..i just moved here a few months ago...
the person i was talking about considerd to be "hard of hearing" but he is 95% deaf. the reason he can sing (although it's not easy for him) and talk is because he took special lessons for that in school.that's what he told me..
so i'm sorry for not clearing that out..
have a great day ,everyone
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Hiya ! ! Welcome to AD ! !:welcome: :welcome:

If, U arent sure.. U can look up on internet and find something for him lesson etc... Good luck...:fingersx:

May be suggest that you need work out with your boyfriend in private. But in my opitonal that not good idea to post here to let world see what going about your relationship....that is too personal. no offend. Sorry. But up to you.

However, I am sure that you will be very great wife for him in future. I am sure that guy is very lucky to have you. That is great.
dear watercrystal,
thanks for your advice and..not only he is not my we've decided that it won't work between us.
and you are right, if it did, i would give him everything he needed but..
he has is reasons and i..kind of had mine but the really sad part about it is that i really wanted to do this for him and to teach him and now i can't cause if i will he will think i'm just trying to have him or something...well...that's life..
and to the rest of you guys,thanks for the warm welcome.
at least one good thing came out of everything.that now i know this great world and i am not going anywhere!
have a wonderful weekend
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Your efforts and the desire to help/support someone else is encouraging...therefore, do not give up, there is many others whom you can turn to with the kind of help/support you can give. Anyhow, do enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

Have a nice day! :wave:

Levonian, U are sort of wrong about inabiliity to sing.....I still sing- in church and stuff and to myself....not to public anymore. I didn't loose hearing though until after 20 yrs old. I was an accomplished vocalist to a degree before hand. I still have notes and pitches memorized well and my wife is good at letting me know when to fix it. She is a very accomplished singer, moreso than myself
:welcome: To All Deaf Cindy!!!!
Your not the only one in a deaf/hearing relationship. It actually makes a challenge in the relationship:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy your stay here:thumb: