In the hospital

Thank you so much everybody for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. Im hanging in there getting well slowly. I might get to go home Sunday. I was real scared about how bad this episode of asthma this was; it has been many years 10 perhaps, since my asthma got this serious.

Thanks for fixing my color and font PFH. I never noticed it LOL. Even though I could get on AD, I have felt to ill to do anything. Now I think I am bored, good sign I am feeling stronger, so I will browse AD more tonight.

Again, thank you guys for the support.
Thank you so much everybody for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. Im hanging in there getting well slowly. I might get to go home Sunday. I was real scared about how bad this episode of asthma this was; it has been many years 10 perhaps, since my asthma got this serious.

Thanks for fixing my color and font PFH. I never noticed it LOL. Even though I could get on AD, I have felt to ill to do anything. Now I think I am bored, good sign I am feeling stronger, so I will browse AD more tonight.

Again, thank you guys for the support.

Glad to hear things are turning around.
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I am wishing you a speedy recovery and be well for your special day around the corner. Do get rest, this ashma situation is scary. That would be great coming home Sunday (attentively). I can give you my homework to beat the bordom lol jk take care
Thank you so much everybody for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. Im hanging in there getting well slowly. I might get to go home Sunday. I was real scared about how bad this episode of asthma this was; it has been many years 10 perhaps, since my asthma got this serious.

Thanks for fixing my color and font PFH. I never noticed it LOL. Even though I could get on AD, I have felt to ill to do anything. Now I think I am bored, good sign I am feeling stronger, so I will browse AD more tonight.

Again, thank you guys for the support.

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I hope you have this under control. Not being able to breathe is scary! :wave:
that's great news doug! take it easy when u head to get home.. don't do anything just think of yourself being on vacation :cool2:
good to hear that you're recovering! Thank goodness for medications that help reduce severity of symptoms!
Hey Doug.... Don't flirt with sexy nurse who is trying to administer you for your asthma situation - hee hee! Glad to hear that you are slowly getting better and better while staying that hospital.... My wife have asthma all her life since she born with it.... Oh well!!!
another update; things going ok, but now my doctor saying it is looking that there is any chance of going home tomorrow. Got my fat IV out of my neck today and need less oxygen requirements, so at least its going in the right direction.

Whitewolves I don't really get in too much flirting with the staff since I know pretty much everybody. They still get their chances at me when they can (moreso now that Im getting more well.)

My ex-wife came and saw me the other night while she was on her break and we had a nice chat. Don't know if I already talked about it. oops. I hadn't seen her for like 6 months, but it didn't feel awkward to me either way.I've said it before and I'll say it again, being on the VERY SICK side of the spectrum once in a while really helped me have better perspective whenever I am giving care to my own patients.

Thanks again all, I really do appreciate your thoughts and friendliness toward me.
Doug, take care of yourself and get well soon. Take all the time as needed to rest. I forgot to mention, restless_heart became a grandmother again, her daughter had a baby girl :)

Thanks for the update:)
Hope you are better and asthma does suck i understand...i have very bad asthma and was almost intubated once for it...notttt fun...neway feel better doug! I have some q's for you so when you're better lemme know:)
Dang, man! Hope you are much better by now. Get well and get home soon, the dog will be upset without you. Keep us posted.
wondering how's Doug doing now. It's Sunday and today's the day he's going home.
Ahhhh....yes! I did get out this afternoon from the hospital. But I have very strict rest and relaxing guidlines to follow for the next 7 days. It was easy to get the entire week off from work. I still feel plenty weak though due to very limited activities for the last 6 or so days. I'll be back on track here in the next few days, plenty of stuff to do at home while resting like watching the olympics. Thanks again to you guys for words of support and sympathy during this last week. I'll get my updates going along this week to keep a noted project note for myself and strengthening.
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Doug, glad you are out of the hospital and finally in your bed all comfy and able to sleep well without someone walking in to poke you. Do get all rest you can and follow the doctors orders, I am going to be on top of you with text messages lol

Welcome home my friend!
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Ahhhh....yes! I did get out this afternoon from the hospital. But I have very strict rest and relaxing guidlines to follow for the next 7 days. It was easy to get the entire week off from work. I still feel plenty weak though due to very limited activities for the last 6 or so days. I'll be back on track here in the next few days, plenty of stuff to do at home while resting like watching the olympics. Thanks again to you guys for words of support and sympathy during this last week. I'll get my updates going along this week to keep a noted project note for myself and strengthening.

Keep that lung of yours in top shape, give me 5 miles right now.
Oh I know what it's like to get asthma attacks...I'm asthmatic myself so I've had many times in and out of hospital....

Glad to hear you've got internet acess to keep yourself entertained....

Praying for you...hope you get better soon...=)