If you were born poor.....

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I think Koko's pulling topics out of some ice-breaker game; the type I loathe!

I, for one, don't want to play.

Nope. Not even that.
Glad you find it funny.

What I find is a joke is that people that are able to work, milk the system.

Their are plenty of resources to aid people in need.

Correct. Although not perfect.
Any of the Scandinavian countries. Possibly Germany as well.
Canada pretty good too though. If we had nicer winters....
where I will be born (hypothetically), I'm already a rich man.
The question is meaningless; Reality none of us can choose which country to be born in-ask you mother!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

I agree with you on that one.
If I was born poor, I'd rather live in a country (USA) where I could have an opportunity to pull myself out of poverty rather than live in a country that supported my poverty.

I wasn't born poor but during part of my childhood my divorced mom, my brother, and I became poor. I was aware that we had become poor but we didn't dwell on our "poorness." We just made the best of things.
If I was born poor, I'd rather live in a country (USA) where I could have an opportunity to pull myself out of poverty rather than live in a country that supported my poverty.

I wasn't born poor but during part of my childhood my divorced mom, my brother, and I became poor. I was aware that we had become poor but we didn't dwell on our "poorness." We just made the best of things.

I agree. I am thankful that I live in the US.

Some of these people need to take a look at some of the other poor countries. People that are in famine, and some of y'all want to laugh.
Yeah, we got it soo bad......... :roll:
Attention. You will notice that he poses the questions but never bothers to think deep enough to come up with an answer or a reasonable debate.. He simply enjoys attempting to convince himself that he is an intelligent and deep thinker. Problem being, he keeps demonstrating to everyone else that he is exactly the opposite.

Look back and you will see that others offered explanation for their choices. The one person that did not offer an explanation was the OP. A sign of superficial response and complete lack of thought.
If you believe that, then why do you post in his threads? Doesn't that just encourage him?

Then again, are people who feel compelled to post about other people's motives for posting any better? That's also annoying.

If a thread is truly uninteresting it will die a natural death. There's no need to pick at the originator for starting the thread.
Is being poor 50 years ago the same way one is poor today in America?

I would be happy to be poor 50 years ago in America and give myself a chance to pull myself through as Reba described it.

Today? I'm not so sure...
Attention. You will notice that he poses the questions but never bothers to think deep enough to come up with an answer or a reasonable debate.. He simply enjoys attempting to convince himself that he is an intelligent and deep thinker. Problem being, he keeps demonstrating to everyone else that he is exactly the opposite.

Look back and you will see that others offered explanation for their choices. The one person that did not offer an explanation was the OP. A sign of superficial response and complete lack of thought.

Why does that bother you?
I don't want to be born anywhere where infant mortality is high. Ironically, the U.S. is currently ranked 39 in infant mortality. The U.S. ranks 43 rd for adult female mortality, and 42 nd for adult male mortality. I'd pick a country with better odds of survival. I also recently read that one out of three children live in poverty in the U.S.
If you believe that, then why do you post in his threads? Doesn't that just encourage him?

Then again, are people who feel compelled to post about other people's motives for posting any better? That's also annoying.

If a thread is truly uninteresting it will die a natural death. There's no need to pick at the originator for starting the thread.

I was replying to another poster's question. Sorry that you seem to have a problem with that.

Why didn't you answer the question?
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