if you had one wish,what would it be?

A peaceful world with no pain, no suffers, no injustice, an end to criminals, nonetheless be careful what you wish for.
I would wish to be gainfully employed and earned enough that I could be independent again. :(
If I had one wish, it'll be world peace and unity of all peoples. ;)
My one wish would be to have bottomless money that would last me for rest of my life to live more than comfortably.
My one wish would be that I didn't have bipolar. If God could grant me that wish, I would be the happiest woman on Earth and would live dirt poor if I had to. I've had some very difficult times financially before, but it was nothing compared to the living h*ll of having bipolar. With any luck, they'll find a cure or at the very least, one med I can take/day instead of 5. I'm sorry if mentioning my bipolar upsets anyone, but that's my wish. That's all I want.
I been HOH all my life and I would have given anything to be able to hear better! I heard people say they're happy to be deaf , I just do not understand that! Hellen Keller said she would rather be blind than deaf!

helen keller was deafblind....
You have to remember that back in Helen's day there were no intervenors, she only got watered down information.
I would wish for no barriers in the job market/government agencies (including armed forces) for the deaf.