If you are Landlord, would you evict your tenants ?


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May 20, 2003
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What if your tenants becomes serious illness, he could not pay the rent, would you evict him?

What if your tenants lost his job with a wife and three kids, would you evict him?

What if the hurriance hit your area, those tenants couldn't go to work because of their companies loss due to flood and damage, they could not pay you the rent - would you evict him?

It appears that Landlords will evict no matter what the reason. I've even seen leases that say "no excuses, medical, loss of job, natural causes will not keep us from evicting you if you don't pay." Many of the evacuees came to New Oreleans. Believe me, once they get out in the world of the landlords here, they won't like it. Louisiana never has and never will be renter friendly.

However, I do feel that in lite of the Hurricane Katrina mess, landlords should be more tolerate in the coastal area.

Most landlords do not have the kind of cash flow to be able to let people live for free for an extended period of time. If they still have liveable property in the area they should be compensated. If the tenants are getting financial assistance from FEMA or other sources, they should pay rent. Most states have laws that state a 15 day notice before evicting.

I know this single mother, she has children and has been renting from the same landlord for years....she pays her rent on time every month.

Katrina came and caused damage, took out the landlords home. Lady called FEMA about her damage and filed....FEMA told her "don't move anything out of the home, don't leave the home, don't throw things away" She is taking FEMA's advise to stay her place. Somehow, the asshole landlord shows up this week and says "you are moving out now or I will throw you and your belongings out"

Now she has to call the lawyer because she is within her rights to stay there (she paid her rent), he is not giving her proper or legal notice, he is threatening her and her children.

Some asshole landlords are sucker in how they handle things. :madfawk:
There is nothing tenants can do, but they have to follow the state law. FEMA can't do anything in order to stop the landlords, but they delay long period for the rent voucher. Let's blame to FEMA for wasting their time. It is a good idea to write your Congresspeople in your state so that FEMA will enforce the landlord. However, Republicians may not like to issue a new bill...
Oh dear! Suck :mad:

It's very important for the tenants to fix agreement contract with their landlord before they move in. Without agreement contract, they can't do anything against landlords... :(

I hope your friend has an agreement contract to fix with his/her landlord. If not.....

I hope the lawyer would help your friend due Katrine issues.
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh dear! Suck :mad:

It's very important for the tenants to fix agreement contract with their landlord before they move in. Without agreement contract, they can't do anything against landlords... :(

I hope your friend has an agreement contract to fix with his/her landlord. If not.....

I hope the lawyer would help your friend due Katrine issues.

Actually, any tenant would file the motion at the local government/court against eviction. They will bring the court order to the landlord so that they would not throw out. They may pay some time between 15 and 60 days.

They may be very lucky if they obtain the rent voucher from FEMA or local/state government or money from the family/friends or donations the church/non-profit organization and pay to the landlord immediately.

I know landloards doe not have much longer patience since they need to pay their bills, mortages, etc, or they will face the foreclose their homes or apartments.
mld4ds said:
I know landloards doe not have much longer patience since they need to pay their bills, mortages, etc, or they will face the foreclose their homes or apartments.

within 30 days the bank should give landlord more time to pay their own mortages or bills due to hurriance Kritrina. Some landlords are asshole, they have heartless for the human being especially children need to live under the roof.
That's pretty selfish on the landlord's part.. The landlord should have insurance for the rental home.. the landlord should be getting some money from FEMA or his ins. co. that should cover his a** or give the money to the tenant for the damage that have caused her and her children. I believe by law, you can't get evicted that quickly.. with children, it's suppose to take 90 days to evict the tenant. without children, its 30 days. If Katrina has destroy the home.. why is he bitching about the home that the tenant and kids can't live in now? I really believe that the landlord is looking to evict them so he can get all the money for himself. The tenant will probably win in court. Good Luck to your friend and hope she gets what she deserves!
If the single mom that you knew didn't feel she did anything wrong in order to get evict by her landlord even through she had pay her landlord on time for years, then by the law, the landlord would need to go thru the court system to get her evict from the apartment and she would need to show up to court and explain her side of the story why she feels that she shouldn't be evict and that would be up to the judge to see whether or not the landlord has the right to evict her....

EDIT Also, there are some landlords out there who doesn't have a heart and will evict anyone out no matter what the excuess is, they just want their money...
Sabrina said:
I know this single mother, she has children and has been renting from the same landlord for years....she pays her rent on time every month.

Katrina came and caused damage, took out the landlords home. Lady called FEMA about her damage and filed....FEMA told her "don't move anything out of the home, don't leave the home, don't throw things away" She is taking FEMA's advise to stay her place. Somehow, the asshole landlord shows up this week and says "you are moving out now or I will throw you and your belongings out"

Now she has to call the lawyer because she is within her rights to stay there (she paid her rent), he is not giving her proper or legal notice, he is threatening her and her children.

I am really confused by your post, My question is how much damage to the house? and What type of damage that was done in the home? Why would she want to live in a place that been ruin by Katrina? Is it safe for the children?
Sabrina said:
within 30 days the bank should give landlord more time to pay their own mortages or bills due to hurriance Kritrina. Some landlords are asshole, they have heartless for the human being especially children need to live under the roof.

( Sorry for off-topic ) :shock: I was readin' your message in your signature image. My friends want to invite me to go to one of good friend's house for a celebration on my birthday on Oct. 8th, Saturday. My b/f plan to take me to somewhere for a surprise on Oct. 10th. :lol:
As I was formerly Landlady!

I could disagree with you some...

I have fought to removed my ex roommate out of here He broke few things that wasn't allow was:

Refrigerator in basement unless he pay extra he claimed he can't afford (yeah right he brings home 500 a week)

Girlfriend MOVED In from Michagin to mass.. Ekk that was a BIGGEST mistake....
so We wrote evict letter to him.. and her...
then He told us we have to GO to court because the Housing authority told him that We can't just "kick them out" we have to go to court.. So we had to HIRED a lawyer.... and He told us that ONCE a person who sleeps over 1 or 2 night is CONSIDERING living there.. so WE COULDNT kick her out no matter what because HE invited her in and she offically MOVED in by herself without anybody's permission! I was soo ticked off big time few yrs ago.. I was pregnant that time... Then my ex-roommate got an emergency shelter as long he doesn't work etc so He decide to quit job in order to get into emergency shelter and get on welfare and ssdi.. Damn him but He does have ssdi reason now because he has history of epiplsey.. soo ssdi adward him right away!

However.. his Gf could NOT move in with him and his daughter because they were NOT married soo SHE stayed in my basement for while longer.. I was more UPSET and so mad so I told her she had few more days to get out she called COP on us and told us we can't kick her out unless we go to COURT to evict her.. I was MORE pissed off..

and then When My son got Brain tumor diagnosis that time on Halloween... My mom went to my house to stay there on Nov 3rd when I got my checks because I was afraid she may try steal my money.. my mom borrow my money to PAY her have a BUS back to michagin, and HOTEL stay in near bus stations, and spending money like foods etc She tell my mom to tell me that she was sorry to cause the problem I did NOT accept that because The way they prolong and IT COST US money to hire lawyer, fees, court, spend on bus, etc for HER to go back to her HOMESTATE... few days later we got a note from our other ex roommate WHO THANK US for get rid of her because he doesnt want her anymore but HE ALLOW HER TO STAY AT MY HOME ????? what a jerk that was sooo hurtful to my family.. cause me and my husband to fight, I could have LOST my home due of not pay rent because I had to pay extra and extra.. our septic was empty twice in 1 month because of the problem too many people and they dont care!!!

SO thats the story... according to our lawyer that

THe JUDGE will award to tenant no matter what the reason was. if they are poor then the judge will award them to stay longer because they have reason... Also if they have medical reason the judge will award them longer Doesnt matter if landlord/lady has problem I said to my lawyer BUT im on disbility check and they can do that for her and him ?? they dont care if landlady has medical reason too ? Lawyer said yup that's correct because they will make sure tenant comes FIRST!

Judge will award to Landlord/lady if the have very GOOD reason like abusing, breaking homes, rules etc. then we get evict them right away.. BUT Still... Laws does SUCKS that way when you can't evict anybody unless you have good reason, good cause etc...

as for the hurricane.. I don't see how they can do that either... It is very sticky question for that...

Sorry that i was babbling but I just want to vent out when I read this I had to share my experience with you all :)

Now let's try and look at this from the landlord's POV...Let's say I own a house but am paying mortgage on it (basically it is in my name but the bank still owns it and I have to pay for it each month). If the tenant is not paying then I am the one who has to pay. What if I lost my job too and can't afford to pay it. We are both going to end up being evicted when the bank reposses the place. And then, it is my credit down the crapper, not the tennants. Which means that I won't be able to get another place, but the tennant could move on elsewhere.
yes your credit will be in the crapper.. but so will theirs, because you can report it to the credit breau that they refused to pay their rent or failed to. People are lucky if their landlord ONLY evicts them because that just keeps them from having their credit destroyed
Eve said:
Now let's try and look at this from the landlord's POV...Let's say I own a house but am paying mortgage on it (basically it is in my name but the bank still owns it and I have to pay for it each month). If the tenant is not paying then I am the one who has to pay. What if I lost my job too and can't afford to pay it. We are both going to end up being evicted when the bank reposses the place. And then, it is my credit down the crapper, not the tennants. Which means that I won't be able to get another place, but the tennant could move on elsewhere.

Cheri said:
I am really confused by your post, My question is how much damage to the house? and What type of damage that was done in the home? Why would she want to live in a place that been ruin by Katrina? Is it safe for the children?

Good question sis....

Maybe the reason why the landlord wants her out is cause it's not a safe condtion to live in that apartment afterall it has been damaged by the hurricane....
Eve said:
Now let's try and look at this from the landlord's POV...Let's say I own a house but am paying mortgage on it (basically it is in my name but the bank still owns it and I have to pay for it each month). If the tenant is not paying then I am the one who has to pay. What if I lost my job too and can't afford to pay it. We are both going to end up being evicted when the bank reposses the place. And then, it is my credit down the crapper, not the tennants. Which means that I won't be able to get another place, but the tennant could move on elsewhere.

Very true, If I was a landlord I expect to get the rent on time but if there's a problem, maybe I can work something out with my tennants...It's depending on how this will work out cause I wouldn't be able to afford to pay my own mortgage and the apartment mortgage all at once...

so I can see where you're coming from on this Eve...
yes that's correct landlord/lady end up paying for rest of the bills that includes mortgage, utilities, sewers, trash, repairs, remodeling etc.. Ekkk

Living in places like these are hell for everyone. Anyone ever see Pacific Heights? That's a good example of hell that landlords have to go through.
Long time ago, My hubby and I were discussed about the duplex or triplex a house and think twice.... expensive to pay for tenant act and etc etc.... we decide not want it..

Near the future, maybe yes we'll have 2nd house for ourselves and another house for tenant.. we would love to get new experience.. eh
yes I know really pain ass...
Depend on each state, my state, you can't just simply evict anyone. You need to go to the court to evict even for non-payment. The only time you can immediate evict the tenant IF you clearly outline in the lease for any illegal activities like narcotic activities is ground for immediate eviction. Then you can immediatly evict tenant that you caught them doing drugs or whatever that broke the lease agreement. Non-payment is NOT permitted as clause for immediate eviction.

For those who wants to break lease, The only time that they can break the lease is if they were order to serve military, or have health problems, which requires nursing home. I am not sure what other option is available.

As for rent part, most of the area, there is NO restriction on how landlord can charge one and charge others different! Its entirely up to landlord.
One MAJOR warning to landlords, EVEN those who might rent room to a roomate. Your 100% responsible for properties that is owned by tenant for 45 days. What it means is that IF tenant left the premises, NEVER NEVER NEVER throw anything out!!! You are responsible for safekeeping of their possession for 45 days, meanwhile make any attempt to contact tenant regard to the possessions. Failure to do this, you can be LIABLE for damages and losses uo to 3 times of its value. Its the law in the books for years, not many people know about this. I have known some cases where tenants, even roomates sued landlord (or roomate) for throwing their possession in garbage and collected 3x of the damages!