If You Are Deaf, Please Answer Regardless Of What Your Friends Think...

If you are deaf, would you consider having a cochlear implant?

  • No, I don't want to take a chance; No, I may lose all my deaf friends

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Oct 2, 2005
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If you are deaf/Deaf and had the opportunity to have a cochlear implant, knowing everything you need to know about it, would you do it? If yes, why? If not, why not?

I noticed that each answer will be recorded. If this is not feasible for you, feel free to pm me, I will not reveal who you are to anyone.
I'm not eligable for a CI, but I do think that eligigbilty requirements should be a HELL of a lot more strict. It just irritates the fuck out of me when I read about people who have pretty good hearing, with aids and they are opting for it!
I wouldn't b/c hearing aids do a lot for me.....and I also think they are a little too overhyped and some people are buying into the hype.
They can be good for some people. Hearing aids don't work well for some people....I do realize that, but to hype it and make it sound like the Next Best Thing.....Honestly, I ran into a guy who could hear really well, and ALL he could talk about was getting an implant?!?!?!
On the other hand, I'm getting the sense that there's a trend underfoot for those who were previously "not qualified" are now getting the implant and I'm thinking, "why not"; it stands to reason(to me, anyway) that people like that would adapt to a CI more easily than one who has never heard one iota nor had anything approaching comprehensible speech.
After all I suffered with my mom... she was mentall abuse and physical abuse me when i was little throughout childhood/teen... She forced me to go many places and hoping for my hearing bring back...

She forced me to have cochlear implants on both ears.. at age 16, I refused.. she tricked me to sent me for hearing test but I was end up in waiting room to go in surgery, I was like wtf.. why IV? i thought i am suppose to have hearing tests.. Dr asked me if I know anything.. I said.. Is it for hearing tests.. Dr said... no.. you are going to have surgery for cochlear implants.. I jumped out and yelled Noooo way.. Dr scold my mom..

So, now I am against to it.. Sorry.. if you are born deaf or hoh.. so Be at it.. that what God made for you....
I already have one so I'm biased but I just have to chime in on this...

To follow up with Tousi's comments, I can see his point very clearly and can agree with it. Especially, his point about somebody utilizing hearing and speech pretty well. That is probably why I took to it so well.

However to echo DD, there got to be a "line in the sand" where if HAs are doing the trick, then let's not blur the line between a CI and a HA. As of now and probably not in the near future, CIs can do fantastic things for a person (I know I one of them) but they can't yet give you what a normal hearing person has nor what residual hearing one has left using a HA unless you got some unusual physicalogical issues with one's hearing. A couple of other points, a CI requires surgery and there is no guarantee that it will work (most people do pretty well with them but there are always a few who don't do well).
I am deaf, and I already have the surgery for cochlear implant the other day, so I have not gotten the outer part yet, but will be turn on in a month from now.

For me, It took me about a year to finally get the surgery. Last summer in 2004, i was thinking over it for 6 months til I finally decided to go for the appointment to see if i am a candiate. I have to admit, one of my biggest concern was losing my deaf friends, not having any respect from the deaf community. But after a while i started to relax over that issue, mainly because of the people in AD, it let me know that not all deaf people are totally against CI. So I started to relax a little bit, and started telling some of my closest friends that i was getting the surgery, and to be honest with you, 2 out of 10 were not happy about it but got over it the next day. Another one was not happy but refuse to say cuz she knows that i am serious about it and she just let me do it cuz its my decision, but i know she not happy about it. Oh well. But the rest of those 6 people, they were fine with it, happy and respect me.

I dont know about the states, but in canada, they do a pretty damn good job at making sure the patient is candiate for it. Now I am just saying that for adult patients, I have no idea what its like for a child patient at the hopsital. But for me, it took me about a year for them to let me have the surgery. They keep questioning me and stuff. My ears were a candiate cuz i was deaf enough to have the surgery. But they were concern that I would get the surgery then not wear it because most people my age do. So they were really concern cuz of my age. Also the fact that I go to a deaf school for the last 7 years does not help their concern. Which is understandable. But I convinced them that I want it, and wont give up on the thing after i get it. They finally let me get it. And so far, I dont regret it at all. I know I cant say much cuz I have not actually been hook up yet. But you know what i mean.

That all i can say about it.
No, I do not want an Cochlear implant It's not that I'm worried about what others would think of me, or afraid of losing deaf friends. It is just the way I feel. If I am deaf for a reason, Why would I want to change the real me into someone different? It's like cosmetic surgery where people want a "new look" such as Biceps, Triceps and Buttock and breast implant. They turned out to be as ugly as ever. It's like this God gave you what you are, take it or leave it. That's what I believe. I don't care for those who have Cochlear Implant if they are happy with it, then I'm happy for them. :thumb:
Actually, I dont think cochlear implant is like cosmetic surgery. Because for one thing it not very visual, and it doesnt change the look of who u are.

Cochlear implant is more like a benefitful srugery to help you. It just like eye surgery for people who are nearly blind, or protestic (fake) limbs (leg or arm) for someone who lost their arm or leg. Would you say that people with protestic limbs are doing it for cosmetic reason? I don't think so. They do it because they need the limbs for dealing with everyday living. Not that everybody needs it but it is benefitful for them. Same thing for cochlear implant, it just a way for helping deaf people hear a bit more in their lifes. For those people who have cochlear implant, they are still deaf period. Once you take off the outer part of the implant you are completely deaf in that ear and cannot hear a thing. So they are still deaf, so they wont be changed int oa hearing person because they are still deaf. It the same with hearing aids, people who got hearing aids are still deaf or hard of hearing because they still have hearing difficulty when they take the aids out.

Cheri said:
No, I do not want an Cochlear implant It's not that I'm worried about what others would think of me, or afraid of losing deaf friends. It is just the way I feel. If I am deaf for a reason, Why would I want to change the real me into someone different? It's like cosmetic surgery where people want a "new look" such as Biceps, Triceps and Buttock and breast implant. They turned out to be as ugly as ever. It's like this God gave you what you are, take it or leave it. That's what I believe. I don't care for those who have Cochlear Implant if they are happy with it, then I'm happy for them. :thumb:
I said no to CI because I will say no to any invasive operations. I will protest if they need to put in a long metal rod to hold my arm together if it is fractured badly. I don't want to have a metal in my body. Piercing is one thing, but to have a metal UNDER your skin, that's just wrong for me. I shudder at the thought of having a metal pin to hold your leg together and whatnot.
I hope I will never never experience an operation for a LONG time.

I did think about it whether CI will help me, but then I think by having CI on me, I will be driven nuts by all little annoying noises. People are annoyed to me, so to HEAR them must be much WORSER. ;) Hear no evil, See no evil, and I won't do no evil to you. :thumb:
gnarlydorkette said:
I said no to CI because I will say no to any invasive operations. I will protest if they need to put in a long metal rod to hold my arm together if it is fractured badly. I don't want to have a metal in my body. Piercing is one thing, but to have a metal UNDER your skin, that's just wrong for me. I shudder at the thought of having a metal pin to hold your leg together and whatnot.
I hope I will never never experience an operation for a LONG time.

I did think about it whether CI will help me, but then I think by having CI on me, I will be driven nuts by all little annoying noises. People are annoyed to me, so to HEAR them must be much WORSER. ;) Hear no evil, See no evil, and I won't do no evil to you. :thumb:

i perfectly understand you point of view. It is completely understandable. There are people that are totally against anything metal in the body which i understand. As long you are completely against everyting related to metal in body not just the cochlear implant. ;)
Let's stir the pot a little bit...don't be shy...

Okay...here we go! Gonna play the devil's advocate... :devil: I'm well aware that not all deaf people are 100% deaf, so, with that being said and the fact that there still is residual hearing, why not "turn up the volume" and hear what the Robins are singing about so early in the morning, especially when all they have to eat is worms? The morning after I received my two hearing aids when I was 9 years old, I exclaimed to my mother, "wow, the birds sure are singing today!" She didn't realize I couldn't hear them. So, with that being said, why not have the operation? You ought to hear what you're missing. I'm doing this to get some who have said, "never" to think about their decision. Pretend, for a moment, there are no such things as the ADA, hearing aids (actually just being invented), can't get a job except selling pencils, you're institutionalized and, if you were in a residential school, envision that your hearing is the only thing about you as the only reason why you're in there...so, now what do you do? If you're getting mad, good! Tell me about it! Seriously! :) Remember, I and no one else will NOT flame you. Just tell me, okay? Don't beat around the bush.
DoofusMama said:
After all I suffered with my mom... she was mentall abuse and physical abuse me when i was little throughout childhood/teen... She forced me to go many places and hoping for my hearing bring back...

She forced me to have cochlear implants on both ears.. at age 16, I refused.. she tricked me to sent me for hearing test but I was end up in waiting room to go in surgery, I was like wtf.. why IV? i thought i am suppose to have hearing tests.. Dr asked me if I know anything.. I said.. Is it for hearing tests.. Dr said... no.. you are going to have surgery for cochlear implants.. I jumped out and yelled Noooo way.. Dr scold my mom..

So, now I am against to it.. Sorry.. if you are born deaf or hoh.. so Be at it.. that what God made for you....


I had called you "Doofus" for short on another thread, which was not meant to degrade you, and I apologize to you for that remark, as it was very insensitive of me. Based on what you just said, being treated like that by a parent is uncalled for and should not be done. I am so sorry you had to endure that. Can I ask you something personal? If you don't want to answer here, pm me or just say you'd rather not, I would understand and there would be no hard feelings and no harrassment from me or anyone else. You said, "She forced me to go many places and hoping for my hearing bring back..." Can I ask if she had brought you to see "Faith Healers" and others that do this sort of work?
Tousi, I have no problem with people who get really poor speech perception from hearing aids, being implantated. It is probaly akin to the difference between an ITE aid vs a BTE for some people. I understand that some people need more "power" ....BUT when people are talking about being implanted when they have really good speech perception with aids? THAT is definitly fucked up!
darkangel8603 said:
Actually, I dont think cochlear implant is like cosmetic surgery. Because for one thing it not very visual, and it doesnt change the look of who u are.

Cochlear implant is more like a benefitful srugery to help you. It just like eye surgery for people who are nearly blind, or protestic (fake) limbs (leg or arm) for someone who lost their arm or leg. Would you say that people with protestic limbs are doing it for cosmetic reason? I don't think so. They do it because they need the limbs for dealing with everyday living. Not that everybody needs it but it is benefitful for them. Same thing for cochlear implant, it just a way for helping deaf people hear a bit more in their lifes. For those people who have cochlear implant, they are still deaf period. Once you take off the outer part of the implant you are completely deaf in that ear and cannot hear a thing. So they are still deaf, so they wont be changed int oa hearing person because they are still deaf. It the same with hearing aids, people who got hearing aids are still deaf or hard of hearing because they still have hearing difficulty when they take the aids out.

You don't need to repeat the same source that most people have told me about, I am only expressing my feelings. the bottom line is I like who I am, If I am meant to be deaf let it be. That's my major point of view. If you're happy with your cochlear implant then why are you worried about what I think? Be happy with what you have. :)

I also agree with Gnary about the noises which I wouldn't want to hear, It would annoyed me as well. Being deaf isn't all that bad, You get to ignored the yelling sounds that you wouldn't want to hear. That's what I like about being deaf and I'm sticking with what God gave me, I couldn't be more than happy. ;)
Well first of all - I tried to investigate getting implanted about 5 years ago, and they said I wasn't qualified because I could talk on the phone and etc. Well 5 years later they now say I am qualified and my doctor says that they are finding it is more successful on people who were in my situation than those who were profoundly deaf. Honestly, I have met a few deaf individuals who I never never in my world thought they would get a CI. Now they got the CI for the purpose to hear. But understand this, in my vision, even when one gets a CI that person is STILL deaf. So, I got my CI for the purpose because lets be realistic in the real world you have to do what it takes to succeed and move up in society. My device gets turned on next week. But either way, I still consider myself deaf regardless, and nothing will or can change that.
Cheri said:
You don't need to repeat the same source that most people have told me about, I am only expressing my feelings. the bottom line is I like who I am, If I am meant to be deaf let it be. That's my major point of view. If you're happy with your cochlear implant then why are you worried about what I think? Be happy with what you have. :)

I also agree with Gnary about the noises which I wouldn't want to hear, It would annoyed me as well. Being deaf isn't all that bad, You get to ignored the yelling sounds that you wouldn't want to hear. That's what I like about being deaf and I'm sticking with what God gave me, I couldn't be more than happy. ;)

ok smile, i was just stating my point of view, cuz i dont agree with u about what u said about cochlear implant being like cosmetic surgery, i think that was a bit extreme. But in general i respect your opinion and your point of view. :mrgreen:
DefLord said:
Well first of all - I tried to investigate getting implanted about 5 years ago, and they said I wasn't qualified because I could talk on the phone and etc. Well 5 years later they now say I am qualified and my doctor says that they are finding it is more successful on people who were in my situation than those who were profoundly deaf. Honestly, I have met a few deaf individuals who I never never in my world thought they would get a CI. Now they got the CI for the purpose to hear. But understand this, in my vision, even when one gets a CI that person is STILL deaf. So, I got my CI for the purpose because lets be realistic in the real world you have to do what it takes to succeed and move up in society. My device gets turned on next week. But either way, I still consider myself deaf regardless, and nothing will or can change that.

I am one of those people, i swear 7 years ago, or even 2 years ago i would never thought of myself geting ci, and here i am.
Yeah, it IS definitly changing.....the Deaf community is becoming a lot more open to it, and I would bet in ten or twenty years, we'll be at the point where CIs are very much accepted in the Deaf community.
You and darkangel definitly are the pioneers...
Deflord.....I think it might be a combonation of the fact that they've become a little more relaxed about who can get the CI(no longer is it just for folks who can't even hear thunder or a jet plane taking off) and b/c they've found that those with progressive losses do really really well with CI.
I think those with progressive losses are lucky as they can wait til they are older to get a CI.
Yes, I have a progressive loss.. And I agree it is becoming more of an accepted issue. When I had asked this one individual he is a very well known leader in the deaf community, and is in 3rd generation deaf family. I asked him, what was the deaf community's response to you getting a CI. He said, most of them were shocked! He said most of them said it was your decision and only one person has cut off their friendship because of it. But he said, look just because I have my CI doesnt change me who I am. I still participate and am very active in deaf politics, I am still a strong advocate of deaf rights. But I just wanted to see what sound sounds like. I may not understand but for once I can see what people enjoy when it comes to music. So, that was nice to hear. People ask me all the time are you excited about getting your CI? I say the same thing over and over, I am not getting my hopes up too high, because for one I KNOW I will be able to HEAR more than what I can now. But the main reason for me getting this CI is so I can comprende what people are saying. Because admittingly at times it is hard to get an interpreter at the last minute - so with this I can hopefully maybe bypass it when necessary. I want to move up in the corporate environment, but this is a choice that I am making. But either way, my contribution to the deaf community will never stop.
Sure why not?...I rather to hear something than nothing at all, so if CI was to help me hear, then yeah I'll go for it!