I need help downloading AIM on a old laptop:: A dell Inspiron 8000??

Thanks for your help guys. Unfortunaly i don't think that AIM would work on my laptop. Only pidgin because it only works for ubuntu as Chevy said.

Thanks for your help once again. this would help me more to learn about computers and maybe outsmart my dad a little bit.. hehe
Thanks for your help guys. Unfortunaly i don't think that AIM would work on my laptop. Only pidgin because it only works for ubuntu as Chevy said.

Thanks for your help once again. this would help me more to learn about computers and maybe outsmart my dad a little bit.. hehe

Right, you should use Pidgin in your old Dell laptop. AOL Aim only is nothing to work. I hope that you might get new laptop in the future.
Right, you should use Pidgin in your old Dell laptop. AOL Aim only is nothing to work. I hope that you might get new laptop in the future.

haha, I won't be able to get a new laptop until i'm in college anyways. My dad gave this one to me because he already have a brand new laptop. So my dad gave this to me so i'd play around on this and not hog on the desktop computers that we have.

Most of my deaf friends have a new laptop. So i don't mind this one. :roll:
Gaim is no longer use, it's currently renamed as Pidgin. It was updated last year. I recalled downloading Ubuntu Hardy when it first came out, Pidgin was new on list as Instant Messager. I ran it and it's pretty much same as Gaim but with new additions and updates.

If you happen to use Damn Small Linux, Text base IM called "Naim". I've figured out how to use it with no problem but it's more technicial to use function keys to send message, switch buddy ect.. Can't use mouse

As for font, You can hack M$ font and add to it (copy entire M$ fonts from XP and then convert to different font file and back up to flash drive or burn it to CD then transfer to Ubuntu and copy and paste all to Ubuntu's font folder. I've done that and it worked.

Just for your own personal use. Use free font file converter on M$ Windows then copy it to Linux. Just google search and find it. My tricks.

Check my post that I had few years ago:

