I have a question i'd like to ask an intellectual person who was born deaf

So those of you who do think in pictures. Would you compare it to the way you dream, or day dream for that matter. I can only do so if i close my eyes. Is that the case for you? Or, do you have the ability to do so during everyday moments?
I've lost my hearing later in life. I've always thought in pictures even though I could hear. There's a learning style called the "visual-spatial" learner. You might want to check that out.
:lol: yep.. I never use the big words when I speak to the hearing because I usually get the pronunciation wrong.

I remember reading the Bellefleur Mysteries by Joyce Carol Oates. I had always thought the name Xavier was pronounced X-fair. Uh no. I noticed my pronunciation of his name clashed badly with Joyce Carol Oates' prose so I looked up the pronunciation in the dictionary. Based on the prose by Oates, I thought it likely was pronounced Kay-vere. Not quite. It's pronounced Zay-vere.

Unless you live in the deep south where i live, in which case its pronounced Ex-ave-ieeeer. You got to draw everything out a little bit
Unless you live in the deep south where i live, in which case its pronounced Ex-ave-ieeeer. You got to draw everything out a little bit

I'll keep that in mind. :D

I've lived in VA for most of my life and I've lived in NC on the border of SC for the last 10 years. I'm currently living in VA.
Most commonly sign. But, i cant quite wrap my head around the concept of thinking "visually" and not "verbally"
You know.......autistic folks think in pictures too. But the I think that Deafies think visually (meaning like a movie) rather then in pictures (in snapshots)
The OP used might have used the term "intelligent people" to mean "people who think about thinking." The correct term might be "metacognition." "Calling all metacognition folks" is sort of awkward. Someone else might be able to elaborate on this idea.
So those of you who do think in pictures. Would you compare it to the way you dream, or day dream for that matter. I can only do so if i close my eyes. Is that the case for you? Or, do you have the ability to do so during everyday moments?

First: I would like to say this; I've met people who are visual learners that are hearing.

Second: I blame the English language - It's the most boring language out there.

For example - In English you can say this. "I went to the store."
But nobody would get the point.

Expand that to: "I had to go to the store while it was snowing. On the way I had a 90 degree turn that went from right to left. I was careful but yet I still slid and crashed into the curb on my right rear side. I got out the car to inspect it but all was fine" blah blah...

Now it gets "exciting."

However in the signed language it would be more of:

Snow; thick.

Must go to store.

On way road shaped (sign shape of the road being a 90 deg turn)

Car slide (sign the car sliding to its right and act the accident with the curb). Get out, look car.

Car fine.

so when you look at it that way, you can imagine "Thick snowy day." Then you can see that the person had to go to the store. etc -- I hope you can see the point I'm getting at a bit here?

For me, I see everything in a visual sense 24/7.
The OP used might have used the term "intelligent people" to mean "people who think about thinking." The correct term might be "metacognition." "Calling all metacognition folks" is sort of awkward. Someone else might be able to elaborate on this idea.

I could've said that. Save for the fact i've never heard that word before. But, yes i see your point that asking for the opinion of metacognitive (hope i still used it correctly there) people would've just made me sound like a jack-ass who wanted to sound smarter than everyone else. People would've definately thought i was trying to talk down to them then. But, then again, i didn't really intend to speak to people who think about thinking. I was just looking for someone who might be willing to try and look at things my way and help with a general comparison i could grasp. I did get that from a good many of you guys. I found a few of the other threads people suggested i look at interesting also. I found the answer to my question was more complicated than even i initially thought. I've gotten every response from thinking in pictures, sign, to someting of a running closed caption in your own mind. And the concept of dreams i've found even more interesting. They are as varied as the people having them. Some have even told me they "hear" in their dreams but have a very hard time explaining it. So, even though i havent gotten a complete understanding of how it works. I have definately gotten quite an education and learned SEVERAL things i would never have known otherwise. Aside from my own topic, i've just been trolling the threads. And honestly there are much more interesting topics and discussions on here than most any other forum i've ever been on, no matter the "target audience".
am new hoh but have always been very visual person and visual learner<sallylou, that's me> . have auditory processing issues. Think in pictures and signs as well as words.
it doesn't matter whether I hear or not. I think the same with or without my CI on. When I wake up from bed, I speak in my head. When it comes to heavier thinking, I tend to use visual cues. It's a matter of perspective.
Not until recently, when I noticed deep in the woods of a thread.... I was too busy checking out ladies. ;)
I was born hard of hearing, not deaf as such...so I'm not entirely sure I'm qualified to answer this, but I can try. I'm not wearing my hearing aids right now, and if someone phoned me I would be able to hold a conversation, but would probably ask them to repeat things a fair few times.

I think in both words and pictures. The first thing I think in the morning is 'What time is it? Do I have to do anything today?' (I'm not working at the moment). Then I'll usually imagine myself briefly doing the activities.

I wasn't going to answer to this thread, as I think it's aimed more at people with sign language as a first language, and I don't know any, but I had a brief recollection which might be interesting..my hair has been every colour under the sun, and for a while it was entirely bright pink, and I had a lip piercing. But when I first got them, I had my usual, non-pink hair and non-pierced lip in all my dreams..it never filtered through to my dreams.

I speak in my head to myself all the time- I'm doing it now, thinking what I'm about to type. I thought, though, that it would be a mix, at least for most hearing people- my head 'speaks' 'I gotta get up and feed the cat', but other times I will visualise something- a shop, maybe, if I have to go shopping, or something like that.
A picture is worth a thousand words so I guess we deaf people think so fast. :)