I can't wait for Christmas!!!!!


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Christmas is my favorite hoiday. I love to gather with my friend and families. We always have HUGE feast and we would go out in the snow and play. Then we would open ONLY small gift on Christmas Eve.
Then we would wake up early in the morning and open presents as my grandparents usually videotapes it. Then we d have a HUGE feast again for lunch and just chat for a while then it would be time for dessert like pumpkin pie and cheese cakes plus green christmas tree cake. And just visit for a while. I have to go to my mom's parents house then to my mom's house then to my dad's house then to my dad's side of the family christmas gathering at my great grandma's house. :D
I hate Christmas because I had to go shop and buy present for my whole family.

I love Thanksgiving Day and Easter Day (relative to Jesus not for hunt egg)
Well I love to shop for my loved ones espcially on Christmas but I only get things on sale and clearance. I don't like to buy things that are too expensive. I would go to one store called Marshall's which they have brand names but for cheap and plus they r always on sales and clearances. Don't get me wrong... I love shopping at the mall and I love clothes but I don't like when some things that r priced too high and I think that's crazy.
illustrator said:
I hate Christmas because I had to go shop and buy present for my whole family.

I love Thanksgiving Day and Easter Day (relative to Jesus not for hunt egg)

I agreed with you... I am not religion freak.. but I believe in Jesus....

Thanksgiving to get people together --to give thanks and what we thank for..

Christmas-- we celebrate Jesus' birthday-- it's hard to break tradition to have exchange gifts or gifts. :ugh: (I hate shopping) but I love decorations.. I dont put up decorations till AFTER thanksgiving..

Easter.. Yeah.. we celebrate for Jesus' risen... but again :ugh: it's hard to break tradition for hunt eggs and candies.. but at least we still celebrate tho..

No offense..
i love Christmas too but :ugh: i HATE shopping :( its INSANITY at the malls -- i tend to stick with shopping center types that has independent stores OUTSIDE the mall -- i dont like crowds too much
oh oh oh I really love and crazy christmas ....... I really love to shopping and love to laugh .......
I really like to shopping myself.... i dislike go with any friends and make me nerouvos ..........

Thanksgiving..... i usually stay home and watch the praide (i cant spelling words and i am naughty girl ) and i love it
I have not decide about Christmas vacation to Florida or stay home spend time with my birth families for Christmas a week.

We are still disscussing.. *ahem*
awww no not the x-mas awwww man i hate to shop *groan* damn x-mas >:X ohh well it for kids for god sake...
i do love christmas time and have nice night watch christmas light during night that beauitful night and i do love shopping for christmas gifts i dont mind too high cost bec i save money and put layaway till paid off then will be nice save money and fix some gifts and bring to christmas family tree whoaa i love it
I have a love and hate relationship with Christmas. I love the idea of family getting together.. the warmth.. spirit... fireplace going.. etc.

But holiday shopping is a headache (as I see it is for almost everyone here)!! I hate spending my hard earned money on presents that probably end up in the back of the closet or something...

When I have a family of my own... I might just start a tradition of just having family, friends, food, and merry surround us. And of course the occasional gifts.. more specifically something on each "list" within budget. "Sorry, No pony this year.. we don't have a saddle"
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love shopping and grabbing something on sale, but I can't stand overcrowded in the malls.

Another thing I hate the most is my birthday is two days after xmas. :roll:
christmas *groans*.. hate to shop for presents for family.. and mostly of all.. sick of getting lame gifts from my grandparents.. they always give me something i don't like.. *groans* of course.. like to celebrate, eat dinner, chit chat.. but why do we need to exchange gifts?
I hate Christmas myself -- I don't mind the Christmas Day festive family meal gathering, but the presents part, I don't like shopping nor receive gifts. RME I just don't like Christmas and not keen on celebrating my birthday either.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
christmas *groans*.. hate to shop for presents for family.. and mostly of all.. sick of getting lame gifts from my grandparents.. they always give me something i don't like.. *groans* of course.. like to celebrate, eat dinner, chit chat.. but why do we need to exchange gifts?

yes i am very agrees with u :cool:
illustrator said:
I hate Christmas because I had to go shop and buy present for my whole family.

I love Thanksgiving Day and Easter Day (relative to Jesus not for hunt egg)

i can imagine you being the grinch that stole christmas :mrgreen:
I absolutely adore Christmas. I love to go shopping, making pressies for my family and friends, making Christmas cookies and candies, having and going to Christmas parties, decorating the house and using christmas lights outside, trying to challenge people to translate Christmas songs into ASL, writing and exchanging Christmas cards and emails, etc... etc... This will be my second time to have Christmas outside New Jersey, and being in Utah. I might visit my family but that is still undecided.

Of course, I don't observe the religious origins of Christmas, but rather think back to the Roman origins when it was called Saturnia, celebrating the days becoming longer and using evergreen as a symbol for renewing the year and seasons. :mrgreen:
MsGiglz said:
I agreed with you... I am not religion freak.. but I believe in Jesus....

Thanksgiving to get people together --to give thanks and what we thank for..

Christmas-- we celebrate Jesus' birthday-- it's hard to break tradition to have exchange gifts or gifts. :ugh: (I hate shopping) but I love decorations.. I dont put up decorations till AFTER thanksgiving..

Easter.. Yeah.. we celebrate for Jesus' risen... but again :ugh: it's hard to break tradition for hunt eggs and candies.. but at least we still celebrate tho..

No offense..

no.. Jesus born in Jan. Of course, people celebration the wrong day. Oh well... :)
I Love marshalls also :) anyways, I love shopping for my friends and family but what I find shocking is that THEY dont know what to get me, tsk tsk!!!
Christmas is when it's "ok" to be festive. Haha.. being in the partying mood. My husband and I got invited to a couple parties this month. One is for Christmas dinner 2 hours away for workers and their spouses. We'll drink and sleep at the hotel.. all paid by my husband's company. It'll be on the 15th of NOVEMBER. LOL Hubby also has a co worker who has a birthday and invited us. We're having festive events with my husband's parents on the 24th (Christmas Eve).. and we usually open our pressies on the Eve.. unlike how it is done in USA. :eek2:

I'm trying to find recipes for Buckeyes (hopefully get to ask my grandma for her recipe, i really loved hers).... and will make cherry pies.
WaterRats13 said:
I hate Christmas myself -- I don't mind the Christmas Day festive family meal gathering, but the presents part, I don't like shopping nor receive gifts. RME I just don't like Christmas and not keen on celebrating my birthday either.

Why might I ask you?

I've not celebrated my bday and christmas for years either, until I met Imp.