I applied 2 job today...

Wow, You are doing great stuff about me... Thanks for helping me and expected to get hired. :)

You are so very welcome Volcomskatz!!!! We are all here to help and support each other. You will do just great!!! I know you will!!!
Do not wear a dress! :fingersx:

How about a ruffle plaid skirt from Scotland with
knee hi socks ? Just like Guy Ritchie, Madonna's hubby ?

Hmm, That's something that
they will NEVER forget you :)

Good luck ! You'll do great anyway
Do not wear a dress! :fingersx:


You can do it for interview at minimum wage job and tell us if you are going hired after interview is success with no dresses but doubt would happen.
hope you will get job! be prepare yourself for your interview. Good lucky. or don't wear clothes! LOL :giggle:
Oh boy I've been all over town applying for so many jobs and taking so many tests. It's due to my current job screwing up my hours like a roller coaster forcing me to look for one with more stable full time hours.

Gotta advise watch for the psychological testing they are giving out nowadays. After a few of these tests I finally figured out how to defeat the psychological tests giving them the answers they want. I never had to fill out those damned tests before up to now. Even the stores and factories are joining in the act. Last Friday's test that I took was so damn complicated I felt like tearing up the test but I just kept on answering it. I hope I did give them the answers they most want to know.
Thanks to everyone for post here but I will keep update soon, probably in one week or so. :)
Do not wear a dress! :fingersx:

He may wear a red dress with bow on his hair. :lol:

Good Luck with your interview ! Do not forgot to give your wet kiss on your new supervisor's lips when they are offically hired you. ;)

I got appt for interview tomorrow at 3:00 PM at Kohl's.
Central Intelligence Agency

16.5 Million Dollars

going to be about a year soon since had been contacted by email I guess. was sending money over wire and was in high hope every times sending money oversea. until december decided to called law enforcement officer regarding about scam and asked to come to station to take all questions and get all information and was warned its scam not to sending anymore money and was hardly to beleive it was scam. then still contact that person by email and continued sending money over sea and was in high hope shortly after that and never did comes. Someone oversea asked that person to sending more money and had to make loans and send out until last month was put in upset and angry abot the person had been armed robbery and had to be in hospital and ask that person to send money for getting out of hospital and will send money what was expected but had to put in hospital to show prove that had been anixety and doctor orderdered not to check any more email messagee but still continue sending more money by other person to help out. ever since for a month since last tim,e and no idea what happen. Was in high hope for so long time for amost a year. High hope was a big house with swimming pool and vacations and many stuffs for a child what was expecting!
Not know if you have the same experience about scam to oversea? I wonder.