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he had a gas stove running for heat and he had no fans running....

This is a nice way to change your story after I shared my experience about my gas stove and non-working exhausted fan and a source from a website. I'm not sorry to say, You are full of it. :roll:
ouch.... ouch... ouch.......
This is a nice way to change your story after I shared my experience about my gas stove and non-working exhausted fan and a source from a website. I'm not sorry to say, You are full of it. :roll:

Try broken windows, broken water heater, tap water busted, broken toliets, and broken heat

This...doesnt make any sense :wtf: and my head just explode by overload of confusion!

Regardless of whether the OP's boss "tried" (yes, with quotes, as in supposedly) to kill her, broken toilets won't do it, neither will "tap water busted" (which I do NOT understand - does the kitchen or bath sink not work or what?????) kill her either. Bring some bottled water to work, don't work in an environment where you have to use a stove for heat, and so on. Is COMMON SENSE not applying here? Good grief.
Let us back up a few steps.

If I'm not mistaken, I don't think that Deafmedicalpoet was trying to say the broken toilets and heater and so on were the cause of CO poisoning. It seems to me she was just trying to give the gist of unsafe working conditions, one of which was carbon monoxide leaking. The source of CO was unclear but seeing as she was diagnosed by an ER doctor as having CO poisoning, I think it is safe to say that there was CO leaking from somewhere, which is the only way she could get CO poisoning.

Please let us hear the full story before jumping to the conclusion that Deafmedicalpoet is making up stories.
Sure thing. We'll hear the full true story as soon as she wants to tell us ..

By the way, she said specifically "Try broken windows, broken water heater, tap water busted, broken toliets, and broken heat" when asked how her boss tried to kill her with carbon monoxide. None of us put any of that in there. If she had unsafe working conditions, fine, we can acknowledge that. But if she wants to go so far as to list all that as causes as to how her boss tried to kill her by way of carbon monoxide, that's where we start wondering as to what the full story is.
He didnt do CO intentionally, but the fact he was stunned it was there when the ER called him about it and Nika can back up my facts.
he had a gas stove running for heat and he had no fans running..... did you ever think broken toliets would make it hard to go to the bathroom, and I do know about CO the police checked, I am just happy to be alive and and thanks to those that welcomed me back, those that seem to not understand my posts did you ever think to ask about them, I am trying to be supportive with my answers after all CO can be cause from broken items as the ER told me, especially combination of a broken heater and gas stove. I am making a christmas book and almost done.

I have lived in this apartment for two and a half months, to be exact. Since I live in Texas, it doesn't get cold until late in the year. It finally started to get cold last week. I tried to use the heat, and it was BROKEN. Look...I am still alive. I lived for over two months with broken heat, and I am not dead yet.

Plus, my toilet does not work properly. But it has not killed me yet. A broken toilet does not cause Carbon Monoxide poisoning. I'm still alive, and I am having it fixed this week. Plus, I can still use the bathroom. I just have to do things to the toilet to make it flush and to not keep the water running after I flush.

If you couldn't use the toilet at all, get a litter box. Pee and shit in it. Problem solved!
I know about CO poisoning. I also know it's odorless. The only way it's detectable is with a CO detector. You also don't need to use an exhaust fan. As long as you're in well ventilated area, you're fine. Opening a window serves the same purpose an exhaust fan would. People rarely die from this unless their stupid and forget to open a window.

At any rate, her story doesn't add up. She's most likely spinning a good story for dramatic purposes. :roll:

That's correct. My first house that I rented, I had a gas stove, and NO exhaust fan at ALL. All I had to do was open the huge kitchen windows and I am good to go! And this was in 1999. This is 2008, almost 2009, and I am still alive and well and posting in AllDeaf.
He didnt do CO intentionally, but the fact he was stunned it was there [/BR]when the ER called him about it and Nika can back up my facts.

He didn't do it intentionally, and was stunned the CO was there?

So, he didn't actually try to kill you? How could he, if he was stunned by the fact the CO was there ?

So, how exactly did he try to kill you? Clearly, not by carbon monoxide as you first stated.

Next time, TRY to think your story through before you post it.
If you couldn't use the toilet at all, get a litter box. Pee and shit in it. Problem solved!

LOL :rofl: Since I have cats I can just picture this ... I have yet to ever do this with a litterbox, but .... :rofl:
He didn't do it intentionally, and was stunned the CO was there?

So, he didn't actually try to kill you? How could he, if he was stunned by the fact the CO was there ?

So, how exactly did he try to kill you? Clearly, not by carbon monoxide as you first stated.

Next time, TRY to think your story through before you post it.

Sure thing. We'll hear the full true story as soon as she wants to tell us ..

By the way, she said specifically "Try broken windows, broken water heater, tap water busted, broken toliets, and broken heat" when asked how her boss tried to kill her with carbon monoxide. None of us put any of that in there. If she had unsafe working conditions, fine, we can acknowledge that. But if she wants to go so far as to list all that as causes as to how her boss tried to kill her by way of carbon monoxide, that's where we start wondering as to what the full story is.

I have a water heater, and it is not working properly. I am still alive and I have lived in this apartment for two and a half months. I am getting the water heater fixed this week. I have so many things in my apartment that are broken or are not working properly, and I and my cats are still not dead. These things will be fixed this week. My central heater was broken, and I just had it fixed last week. I lived the entire time in this apartment with the central heater broken, and I had no need to use the heat until last week since this is Texas. My bathtub faucet and shower head is not working right, and I am still alive. These things will be fixed this week too. I will admit, though, that my apartment is a shithole, but I have no choice since I am on a fixed income. The good news is, though, my building is next to be remodeled. The entire apartment complex (all 20 buildings) is being remodeled now since we were bought out by new owners last summer, and I am very happy about that since this complex looks so fucking ghetto. I have lived in this building for three years (I moved down to this apartment in early October specifically because it is on the first floor due to my disabilities, I was living on the second floor before). But, I do not believe ANYTHING DeafMedicalPoet says. I actually know her in real life, I have met her, and she is not very bright, and she is not a very honest person.
He didnt do CO intentionally, but the fact he was stunned it was there when the ER called him about it and Nika can back up my facts.

So you were lying. You were saying he was trying to kill you with CO poisoning. Now you said that he was stunned when the ER told him about the CO poisoning. That sounds like he was not trying to kill you, and that he probably was not aware of it in the first place. Nika backing up your facts is not going to help, since you changed your story. So your credibility has gone down the hole.

Thank you, my life has been so hectic since I got back from Holland and now I am planning to go back, but I also had a job for a few months here and finally lost it to my boss trying to kill me with Carbon Monoxide. Aint it grand to be alive and doing good and back to this special site.
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