Hurricane Flossie Cag 3

big island the bottom of the hawaii sandwich
Good luck, and praying that all of you in Hawaii come through safe and sound.
Hope it misses Hawaii, sigh. I don't want my son to miss his honeymoon to Hawaii next month.
aloha all!!!

YES i am ALIVE :)

ok heres what's going on..

it is now passing us but we will have the force of winds impacting us tonight and early tomorrow by wed evening/thursday morning the winds will have * died down* and the huricane will have died down by thursday evening as it passes FULLY from hawaii islands. winds will be impacting us late tonight early tomorrow morning we are now 155 miles from the hurricane cag 2 flossie, it will be cag 1 when it passes kauai then it will fully drop to tropical storm flossie once it passes us. SO we should be alright. We're still on hurricane watch as a safety precatious, from my first posting i made please check back with that website click on flossie and u'll see local statement hurricane watch information. So we have FULLY prepared everything in every measurement...

Last night's earthquake rattled some stores, and managed to knock over some things 3 of my books fell over from the book shelf and 2 of our figures we have kinda topped over to the side but didn't knock itself over, dad had to run and make sure the tv didn't fall over as the way the earth quake was going it could have managed to fall over as we were rattling back and forth BUT not sideways like it usually did. none of the dogs were fazed by it just did minor barking. but we're alright just pele objecting to the hurricane pretty much :)

so here u have it... Aloha once again i'll be back to post some more when time permits
BTW thank you all for your prayers and your love the feeling is mutal from here in hawaii, those in MINN u are still in my prayers and am VERY glad to hear that ur alright and still with us. Those in East coast bracing for the Tropical Storm Dean U are ALSO in my prayers.

those in Utah having fires U are also in my prayers!

those who are battling various situation you are in my thoughts and prayers love to all of you!

And to those with happy occasions congrats on ur milestones and wedded bliss.

Aloha Nui Loa

*From hawaii with love*
Oh thankfully flossie continues to weaken some as it encounters drier air in upper levels of atmosphere along with some westerly wind shear. Scary still due to amt of rain possible. Could be blessing in disguise because many of the Hawaiian islands are anywhere from 25% to 40% of normal precipitation for the water year.

JP, thank you for your prayers. Thankfully the wildfires in Utah are in much better situation than they were 3 weeks ago. Here in Utah we are also suffering from significan rain defecit for the year.
Glad to hear that you are doing ok and hanging in there.. :)

We all need to pray for people whose lives are affected by heat wave, too.

Really we need to pray for everything that goes on in the world. May God keep us protected from all harms. :)
Oh my dear and really glad that you are okay, Javapride...

All the people are continue in my thought and hope everything goes well.
Yay she's alive!

Glad to hear there wasnt much damage in spite of a strong storm. I assume that most Hiwaiians took the storm seriously and got on higher ground and sought shelter. Did any idiots try to surf the huge waves? (Just asking out of curiousity, every state has their share of them).
Tropical Storm Erin is slated to make landfall here in Texas tomorrow morning and the National Guard has been called to San Antonio and Weslaco. :Ohno:
its now tropical storm flossie now we're just relaxing and getting the household back to normal yes we did take it seriously after all katrina was a frigtening situation for us all.... As for those in Erin's way I pray for you !

yah we have had some idiots on the waves surfing but SOME watched mostly :)
Whew! I bet your amuch relieved.

As for the Texans - hold down your hats! How far inland are they expecting it?? I hope it doesnt do much damage. Surprisingly after KAtrina we've had alot of small storms but nothing of the magnitude of KAtrina and Rita. (As a matter of fact I can safely say that I have been in a Hurricane before - Rita came up my way when I was in Stuttgart for the weekend and spouted out a tornado that just about blew us away in the hotel. It was exciting people were flipping out and I was like meh, whatever just a little bit of wind, lol)
Glad it sounds like everything's okay in Hawaii; I was wondering if that earthquake around Peru was going to create a tsunami situation, heading for Hawaii... like it did, ummmm, back in the 60's?
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