How will Ivy League graduate school accept me?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I want to know how will ivy league graduate school accept me after graduate gallaudet next year?

how will i prepare and what do i must done critieria before apply them then accepted me?
Which ivy league school good for the deaf are welcome?

I want to know which ivy league school good for the deaf are welcome and easy to get in?
I think this is something you should personally know without others telling you, then you will be able to go to Ivy without needing money.
Which year did you start gally? Are you a freshman? You in any clubs?

I am started at gally in 2006...I am in fifth year senior, will graduate next year. club, i can not tell you, it is secret.
I am started at gally in 2006...I am in fifth year senior, will graduate next year. club, i can not tell you, it is secret.

That's cool matajan. Good to see you around here.
Do you enjoy Gallaudet?
Acceptance depends on GPA and test scores. The generic test is the GRE. Other specific graduate programs have specific tests.
what is your average gpa for 4 yrs?

at least 3.0 gpa...i do not know if they will like...i remember one public university told that my gpa is low for enroll but this university is public like lots people...but in ivy league seems like high demand work and expectation, would challenge for me.
ivy league schools

I have heard that Harvard likes to keeps it's graduate students as varied as possible. You being deaf would probably be interesting for them.
I remember a teacher at NTID who got his phd from harvard - "hravard bob" .
Most of the ivy league schools would be more flexible with you if you highlight the fact you are deaf. Are you female? A minority?? That would help also
at least 3.0 gpa...i do not know if they will like...i remember one public university told that my gpa is low for enroll but this university is public like lots people...but in ivy league seems like high demand work and expectation, would challenge for me.

sorry to say but realistically... based on everything I have observed - you don't really have a chance to get into Ivy League. Don't get discouraged. It means you need to work harder and improve yourself. Come back in a few years.
I have heard that Harvard likes to keeps it's graduate students as varied as possible. You being deaf would probably be interesting for them.
I remember a teacher at NTID who got his phd from harvard - "hravard bob" .
Most of the ivy league schools would be more flexible with you if you highlight the fact you are deaf. Are you female? A minority?? That would help also

I am male and parents pushed me too much to get into ivy league soon, prove these fame or politicians who members of top schools that I am deaf I can do like this.

Any of you heard one guy deaf who is in dpn 1988, failed his goal at law school then move back his old life, he worked hard at dpn 1988, what is going on with some deaf people scared of getting in top school like one who becomes executive director of dyusa last month, too not ready go or former miss deaf new york 2007-2009, not ready, they are both at gallaudet and grad last may, supposed to be career in law.
Why not go for it instead of asking us. Never know. Be creative with your application process.
Like shel90l sez, can't hurt to try. The scchools can be flexible with grad students. Get lots of support from different people in writing that back you up. You need some flair
I want to know how will ivy league graduate school accept me after graduate gallaudet next year?

how will i prepare and what do i must done critieria before apply them then accepted me?
Doesn't your college have career counselors? That's who should help you prepare for graduate school. The counselor can find all the requirements for the schools and compare them to your grades and aptitude. Usually they'll help you with the application process.
sorry to say but realistically... based on everything I have observed - you don't really have a chance to get into Ivy League. Don't get discouraged. It means you need to work harder and improve yourself. Come back in a few years.

I am with you on this.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I figured that, too.
look kid, there are no universities can get in easy. Gallaudet is might be a better place for you to graduate and go for master's at there instead to looking universities around in this America. It is not fun to look around, for your information. UNLESS, one of universities that you listed accept you, you are lucky son of the b.....(you know what it is). Dont get me wrong, you can do it whatever you want. You gotta to WORK HARDER than you can imagine of.

i got in ivy league, kid- RIT is considered part of ivy league (might be wrong but...?) and now, Im in San Jose State University. It is not easy to make it through for last 3 years and behold, im almost done.

bottom line is that you need to work harder than you could have imagine of. by the way, i know that anyone who is alumni from university, if his/her child(ren) get in and their tuition will be cheaper.

I hate to say this, you dont have a chance to get in Ivy. Yo, its realistic because you dont have that material (maybe im wrong but dont feel that offend).
I am male and parents pushed me too much to get into ivy league soon, prove these fame or politicians who members of top schools that I am deaf I can do like this.

Any of you heard one guy deaf who is in dpn 1988, failed his goal at law school then move back his old life, he worked hard at dpn 1988, what is going on with some deaf people scared of getting in top school like one who becomes executive director of dyusa last month, too not ready go or former miss deaf new york 2007-2009, not ready, they are both at gallaudet and grad last may, supposed to be career in law.

don't worry about what you hear. don't worry about other people. their life stories don't mean it will happen to you same way.

Cindy Crawford. the supermodel of the world. She got the scholarship and went to Northwestern University which is one of the best universities. She majored in chemical engineering with GPA close to 4.0. She was high school valedictorian.

David Duchovny (X-File guy). graduated from Princeton University. and went to Yale for grad school for Ph.d.

Natalie Portman. a movie star. finished high school with 4.0 GPA and got psychology degree from Harvard University and can speak 4 languages fluently (English, Japanese, French, and Hebrew).

what's my point? pursue what you like and believe in - regardless of what school you went to. Naturally - many people expect people graduating from Ivy Leagues to be doctors, lawyers, or politicians. You are old enough now to make a decision for yourself. If you don't know what you want to do in your life - then take your time to figure it out but don't waste your time.

Gallaudet University has several counselors/advisors at your disposal for free to answer any questions you have.