How To Keep Your House Clean


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May 20, 2003
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To get your kitchen sink clean: Use a germicide and a brush with chlorine and water.

Dishrags and sponges: Clean them in a washing machine with bleach. No one should use a sponge for more than a month.

Trashcans should be sprayed with a disinfectant every time you change the bag. If you see any liquid material, thoroughly wash it.

Air-dry everything. Dryness kills germs and prevents them from growing.

Humidifiers: Bacteria grow in the water and spreads when you run the humidifier. Before you add new water, thoroughly clean the system.

Dust mites: Vacuum your mattress, carpeting and drapery at a very high setting. You can also use a chemical cleaner you can buy in stores called benzyl benzoate. Impervious covers for your pillows and mattress will prevent dust mites from coming through.

Sheets, pillow casings and impervious casings should be washed in 150 degrees Fahrenheit every seven days.

Pillows functionally last 3–5 years.

Vacuum bags should be changed once a month.

Stuffed animals: Vacuum weekly and/or throw them in the dryer at a high setting to kill germs.

Experts say disposable razors are only good for three uses. They become dull, knick your skin, and the old skin cells become a breeding ground for infection.
One of the best ways to help keep a house clean is to make good use of the trash can. Make clutter free zones in your house.

I came from a home (my ex wife) that was practically embraced a clutter canyon with piles and piles of magazines and flyers everywhere for 5 long years.

I spent 5 Hours cleaning the kitchen today. Place is SPOTLESS now, I went thru EVERYTHING, You wouldn't believe where grease goes from the stove and up the fan and the fan blows it even further.

Those are all good tips. Especially for bedding. I know some people only wwash their bedding once every 2 to 3 months and thats just YUCK.
Wow thanks, Sabrina..good tips!
Now i have a do you get rid of bedbugs? LOL!
I heard if your mattress is real old and soiled, it can have bedbugs right?
my mattress is only 5 years old but its still good, so when is the best time to buy new mattress?..
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I always pour some chlorine in the porcelain sink once a week, but I wonder if it's safe to use chlorine in the metal sink? I use a quarter of lemon or lime in disposal to clean the blade and it gives a clean smell, too.

I knew most of the tips here, except a couple I didn't know. Great post Sabrina!
Defee said:
Wow thanks, Sabrina..good tips!
Now i have a do you get rid of bedbugs? LOL!
I heard if your mattress is real old and soiled, it can have bedbugs right?
my mattress is only 5 years old but its still good, so when is the best time to buy new mattress?..

How could we afford to replacement new mattress within five years. It cost $450.00 dollars ? :shock:

Could we spray flea killer in the matress? I am not sure which sprayer should we used ?
Katzie said:
I always pour some chlorine in the porcelain sink once a week, but I wonder if it's safe to use chlorine in the metal sink? I use a quarter of lemon or lime in disposal to clean the blade and it gives a clean smell, too.

I knew most of the tips here, except a couple I didn't know. Great post Sabrina!

Wow chlorine is very strong chemical. I am not sure if it will damage your plumber ? How about use the special plumber half bottle? Let it soak for overnight then turn hot water raise for about 15 second ? I did this before when the sink was blocked.

I used to clean two cat litter boxes. That was extremely disgusted because it was odor on the plastic boxes. I had to threw them away and put the plastic cover these boxes to prevent odor but the cats tend to straches and ripping the plastic bag. :|

I can't stand to smell cat litter boxes !! They are in the bathroom and hallway in the living room. We live in small apartment as we do not know where shall we put them. We have two cats now. It is very frustrated for us. I wish, I have a basement to put them away from here.
dhw5320 said:
I spent 5 Hours cleaning the kitchen today. Place is SPOTLESS now, I went thru EVERYTHING, You wouldn't believe where grease goes from the stove and up the fan and the fan blows it even further.

Those are all good tips. Especially for bedding. I know some people only wwash their bedding once every 2 to 3 months and thats just YUCK.

Were you talking about bed sheets and pillow case? We need to wash the sheets every week to prevent germs. I did this to my kids and our bedroom. I did not want to see them sick from germs pillow case.

I used Herbal Scent X-14 soap scum to cleaner in the bathroom. I love that smell so much. I am going to clean the bathroom after this.

The toliet tends to smell urine and dusty. I can't stand to smell it. I used X-14 to rid of odor urine.

I strongly recommend you to try X-14 with Orange BOTTLE. You will love the smell after you clean the bathroom.
Sabrina said:
How could we afford to replacement new mattress within five years. It cost $450.00 dollars ? :shock:

Could we spray flea killer in the matress? I am not sure which sprayer should we used ?
Well if the mattress is badly soiled and lumpy, it would be worth the money to buy new mattress for safety reasons and for your back too..i hate lumpy mattress, it hurts my back, i like my mattress to be real firm. Yes they are expensive but better for health and your back too. I dont know if flea killer would kill the bedbugs or not, the smell of the flea spray would just kill us, pheewww! lol. I would just buy a new one! heh..
dhw5320 said:
I spent 5 Hours cleaning the kitchen today. Place is SPOTLESS now, I went thru EVERYTHING, You wouldn't believe where grease goes from the stove and up the fan and the fan blows it even further.

Those are all good tips. Especially for bedding. I know some people only wwash their bedding once every 2 to 3 months and thats just YUCK.
Yikes! you mean some people dont change their sheets for 2 or 3 months?? nasty!! I always change my sheets every week on Sundays! ahh! i love the smell of clean on my bed...
Sabrina said:
Wow chlorine is very strong chemical. I am not sure if it will damage your plumber ? How about use the special plumber half bottle? Let it soak for overnight then turn hot water raise for about 15 second ? I did this before when the sink was blocked.

Actually I use bleach and water in the sink and let it sit for an hour. I'm just wondering about the metal sink because I have one in my kitchen and I'm afraid to try it. I use simple green stuff to wash and rinse the sink.

Damage my plumber? The plumber would sue me! Never called for a plumber though. hehehe Though I do know what you're trying to say... *winks*

I used to clean two cat liter boxes. That was extremely disgusted because it was odor on the plastic boxes. I had to threw them away and put the plastic cover these boxes to prevent odor but the cats tend to straches and ripping the plastic bag. :|

Yes, the cat's urine has a very strong odor and I couldn't take another wiff from that. Whew! We have two cats, too. Have to clean their "mess" every day otherwise the whole house will smell. Once a month we dump cat liter and use simple green stuff in the pan and let it sit for an hour. Waterhose in the pan outside and let it airdry or you can dry it yourself immediately. Then sprinkle around with cat deodorizer on the bottom of the pan and pour some cat liter in the pan and sprinkle again with cat deodorizer on top. Works great!
yea i do that spray in trash can every time i change bags... it helped.. i has a bag for cat box so put liter on it until see poop or whatever so just pick bag up and shake easy let liter out back to box so save ur neck then throw the bag in other bag and threw away.. it easy job.. every 7 days i cleaned box and put new liter...
Yeah i know what you mean about cat litter boxes..pheeww! i used to have cats myself...did you know if you dont change the litter box like a week or so, the cats refuse to use it? my cat did that cuz it was too dirty for her so she used the floor around it, crikey! she taught me a lesson here, so i changed her box every 5 to 7 days! and she didnt use the bathroom on the floor anymore! so you know they hate dirty litter boxes as much as we do! :roll:
I'd REALLY recommend cleaning the litterbox EVERYDAY. It only takes no more than 5 minutes of your DAY and if you think about it, would you use a bathroom that has a weeks worth of shit and piss in the toilet?
Advise.. best clean up cat litter everyday to remove the urine and pooped..
Best use called : Asborb Cat litter (sand) It's WORKS.. no odors.. Love it perfect peace.. You can buy puffs scent spray.. will not coming from odors by cat litter.

No longer cat w/us because My prevouis Bulldog (passed away) Chippy loved pooped on cat litter.. Wha.. hell HUGE POOPED on cat litter. ((wondering which bullies had done??)) I caught one her.. ahhh finally now i know who is Chippy.. ((chuckles))
I clean the house everyday I like keep the house clean I can't stand messy house and I clean the cat letter everyday and give her clean water too I know my 11 years old cat is soooooooooooo fussy

Look like Sabrina is "Deaf Martha Stewart" :laugh2: